Religious Discrimination

Respond to at least two colleagues by selecting one of their examples to review further. Research and report on a situation in which that group experienced treatment on the other end of the spectrum of oppression or privilege, either in the present day or during an earlier historical period. The response can be 1 paragraph

1st colleague:

Just as the dominant members of any group benefit from privilege and leave the minority group disenfranchised, oppressed, and marginalized the same pertains to religion. Throughout history, particularly Western history, Christianity has been the dominant religious group. Those who refused to conform to the dominant religion were persecuted, or even killed. Mass amounts of Jews and Muslims have been slaughtered for their beliefs in history from the German Nazis to the Crusades (Adams et al, 2018, p.265). The privilege that Christians experience today still in the United States many times goes without notice.

In the United States Christian holidays are what govern the days off provided to employees. Propaganda, television specials, and retail stores all reflect that of the Christian holiday occurring at that time of year. Christians are free to worship openly without having to be afraid of being hurt or killed for their beliefs. Even in the court system people are expected to swear on a Christian bible. Jury members, politicians, and the president of the United States are almost always part of the dominant Christian group. Traveling around the world Christians can have the privilege of openly practice their faith without fear of violence, unlike non-dominant religious groups.

Xenophobia exists in the United States today and is expressed through acts of violence towards the non-dominant religious groups (Adams et al, 2018, p.270). An example of this is the discrimination Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and Jews experienced in the United States after September 11th, 2001. There have been acts of violence, vandalism, civil rights violations, and hate crimes against these non-dominant groups.

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