The Legal Environment of Business

BUS -Spring 2021

The Legal Environment of Business

Project Instructions Sheet




Law and government regulations affect almost all business activities from hiring and firing decisions to workplace safety, the manufacturing and marketing of products, business financing, and more. To make good business decisions, a basic knowledge of the laws and regulations governing these activities is beneficial if it is not essential.


Requirement – Content


In light of the statement above and course reading, critically analyze the relevant legal environment of work organisations in respect of one of the following business laws listed below. Your discussion should be supported by the relevant examples from the world of practice.

· Tort law

· Product liability

· Intellectual property rights.

· Internet laws, social media, and privacy.

· Cybercrime.

· International and space law.

· Employment, immigration, and labour law.

· Employment discrimination.


Requirement – Format

Your research project should be compiled in a written report, documenting the nature of the project, its objectives, the teamwork dynamics and the actual findings linked to the theoretical material of the course.

The work must be word-processed and must not exceed 4000 words (with an allowance of 10% below or over this word count). Your work should include the cover sheet for this assignment (it is available below). The font type used for this report must be ‘Times New Roman’ with a font size of 12. Line spacing of paragraphs should be 1.5.


The written report should be submitted online via Black Board.

The PPT presentation should be submitted through email.



Cheating and Plagiarism: Those who copy or use the work of others without attribution will receive no credit for the assignment involved. More than one incident of cheating and/or plagiarism will trigger University disciplinary action.

Plagiarism Policy:

· The work you submit for credit must be your original work.

· Assignments that are not the original work of the student are considered plagiarized.

· Plagiarism occurs when another person’s work, words, or ideas are presented as one’s own without the use of a school-recognized method of citation, such as APA style (e.g., copied from another source such as an author or another student without properly acknowledging the actual writer/author).

· Plagiarism also occurs when knowingly giving or allowing one’s own work to be copied or otherwise duplicated by another for academic credit, or when resubmitting one’s own work for academic credit.

· All those who violate this policy will receive a zero for the assignment and the case will be turned over to the Dean of Student Affairs for further action.


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