Medical Term Abbreviations and ICD 10 Code

Abbreviation What it means List your resource
  • CAD without Angina
  • HTN with HF
  • CVA thrombosis of basilar artery
  • PVD
  • Age-related Hearing Loss, bilateral
  • Syncope resulting in fall
  • Type 2 DM with expected complications
  • Hemiplegia and hemiparesis
Current freetext problem Updated coded diagnosis term ICD-10 code List your resource
  • CAD without Angina
  • Type 2 DM with expected complications
  • Hemiplegia and hemiparesis
2.HTN with HF
3.CVA thrombosis of basilar artery
5.Age-related Hearing Loss, bilateral
6.Syncope resulting in fall
  1. You propose that the General Hospital standardizes the use of abbreviations in healthcare documentation. The chief of neurology argues that the use of abbreviations is a faster and more efficient way to document. She believes that the abbreviations she uses are very common and familiar to all neurologists and therefore can save time in documenting. What do you believe is a valid argument against the use of specialty abbreviations in the EHR? Give your rationale and cite your answers, as necessary
  2. What could be used in place of abbreviations to help health professionals document faster and more efficiently? Give rationale and cite your answer, as necessary.

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