Multi-Cultural Law Enforcement

Multi-Cultural Law Enforcement

Outline Topic: Bias, Prejudice, and Discrimination in police work.

• Introduction

• topic one, what is bias in police work, incidents of bias in police work, and how to

control bias in police work

• topic two, the meaning of prejudice in police work, various incidents that show how

prejudice occurs in police work, and how the police and the community should encounter

prejudice at police work

• topic three, the meaning of discrimination, various incidents of discrimination that have

occurred in united states America by the police when performing their duties, how the

community reacts through the incidents that are accompanied by discrimination when

police officer when performing carrying out their duties, and the way to encounter

discrimination in police work

• conclusion


Police work involves keeping law and order; they are dedicated to the community to

protect the citizens; the activities involved in police work include law enforcement, public safety,

public service, civil service, rescue services, and protection of the community’s property. Every

community needs to have police officers because they help in crime investigation and crime

prevention. By enforcing the state’s laws, the police work is faced with bias, prejudice, and

discrimination in police work.

Bias in police work



Bias is the inclination for or against one group that is considered to be unfair, the bias in

police work can occur when a group of police officers is against some people in the community,

for example, in America, the murder of the American-African man, George Floyd by the

policemen in Minneapolis and the mow down of Jacob Blake by the policemen in Wisconsin

raised an issue in the white officers using the white supremacy to be biased to the blacks. This

led to unrest protests in the United States of America because people felt bias in the police work,

and there was equal treatment from the police when carrying their duties. (Peeples, 2020) The

police must be fair to everybody regardless of the status, color, tribe, language, and even the

region one comes from. Bias in policing also occurs when a police officer takes actions based on

his own biases other than relying on the evidence and behaviors that could enable the policemen

to think that a person is guilty or not. Although the public mistakenly believes that profiling is

against the law, and police officers are prohibited from employing this exercise. Culprit

description is lawful, and it is a lawful approach applied every time in rule implementation. The

partiality-based description is against the law and has no reason to be used as a legitimate

technique in solving and preventing crimes in society. A bias-based profile does not pay

anybody, neither the police department nor the citizens, but as a result, it summons suspicion

from the community, great media study, and the probability of law actions from the division

about the benefit of law and people rights contraventions. Although sometimes the police

officers need to consider the personal origin, lifetime, sexuality, faith, and additional elements

when producing the culprit description, it will be imperative to determine who had a reason and

the ability to perform the claimed offense.

 police work

Prejudice is the harmful actions that may result from some judgment. Prejudice in police

work occurs when the intolerant individuals are attracted to intolerant institutions. When some

integration in the team source, some individuals adjust the team’s standards and frame of mind.

(Miles-Johnson et al. 2018) Both team selection and team socialization lead to prejudice in

police work. The prejudice in police work in the United States of America has led to blacks and

policemen’s connection to have an unlikely story. This is because of the series and memories of

the blacks’ injustice that many big shot occasions have revived regarding the police use of

excessive force. These incidents captured in video and others seen by the community have

resulted in protests in many cities in America and the black lives national movement. The

prejudice in police work in America, from the formal polls across New York City end, question

and frisk routine, the programs find that the police are using their prejudice on citizens by; the

program discovers that African-American and Iberians are more probably to behold on, pressed,

smacked, sprinkled and banged compared to white citizens who are ceased. This shows how the

police use prejudice when carrying their duties; this shows how the disparities occur in civilians’


Discrimination in police work

Discrimination is the unjust treatment of different categories of people, especially on

race, age, sex, and disability. (Henderson, 2020) Discrimination in police work has been a major

issue in America that has raised concerns from the world. The ongoing movement of black lives

matter resulted from discrimination in police work. The killing of black man George Floyd by

the white police officers raised concerns from the black community living in the United States of

America to feel that they are discriminated against; one of New York programs indicates that

there is unfair treatment from the police to the citizens. The program highlights that Latinos and

Multi-Cultural Law Enforcement


blacks are likely to be beaten, pushed, and handcuffed while the other white citizens are stopped.

The New Jersey law states that, even if an individual has committed a crime when the police are

arresting you correctly, they must treat you in a way that is discriminatory based on the race, sex,

ethnicity, national origin, origin, religion, creed, sexual orientation or other guarded

classifications. The police officer should not make an arrest based on these criteria or treat the

individual in a hostile and abusive way even when they have a proper reason to interact with you.

The police officers should bear in mind that these are prohibitions against violating the citizens’

rights. Wherever they go, the law against discrimination should go with them, and they must

obey it. The police officer mustn’t just enforce the law, but they must obey it; if not so, it’s not

the law at all.


It’s important for the government and the organizations concerned with the rights of

human beings to put pressure on the police when carrying out their duties. Many incidents have

evolved from police practices, such as bias, prejudice, and discrimination when they are

performing their duties; these incidents have resulted in America being divided. Such incidents

like the white police using white supremacy to be unfair to African Americans when performing

their day-to-day duties.













Peeples, L. (2020). What the data say about police brutality and racial bias—and which reforms

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