Causes and Sociological Explanations of Assisted Suicide

Should a person have the right to choose when to die?

Your final in this course is an original research paper investigating a social problem of your choosing. You may find here a document containing a list of possible paper topics, though you can write on any topic approved by your instructor. In this paper, you must address the following aspects of your problem:

-What are the causes and sociological explanations of the problem? Keep in mind the various theoretical perspectives.
-What factors (structural, cultural, interactional, political, etc.) contribute to the existence of the problem?
-What actions, on the part of society or within the power structure of society, may be able to address this problem?
-Do you think the problem can be fully solved? Why or why not?
Your paper must meet the following requirements:
-must be at least 4-5 pages, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font
-must be submitted in .doc or .docx format
-must cite at least three scholarly sources*
-must include a references page in ASA or APA format. Included in this section is a guide to ASA citation.

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