Rape Scene Analysis

1-(discussion board) Consider how rape is (mis)used and (mis)represented in movies and tv. This essay may serve as an entry point into the issue (and you can google similar essays): https://www.wired.com/2015/06/rape-scenes/

You may be familiar with rape scenes from the Game of Thrones or other tv shows or movies. You can google lists of examples (no list is exhaustive). Select an example of a rape scene. Note the source (name and date of movie or title of tv series with season, episode, year). Briefly describe the scene and its context. How does it compare to the criticisms describes in the above essay? Note you may discuss a written example from the Bible or novels and poetry (again, google lists, but here is a biblical one: Genesis 34; 2 Samuel 13; Genesis 19 // Judges 19 and arguably 2 Samuel 11).

(At least 200 words)

2. Read “Beth’s Psalm.” What evidence of trauma do you see in “Beth’s Psalm”? (Recall Herman’s three categories of symptoms.)

(At least 150 words)

3. Read Herman, Trauma and Recovery, chaps. 8–10. What evidence of recovery do you see in “Beth’s Psalm”?

(At least 100 words)

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