National & Regional School Health Plan

National & Regional School Health Plan

Plan School Health Based on Data – National & Regional


After assembling a School Health Council, the next step is to assess and prioritize needs. Examine national and regional data to identify needs and consider how the WSCC model (and your Council) could address them. Based on your findings, update your School Health Council mission statement.

If you worked in a team on the Assembling a School Health Council assignment, you may continue to work with that team. If on a team, don’t just divide the work; work together on all parts and in order. Each section builds on the next. Submit one document per team with all names on it.


To develop the following National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) 2020 areas of responsibility and competency:

  • Area I: Assessment of Needs and Capacity

To develop the following SOPHE 2019 Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards:

  • Standard 2: Assessing Needs



Use the CDC’s Healthy Youth website to assess national and regional needs related to youth needs.

National Data

Go to the CDC’s Healthy Youth website. Locate and download the report called: YRBS Data Summary & Trends Report. If unable to access it, you can find it in the D2L Resources folder.

Here is the citation for this source:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). YRBS Data Summary & Trends Report 2009-2019. Division of Adolescent and School Health.…

Regional Data

Go to the CDC’s Healthy Youth website. Locate and click on the link that takes you to the Youth Online Data Analysis Tool.

Here is the citation for this source:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Youth risk behavior surveillance system (YRBSS). Adolescent and School Health.…


Use the appropriate resources above to respond to the prompts.

National Data – Executive Summary and Overview

  1. The YRBS
    1. According to the Executive summary (p. 4), what data does The Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report share?
    2. According to page 10, what is the YRBS, who takes it, and when?
  2. Priority areas.
    1. On what four priority areas does the trends report focus? List these.
    2. What does the report focus on these areas? Explain in your own words and indicate the page number(s) where you find your answer.
  3. Page 7 lists ways the data could be used; and pages 7-8 suggest actions to take.
    1. Thinking about the School Health Council you formed in the previous assignment, which ways do you think your council could use the data? Explain.
    2. Thinking about the School Health Council you formed in the previous assignment, which actions do you think your council could take? Explain.
  4. Page 9 describes the four priority areas. Read each carefully.
    1. How many questions on the YRBS addressed each area?
    2. Find those questions in the Appendix (p. 106-7). Based on the questions and the area descriptions, on which area would you like your school health council to focus?
    3. Explain why you chose this area.

National Data – Selected Priority Area

From the Table of Contents, locate the pages which report on your selected priority area. Notice that there is data for the general youth population and then also sexual minority youth (SYM). Read both…carefully. Study the symbols in the tables. Read the summaries. Then read about each variable.

  1. Based on the general population summary, trends, and data…
    1. Which results surprise you? Explain.
    2. Which don’t? Explain.
  2. Based on the SYM summary, trends, and data…
    1. How do the results compare to the general population results?
    2. Which results surprised you? Explain.
  3. Based on the general population and SYM results…
    1. On which sub-areas should your School Health Council focus?
    2. Explain in detail (i.e. several sentences) why these areas are important. Cite data/facts.

Regional Data

Examine regional data related to your selected area. (Note: For our region, it was Chicago Public School students who took the survey!). Getting to the data is tricky. Follow these steps; respond to the prompts.

From the Youth Online website

  • At the top of the screen select whether you want to review high school or middle school data.
  • Click on the state of Illinois on the map.
  • At the top of the Illinois screen, click on VIEW TWO LOCATIONS. A second location, the United States, is added. Perfect! This will allow you to compare Illinois to all US data.
  • Make the data manageable by filtering the results to look only at the questions for the priority area you selected in the previous prompts. This won’t be straight forward as the Topic names don’t match the priority areas. Here’s how to find them:
    • Sexual Behavior => Sexual Behaviors
    • High-Risk Substance Use => Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use
    • Experiencing Violence => Unintentional Injuries and Violence
    • Mental Health and Suicide => Unintentional Injuries and Violence

Don’t remember which question to look for? See the Trends report Appendix, pages 107-8.

  1. The numbers in the table…those are percentages. Compare the Illinois and US percentages. For which of your priority area’s questions is Illinois worse? (i.e., Illinois percentage rates are higher)
  2. Look at pretty pictures! On the YRBS page, click on the GRAPHS tab. Do the graphs help you to notice anything different? If yes, explain your observations. If no, just say “no differences.”
  3. Based on the Illinois data…
    1. On which sub-areas should your School Health Council focus?
    2. Are these sub-areas the same or different from what you identified in the national data prompts? If the same, say “the same.” If different, explain why the change in focus.
  4. Find your School Health Advocacy Letter and your School Health Council First Meeting Agenda. You identified 4-5 of the 10 WSCC elements as your initial approach to school health.
    1. Do you think implementing these 4-5 elements could help to address the priority area?
      1. If yes, explain how each element might help.
      2. If not, select new elements and explain how those might help.
  5. Find your School Health Council mission statement. Update it to reflect your priority area and refined WSCC approach as appropriate..
    1. Paste your revised statement.
    2. Describe what you changed and why.

Assignment Submission Directions

  1. Remove my directions. Your work should look professional.
  2. Include your name(s) at the top.
  3. Use Arial, Time New Roman, or a similar font style; use 10, 11, or 12-point font
  4. Double or single-spaced is fine.
  5. Cite all sources using APA format. Not sure how to do that?
    1. OWL: In-Text Citation Guide
    2. OWL: Reference List Rules
  6. Save your file as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf. Other formats cannot be opened in D2L.
  7. Submit to the appropriate D2L Assignments folder. Emailed assignments are not accepted.

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