Nursing Theory

ANS200083 January 29, 2011 20:1 Char Count= 0

Advances in Nursing Science Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 67–77

Copyright c© 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Nursing Theory-Based Independent Nursing Practice A Personal Experience of Closing the Theory-Practice Gap

Kathleen Musker, PhD, RN

The article presents a narrative and exemplar from an independent nursing practice under-

pinned by the theory of health as expanding consciousness. The journey illustrates the impor-

tance of developing personal and professional awareness of theories that are congruent with

one’s worldview. This enhances meaning in nursing practice and contributes to closing the

theory-practice gap. The benefits of independent nursing practice to closing the gap are also

discussed. Key words: health as expanding consciousness, independent nursing practice, practice methodology, theory-practice gap

Independent nursing

IN 1989, Rogers wrote that “individualshave a personal paradigm or meaning per- spective that structures the way in which

they existentially experience, interpret, and

understand their world.”1(p112) Each individ-

ual nurse therefore holds a particular world-

view. According to their worldview, they are

likely to have theories congruent with the

paradigm, by which they account for how

things work in the world. It is the contention

of this writer that, as a nurse, becoming

aware of one’s worldview contributes to iden-

tifying theories, particularly nursing theories,

that are congruent with her or his worldview

and therefore are recognized by the nurse

as meaningful to her or his nursing practice.

In my experience, having meaningful knowl-

edge instills a desire to apply the knowledge

in practice. A felt sense of integrity of the-

ory and practice emerges and promotes a pat-

tern of applying theory in practice, and gain-

Author Affiliation: School of Nursing and Health Studies, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois.

The author thanks Dr Paula Kagan for her contribution to this article.

Correspondence: Kathleen Musker, PhD, RN, School of Nursing and Health Studies, Northern Illinois Univer- sity, 1240 Normal, DeKalb, IL (

ing new nursing knowledge that arises from

meaningful practice.

professional life

Developing processes for expanding con-

sciousness of worldview or paradigmatic per-

spective and theories that underpin my per-

sonal and professional life is a process that

evolved in my life over many years. Only in

retrospect did I realize that I had been repeat-

edly using specific processes of attention, re-

flection, and articulation in my personal and

professional nursing journey to bring to con-

sciousness my beliefs and the theories that

support them. This occurred while I spiraled

through phases of theory and practice toward

my current unitary worldview and health as

expanding consciousness (HEC)–based inde-

pendent nursing practice (INP).2 With in-

creasing autonomy in my nursing practice, I

became more and more aware of the value of

theory to guide my practice, which led to my

experience of closing the theory-practice gap.

It is the purpose of this article to illu-

minate the value of nursing theory to INP

and to explicate this as an evolving personal

process. This will be accomplished by pre-

senting a narrative of my evolving personal

and professional journey regarding my ex-

panding awareness and experience of nurs-

ing theory-practice, nursing roles, education,

Copyright © 2011 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.




ANS200083 January 29, 2011 20:1 Char Count= 0


employment, identity, and worldview. My

nursing practice as evidence of the value of

theory to practice will be further detailed

through a description, exemplar, and analysis

of my current INP methodology as guided by

Newman’s2 HEC theory. Implications regard-

ing the theory-practice gap, emergent from

my personal and professional experience, will

also be noted.

I am presenting my personal journey, sup-

plemented with an exemplar from my current

INP, for 2 primary reasons. The first is to in-

dicate that closing the theory-practice gap is

in part an intuitive process of self-awareness

and can be done independently. The second

reason is to present the process of closing the

theory-practice gap in the context of a non-

conventional nursing setting that is an inde-

pendent private practice. It is important that

nurses are aware of nursing practice options

through which they can practice in ways that

are congruent with their personal paradigms,

and this article presents an example of a nurs-

ing theory–guided INP that is congruent with

the unitary-transformative nursing paradigm.3

Although this article indicates that it is possi-

ble to close the theory-practice gap indepen-

dently, it took me many years to do so, and

it is my belief that using the processes of at-

tention, reflection, and articulation can acti-

vate awareness and close the gap in a more

timely manner. As nurses are being held more

and more accountable for theory in practice,

time may be of the essence in expanding self-

awareness of personal and professional be-

liefs, theories, and values because they relate

to practice in any nursing setting.


My current nursing practice includes nurs-

ing education, inpatient acute psychiatric

clinical practice, and a private INP. Much

has been written about theory as applied to

practice in the more traditional health care

settings,4 but little has been written about

independent practice as a setting in which

nurses apply nursing theory.

Independent nursing

Nursing as a healing art was independently

practiced in various forms and cultures for

eons, but in Western society women as in-

dependent practitioners in health care were

rare after 1900.5 With the advent of medi-

cal science and the dominance of medicine

as a predominantly male profession in the

late 1800s,5,6 the role of women in health

care as nurses came to be viewed as sub-

servient to doctors, following the doctor’s or-

ders and carrying out their treatment plans.

This type of nursing practice usually oc-

curred in hospital settings where nurses

worked as teams. As nurses moved into

public-community health care settings, they

gained a measure of independence.6 With the

advances of the feminist movement in the

1960s and 70s, nurses began to seek ways

to practice independently,7 either doing nurs-

ing work in private practices8 or using their

however nursing knowledge in other fields such as in


Independent nursing function was de- fined as “any aspect of nursing practice for

which the nurse alone is responsible, act-

ing on his or her own initiative and without

instructions from any other discipline.”10(p1)

There are new opportunities emerging for

nurses to enter independent practice due

to social trends such as decreasing num-

bers of hospitals in certain areas because of

consolidation,11 the emphasis on preventive

health care,11 and public interest in holis-

tic modalities.12 Independent nurse practices

certainly form “a small but important part of the health

care system and provide the public with a

greater degree of choice regarding health care

delivery.”13(p237) Nurses seek to enter inde-

pendent practice for a variety of reasons such

as freedom to focus on chosen areas of health

medication errors

You are the unit supervisor of a medical-surgical unit.  Jane is an RN on your unit.  She graduated 3 years ago from nursing school and has made a number of small errors in the past few months. all of which she voluntarily reported.  These errors included things like missing medications, giving medications late, and giving medications to the wrong patient  No apparent harm has occurred to her patients as a result of these errors and on each occasion, Jane has responded to your coaching efforts with an assertion that she will be more attentive and careful in the future.  Today however, Jane came to your office to admitted that she flushed a patient’s iV line with 10,000 units of heparin rather than with the 100 units that was ordered.  The vials looked similar and she failed to notice the dosing on the label.  Jane reported the error to the patient’s physician and filled out the adverse incident report form required by the hospital on all medication errors.  At this point, the patient is demonstrating no ill effects from the overdosing but will need to be closely monitored for the next 24 hours.

medication errors is placing patients at risk

You recognize that Jane’s pattern of repetitive medication errors is placing patients at risk.   have some reservations about dealing with Jane in a punitive way. since she openly reports the errors she makes and because none of her errors until today ad really jeopardized patient safety.   also be aware that you have an obligation to make sure that the staff caring for your patients are competent and that patients are protected from harm.  You are also attempting to establish a unit culture that encourages open reporting, not “shame and blame” so you are aware that your staff are watching closely how you will respond to yet another error on Jane’s part.

Please answer the following questions on how you would handle the situation (5 points each)

#1.  What will you do to address this error as well as the errors Jane has made in the past few months?

#2.  What options are available to you?

#3.  What obligations do you have to Jane, to the organization, and to the patients on your unit?

#4.  How will you create a culture that encourages.  open the reporting of errors and yet protects patients from potentially unsafe practitioners?


types of quantitative and qualitative research


It is anticipated that the initial discussion response should be in the range of 250-300 words

How do the sampling methods and sample sizes vary for the different types of quantitative and qualitative research?

  • Hypothetically, what sampling method would you use to conduct a study of your selected evidence-based practice problem/topic? Why?
  • How would you determine the sample type and size?

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

How to do the sampling methods and sample sizes

NU560 Discussion 2.2 Rubric

NU560 Discussion 2.2 Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

NU560-CO1; NU560-CO2

6 pts


Initial post addresses all of the required prompt elements in the discussion and demonstrates an exemplary understanding of course content and topic.

5.5 pts


Initial post addresses all of the required prompt elements in the discussion and demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of course content and topic.

5 pts


Initial post is missing one important prompt element and/or demonstrates a basic understanding of course content and topic.

4.5 pts


Initial post is missing more than one important prompt element and/or demonstrates a limited understanding of course content and topic.

4 pts


Initial post does not address discussion prompt elements, and/or does not demonstrate understanding of course content and topic and/or initial post is poorly paraphrased even if accompanied by in-text citations.

0 pts

0 %

Initial post was not submitted and/or not submitted on time and/or initial post demonstrates copying and pasting with or without proper use of quotations or supporting in-text citations.

sample sizes

6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis

NU560-CO1; NU560-CO2

6 pts


The analysis of the topic includes breadth and depth, is aligned to the unit topic, relates to the course content and personal analysis is supported by exemplary references and examples.

5.5 pts


The analysis of the topic is justified, and aligned to the unit topic, and personal analysis is supported by comprehensive references and/or examples.

5 pts


There is a basic analysis of the topic and personal analysis is supported by basic references and/or examples.

4.5 pts


There is minimal evidence of analysis of the topic and/or personal analysis is supported by limited references and/or examples.

4 pts


There is no evidence of analysis of the topic and/or personal analysis is not supported by references and/or examples.

0 pts


Initial post was not submitted and/or not submitted on time and/or analysis had no relationship to the topic and/or initial post demonstrates copying and pasting with or without proper use of quotations or supporting in-text citations.

How do the sampling methods and sample sizes

6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCollaboration


6 pts


Collaborates with fellow learners at an exemplary level relating the discussion to relevant course concepts and extending the conversation with substantive content.

5.5 pts


Collaborates with fellow learners at a comprehensive level relating the discussion to relevant course concepts and extending the conversation with substantive content.

5 pts


Collaborates with fellow learners at a basic level relating the discussion to some course concepts and extending the conversation with basic content and/or postings are not submitted on a minimum of 3 separate days.

4.5 pts


Limited collaboration with fellow learners and makes little connection to course content and/or does not extend the conversation.

4 pts


Collaborates with fellow learners but only one response post was submitted and/or response post(s) are poorly paraphrased even if accompanied by in-text citations.

0 pts


No response posts were submitted and/or not submitted on time and/or there is no relationship between the response posts and the discussion prompts and/or one or more response posts demonstrate copying and pasting with or without proper use of quotations or supporting in-text citations.

types of quantitative and qualitative research

6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
1 pts


Posts in this discussion are well written and well organized demonstrating exemplary scholarly writing. Mechanics (spelling and punctuation) and grammar are excellent.

0.9 pts


Posts in this discussion are well written and well organized demonstrating comprehensive scholarly writing and/or have 1-2 errors in mechanics and/or grammar.

0.8 pts


Posts in this discussion are basic examples of scholarly writing and/or have 3 errors in mechanics and/or grammar.

0.7 pts


Posts in this discussion are not clear and/or lack organization and/or have 4 or more errors in mechanics and/or grammar.

0.6 pts


Posts in this discussion lack evidence of clear, organized scholarly writing. Errors interfere with reading and/or understanding of content.

0 pts


Posts were not submitted and/or one or more posts demonstrate copying and pasting with or without proper use of quotations or supporting in-text citations.

1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA


1 pts


Posts in this discussion demonstrate in-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style and formatting.

0.9 pts


Posts in this discussion demonstrate in-text citations of sources and references but have 1-2 minor APA errors.

0.8 pts


have 3-4 APA errors.

0.7 pts


have 5-6 APA errors.

0.6 pts


Posts in this discussion do not provide sufficient in-text citations and/or references and/or have 7 or more APA errors.

0 pts


Posts were not submitted and/or one or more posts demonstrate copying and pasting with or without proper use of quotations or supporting in-text citations.


1 pts
Total Points: 20

Introduction to Evidence Practice Problem

Unit 2 – Introduction to Evidence Practice Problem Paper

Submit Assignment


In this assignment, you will select an evidence-based practice problem from an identified list of topics provided by your course faculty (this is the topic you selected and identified in your unit 1 discussion:  PICOT Research Question: “in-patient with osteoarthritis of the knees, is water therapy done daily more successful than a land-based exercise in restoring motion?” The “in-patient with osteoarthritis” is the target population. “While water” therapy is the intervention of interest, “land-based exercise” is the comparison. “Restoring of motion” and “performed daily” will be the outcome and time, respectively.).  After selecting a topic from the provided list, you will develop a PICOT question around your topic. Then, you will discuss the selected topic problem and significance of the problem, as well as your search strategy in locating three research articles that align to your selected topic.

PICOT Research Question

For this assignment, be sure to include the following assignment criteria in your paper:

  1. Discuss your selected evidence-based practice problem/topic.
  2. Discuss the significance of the selected evidence-based practice problem.
    1. Support your discussion in terms of statistics and evidence-based outcomes.
  3. Describe your PICOT question created around the selected evidence-based practice problem.
    1. Included the individual PICOT components, as well as a combine PICOT question, in sentence format.
  4. Identify the three articles you selected that address the problem which is the focus of your PICOT question.
  5. Describe the search strategy you used to locate these three articles, including terms used when search, the research databases, and how you refined your search to select the three articles.
  6. Provide a conclusion to summarize your findings.

PICOT Research Question

Remember to support your ideas with the articles you found. These articles should be less than five (5) years old. They should not be from the Web, but from the library databases, and be sure to use a narrative format.

In addition, you must follow APA guidelines, providing a title page, reference page, and in-text citations, as well as use level headings to match the assignment criteria listed above.

Please use, at minimum three scholarly references, and your paper should be 300-400 words, excluding title and reference pages.

Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.

Supporting Materials:

Development Of A Theory Of Nursing

A Beginning Concept Analysis Towards the Development of a Theory of Nursing Practice

In this assignment, you will write, no more than four (4) pages about a concept and explaining why you hold it dear to yourself. This is called values clarifications.

Perhaps you have gone through self introspection every now and then you might ask yourself:

  • Why do I value this?(your values system)
  • Why do you value patience? respect? comforting?  cleanliness? spirituality? acculturation? inclusion? social injustice? social distancing/close socializing? These are just examples of a concept(s).

For this paper you will perform an analysis of a concept. Perhaps you would want to be curious as to how this word came about. In other words, you would want to know it origins. This is what you call the epistemology of a concept.Then go back to values clarification. Ask yourself:

  • Why do I value this concept so much?
  • Explain the reason why it is significant in your life.
  • Further, why did it become important part of my belief system?

Then, ask yourself:

Expand the answers to the “why” to the 4 metaparadigms of nursing: man, health, environment. At this point you are now connecting your concept with the 4 metaparadigms of nursing. Eventually you will connect your expanded idea to call it YOUR OWN theory of nursing practice. Name it! Steps to follow:

  1. Before beginning this project, review Chapter 3 in your textbook. Also review the Link to Practice 4.1 and Box 3.2, 3.3 & table 3.4 that will guide you on how to start. You are not limited to this recommendations. You can chose from many guidelines found in Chapter 3.
  2. Your Concept Analysis must address all the questions listed above (ask yourself).
  3.  must be your original work.
  4. It should be no more than four (4) pages long, double spaced, and typed in a MS WORD file.
  5. It should adhere to 7th edition APA style (includes introduction, body, conclusion) with correct grammar and spelling are expected.

Affordable Healthcare Comparison

Affordable Healthcare Comparison

It may seem to you that healthcare has been a national topic of debate among political leaders for as long as you can remember.

Healthcare has been a policy item and a topic of debate not only in recent times but as far back as the administration of the second U.S. president, John Adams. In 1798, Adams signed legislation requiring that 20 cents per month of a sailor’s paycheck be set aside for covering their medical bills. This represented the first major piece of U.S. healthcare legislation, and the topic of healthcare has been woven into presidential agendas and political debate ever since.

As a healthcare professional, you may be called upon to provide expertise, guidance and/or opinions on healthcare matters as they are debated for inclusion into new policy. You may also be involved in planning new organizational policy and responses to changes in legislation. For all of these reasons you should be prepared to speak to national healthcare issues making the news.

In this Assignment, you will analyze recent presidential healthcare agendas. You also will prepare a fact sheet to communicate the importance of a healthcare issue and the impact on this issue of recent or proposed policy.

To Prepare:

  • Review the agenda priorities of the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations.
  • Select an issue related to healthcare that was addressed by each of the last three U.S. presidential administrations.
  • Reflect on the focus of their respective agendas, including the allocation of financial resources for addressing the healthcare issue you selected.
  • Consider how you would communicate the importance of a healthcare issue to a legislator/policymaker or a member of their staff for inclusion on an agenda.

The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid, 1-Page Analysis, and 1-page narrative) with a title page, an introduction, purpose statement, and a conclusion. This is an APA paper.

Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid

Use the Agenda Comparison Grid Template found in the Learning Resources and complete the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid based on the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations and their agendas related to the public health concern you selected. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it.
  • Describe the administrative agenda focus related to the issue you selected.
  • Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.
  • Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.
  • At least 3 resources must be used

Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid on the template, complete the Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis portion of the template, by addressing the following:

  • Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?
  • How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there?
  • Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents?

Part 3: Narrative

Using the information recorded on the template in Parts 1 and 2, develop a 1-page narrative that you could use to communicate with a policymaker/legislator or a member of their staff for this healthcare issue. Be sure to address the following:

  • Summarize why this healthcare issue is important and should be included in the agenda for legislation.
  • Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for healthcare issues.
  • The response fully integrates at least 2 outside resources and 2-3 course specific resources that fully supports the summary provided.

Health & Medical Patient Centered Care

NUR3805 Nursing Role and Scope Research Paper # 2 The paper should address the following:

1. Describe the dimensions of Patient-Centered Care and how do you apply PCC in your current practice.

2. Effective communications between health care providers and the patient is an essential component of PCC, why?

3. Describe an interprofessional healthcare team in your area of work. Do the members work collaboratively? Do they improve patients’ outcomes, how?

4. Think about your experience as a nurse student, have you observed effective communication improve patients’ outcomes? Have you observed the impact of poor communication on patients’ outcomes?

The paper must be typed in APA format with a minimum of 1000 words (excluding first and references page) with a minimum of 4 evidence-based references within the past 5 years using the required Arial 12 font. Follow the APA example paper under the folder APA tools.

Make sure references are used according to APA guidelines and electronic references must be from reliable sources such as CDC.

APA format 7th edition


Cited 4 or more sources. Sources reliable, properly cited. Ideas well organized All information included. Sufficient information provided to support all elements of topic.

Research Topic includes all aspects of the project, appropriate length of paper and topic. Content relevant to purpose of paper Contains clear and appropriate organization, with effective transitions, introduction, and conclusion.

Consistent and appropriate writing style, there are no grammatical spelling errors. Appropriate punctuation used. Met min/max page requirements

All sources properly cited. References used appropriately in paper, no errors in references, correct use of APA style references. Presence of in-text citations or quotations that supports the student statements within the paper. Peer reviewed journals within past 5 years


Healthcare & Information Technology

Healthcare & Information Technology

Examine the organization where you currently work, somewhere you have worked in the past, or a place where you would like to be employed in the future. Identify a need for an IT system to replace a paper/manual process or to upgrade an existing system.

In your paper:

  • Describe the need your new system will address and how it will improve quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, and/or how it will reduce expenses.
  • Describe the selection process required to acquire the appropriate system, including the person or team that will make the final selection. Within this section:
    • Describe at least three potential vendors and how they can be differentiated.
    • Once you identify the final vendor, complete a simple qualitative return on investment (ROI) analysis (what qualitative aspects are desirable).
    • List strategies that will ensure a successful implementation and describe potential barriers to success.
  • Create a high-level implementation plan (high-level steps to implement the system).
  • The body of your paper should be 5–7 pages long.
  • Include a Title page, a References page. Include four academic references to support your ideas and an Appendix section for marketing material and/or system implementation documents.

Read more

Health Information Management

 Health Information Management

Case Study 5

Your facility has decided to purchase a new Encoder. You have just developed a survey instrument with interview questions to be used in determining the functional requirements of the software.

  1. Who should be included in the survey/interviews? (provide titles/categories of employees)
  2. Justify why you choose these job titles.

The surveys have been returned and combined, and the responses to which functional requirements desired in an encoder are shown below. Your job is to identify which of these functions are mandatory and which are optional requirements for the system that you choose. Justify your classification for each functional requirement. (You may want to do some research on encoders on the Internet)

Encoder Functional Requirements
Function Mandatory or Optional Justification
Ability to connect to MPI for demographic information download
capability to update codes each year when new codes come out
Coding resources available online
competence to show estimated reimbursement for our facility
Provides a list of charts not coded
power to enter code(s) directly
efficiency to write notes
skills to transfer codes and other information back into hospital financial system
effectiveness to sort codes
strength to create and print out physician queries
intelligence to save codes when you are unable to complete the coding
Includes multiple groupers

Before you can submit an RFP, you have a decision to make. You have to decide if you want to purchase systems from your existing vendor or use the best of breed model. how you are considering the pros and cons of each choice of vendors.  if You want to have the RFP submitted to the vendor(s) in three months, and you cannot finish writing it until this decision is made.

  1. Select the method that you would choose: a single vendor or best of breed (do an Internet search – “best of breed versus single vendor”)
  2. Justify your choice
  3. Explain the downsides to the model that you selected

You now need to gather some basic information on the vendors and their products that are on the market in which to provide RFP’s.

Information on Encoders
Information Vendor 1 2 3 4
Name of company HIM Technologies
Name of product Encoder Supreme
Logic or automated Logic
Phone number of vendor 555-555-1234
Address 123 Main Street

Plymouth, NJ 12345

Summary of additional coding/compliance resources beyond encoder Grouper and coding resources (e.g. Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM/PCS) are included but the compliance products must be purchased
Number of years on market 11

The functional requirements and RFP have been developed and RFP’s are due back from the vendors in one week. Your facility wants to make the decision about which system to choose within three months. Your assignment is to evaluate the RFPs returned and to develop a plan to guide the team in the evaluation and selection of the final system.

  1. Recommend the process(es) that will be used to evaluate systems.
  2. Identify how you will evaluate the individual RFPs.

Your team and you have decided between two encoder systems: Choose two from the information you found above.

It was decided that the coders would vote for the system they preferred, and that you would cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie. Half of the coders want [Vendor 1] and half want [2]; and the coders are adamant about their choices.

  1. How would you handle this situation?
  2. What questions would you ask as part of the investigation?
  3. If price, quality of system, references, and other evaluations are relatively equal, which system would you choose and why? (Be sure to include management, computer, and reimbursement issues).

Information Technology and Systems for Health Care

HI300: Information Technology and Systems for Health Care

TOPIC #1: Secondary Data Source Findings

Review the following website or the internet to find articles on specific secondary data sources.

Source: Quality Healthcare through Quality Information: American Health Information Management Association. Retrieved from

Analyze your findings on secondary data sources and discuss them with your classmates. How do the findings add to and contribute to the information provided in the text? Try not to duplicate articles that your classmates have chosen.

Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson material. Initial discussion responses should be around 100 words.

HI305: Management of Health Information

TOPIC #2: EHR Initiatives

Throughout this course, many discussion opportunities come up where you need to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. Respond to your Discussion topic after you have completed your Reading.

Your initial response to the prompt should be a minimum of 175 words

There are numerous governmental and private-sector initiatives focusing on EHR and the exchange of health information across the continuum of care. Visit the federal government’s health information technology website:

Source: Retrieved from

At this website find out about current news regarding EHR initiatives, HITECH programs, and ONC initiatives. In your initial post, describe/discuss at least one major news item, HITECH Program, or ONC Initiative and provide the pros and cons.