Consumer Choice Model & Market Segmentation Discussion Paper

I’m stuck on a Marketing question and need an explanation.


1.)Go over the Consumer Choice Model, discuss the 5 Values and apply them to the Tesla Corporation.

2.)Go over the Model of Consumer Decision-Making in Chapter 15.

3.)Discuss each of the External Influences (Culture, Subculture, Reference Groups, Social Class, Family) and highlight a specific Figure, Table, etc. from Chapters 9, 10, 11, and 12 that you think represent the most important insight into each influence.

4.) Discuss Market Segmentation and Strategic Targeting in Chapter 3.

Your answer to each question cannot exceed 2 pages in Word (I am assuming you will be using single-spacing).Your answer can be shorter than 2 pages, but I would recommend that you use the full 2 pages to indicate to me that you have acquired as much information as possible.


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