argumentative and persuasive writing

argumentative and persuasive writing

In Quarter 3, students are looking over argumentative and persuasive writing. Students will work on the project individually. Select one of the options below:

Write a 1 page argumentative essay based on any topic of your choice and remember to apply what you’ve learned about argumentative strategies and skills. You will need to write it on a word document. You will be graded based on the following:

Claim is clear, strong and sums up the topic                                                                 5 points

  • Provided 3 supporting evidence with explanation  Is the information reliable?                9 points
  • A counterargument in the case that others might oppose it           3 points
  • All information is organized and is aligned with each other                             3 points


20 points

Write a 1 page persuasive essay based on any topic of your choice and remember to apply what you’ve learned about persuasive writing, techniques, and devices. You will need to write it on a word document.

You will be graded based on the following:

 The topic is clear and focuses on the topic.            5 points

  • Provides 3 reasons with explanations and have connecting ideas.                                          10 points
  • Properly and effectively used persuasive techniques and devices (2)           5 points


20 points


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