equality of representation in our media of people with disabilities, men and women, major ethnic groups, and races

In our media, are all races and ethnicities portrayed similarly? Are disabled persons featured proportionally to their numbers? Are both men and women featured and are their images treated equally? Conduct a mini-research project in which you select a number of weeks of a daily publication, such as your regional newspaper; a number of months of a specific magazine; or a number of hours of a single channel of television programming. From the advertisements presented, tally ratios of able to disabled persons featured, men vs. women, how many different ethnic groups, and/or how many races you see regularly. Chart your information as specifically as possible (4 points). Develop a final page in which you draw conclusions regarding the equality of representation in our media of people with disabilities, men and women, major ethnic groups, and races
Category: Education


(1250-1500 words, double space, 12cpi, Times New Roman is good)

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