Assay for Protein Case Study

I’m studying for my Biology class and need an explanation.

Activity 1: Biuret Assay for Protein


Table 1: Biuret Assay for Protein

Your Prediction Actual Assay Results Description Protein Present? (Yes/No) Nutrition Label Information
PositiveControl (BSA) Purple
Negative Control (Water) Light blue
Milk purple
Apple Juice Light blue
Potato flakes Light blue
Gelatin purple
Egg White purple













Activity 2:Lugol’s Iodine Test for Starch


Table 2: Lugol’s Test for Starch

Prediction Assay Results Description Starch Present? (Yes/No) Nutrition Label Information
Positive Control (1% corn starch) Dark Blue/black
Negative Control (Water) golden
Milk golden
Apple Juice golden
Potato flakes Dark blue/black
Gelatin golden
Egg White golden



















Activity 3: Benedict’s Test for Reducing Sugars


Table 3: Benedicts Test for Reducing Sugars

Prediction Assay Results Description Sugar Present? (Yes/No) Nutrition Label Information
Positive Control (10% Glucose) Brick red color
Negative Control (Water) Light blue
Milk Orange-red color
Apple Juice Orange-red color
Potato flakes Yellow-green
Gelatin Light blue
Egg White Light blue

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