In the APEA predictor exam I scored lowest in Women’s Health, so the topic that I chose to do this case study on is the Human Papillomavirus HPV. HPV is a virus that spreads from person to person through skin-to-skin contact. HPV infects the epithelium with small, double-stranded DNA viruses. There are many types of HPV, and they are all different. The virus is a sexually transmitted disease. HPV is sometimes usually harmless with no symptoms and goes away on its own, but it can cause genital warts or can lead to cancer in some scenarios. The case below presents the Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV in women).

Case presentation

Chief complaint CC

Patient AZ is 43 years old who presents to the clinic after not visiting the clinic for the last ten years. She has a chief complaint of a painless genital lesion and lower abdominal pain for the last two months. She presents to the clinic after she was referred to the clinic due to an abnormal pap result from a community screening center.

History of the patient

Patient AZ presents with mild to severe abdominal pains. She also complains of vaginal bleeding and pain.

Past Medical history

Patient AZ was 33 years old when she went for the last pap test. From the medical report, the pap test indicated a low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. The HPV test results indicate positive HPV I6. From the results, she was asked to go for further testing but failed to follow up.

Multivitamins medications

Medications: Multivitamins medications for the past six months and blood pressure medications (Diuretics for one year).

Allergies: None

Family History: Mother has diabetes; she has a healthy sibling with no identified illness.

Social History: Patient AZ is married and lives with her husband. She has two children and one sibling. She reports the use of alcohol alongside her meals.


General: Has no weight loss and sometimes experiences chills and fever, fatigue, and body weakness.

Respiratory: No coughs, shortness of breath, reports having sore throats.

Cardiovascular: negative for chest pains and edema, positives for abdominal pains

GI/GU: mild to severe abdominal pains, changes in the bowel reaction, abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Skin: no skin rashes or itching. Skin is generally warm

Hematologic: Positive for abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Musculoskeletal: no reported back pains, joint pain, or swelling, positive for occasional neck pains.

Neurological: Negative for dizziness, headaches, tingling, and numbness.

Allergic: no reports on anaphylaxis and angioedema