Language and Gender

Each member, write your description and analysis into a paper that is 3-5 pages, double spaced, 12 point font. This paper should not only contain your data and individual analysis but the conclusions the group has drawn. DUE MONDAY, FINALS WEEK // UPLOAD FILE TO CATALYST

Sample Individual Paper (excerpt)

Gender is a social construct. The idea that people who are born with one set of genitals or another automatically come equipped with all of the societal expectations and habits built into them has been proven to be incorrect, and has also been proven to be damaging. We are creatures of infinite variance and beauty, and restricting ourselves to an arbitrary set of boxes does not work to our advantage. However, this binary concept is worked deep into our core from a young age, impressed upon us from every angle, including from one of the most basic tools we use to communicate with each other: Our language. Language influences our idea of gender, and therefore can affect our actions in hundreds of subtle and not­so­subtle ways.

Over the last few weeks, I participated in a group study to attempt to suss out some of the ways gender can alter behaviors. In particular, we studied the interactions between men and women. We recorded a number of ten minute conversations between men and women of different ages, relationships, and doing different activities, and came up with some common differences between them.

In our conversations, men and women spoke, on average, for . . . . [end of excerpt from 3.5 page 8 paragraph double spaced paper]

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