Student Behavior in the Classroom

Think of this as a 3 page long take home final exam essay question.

Overview: The goal of this exercise is for you to demonstrate your ability to carry out a research project using the Deductive scientific method. You will propose a research project in its entirety, but will not collect or analyze any data. The proposal will be completed in a level of detail such that any person could pick up your proposal, follow your design and implement the study with no additional information. You will choose ONE of the following data collection techniques-Observation, Content analysis; Survey. You only need to propose a study using One type of data collection. Ignore all instructions that do not pertain to your chosen method.

The entire goal is to show off how much you have learned. Even if you feel like you are stating the obvious in any section of the assignment, state it. State it using vocabulary you learned in this class. Show off all your research methods knowledge!

Step 1: Topic selection. Write a paragraph stating your research question and why it is worth researching. (You may not use a topic that you used on a previous assignment!) You will need to select a topic which is sociological in nature and that will be examined deductively. Propose a project that you could carry out in a reasonable amount of time with minimal resources. The goal is not for you to be high-brow and complicated with this. The goal is to show you learned something this semester. So simple topics similar to what I have used in class are appropriate (advising at WKU; Student attendance at athletic events…)

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