The Note from Papa Meeting at The Shack

DQ 1

This Chapter provides the background for “the note from Papa” requesting the meeting at The Shack. In some cases tragedy brings people closer together or closer to the divine, while on other occasions it isolates people. What happened with Mack? Why? If you would like, you can share a personal experience or one that you may have witnessed when people were either drawn closer or separated by tragedy. Do not share personal details, simply outline the circumstances and the result.

DQ 2

How is God portrayed? Why is it significant? Are you surprised? Why or why not? Any ideas about how Christianity refers to this doctrine of three individuals existing in a single entity?

Mack and Nan Perspective on God

Discussion Question 1

This chapter is key to the story, but hidden in the middle is a conversation about Mack’s perspective on God and Nan’s perspective on God. Talk abut how / why personal relationships can impact a person’s view of the Divine.

Discussion Question 2

The name of this chapter is “The Gathering Darkness…” and there are many things foreshadowed. Which event creates the most anxiety for you? Why?

Concept of Existentialism and Human Emotions

This week’s reading, “Existentialism and Human Emotion,” examined Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialist outlook on ethics. Sartre (1905-1980) was a French philosopher who stressed the significance of human freedom and questioned the role of external theories and causes in determining ethical decisions. In your Discussion Post for this week, make sure you do the following 3 things:

  • Describe Sartre’s conception of existentialist freedom
  • Explain how the story of the undecided young man illustrates Sartre’s views
  • Critically assess Sartre’s account of human freedom by giving a contemporary example that either confirms or challenges his views.

Personal Identity and Social Self

Answer each question in NO MORE than three paragraphs.

1. Identify at least one example of each of the following, as experienced in your own life: 1) The context-dependency of personal identity; 2) the dynamic nature of personal identity; 3) the variable attachment to different aspects of personal identity. What do you think it means, in light of these examples, to be “true to oneself?”

2. Explain and give examples of what James by each of the following: Your material self, your social self, and your spiritual self.

Existence of God Critical

This week we continue to build on our Critical Essays due in Week 7. In this assignment, you will create a thesis statement.

An excellent thesis statement is specific and informative and insightful. It tells your reader precisely what you are going to argue in your paper and why. It doesn’t just promise an examination. Please avoid backing into your thesis by way of a question too. Put your thesis forward in declarative terms.

Please include your list of references (in APA format) noting any revisions in light of feedback provided Week 2. Remember, your references need to be primary references which refers to the works of people who take a stand for and against the issue you’ll consider. This rules out encyclopedias (even specialized encyclopedias) that just give us a synopsis of what the primary source has to say.

Relationship View with The Rest of The Animals

This discussion contains two parts. For the first part you must watch the video in the link and answer the following question: Do you believe that this current issue is due to how we view our relationship to the rest of the animals? Does the problem of wet markets in China demonstrate the validity of Peter Singer’s (and utilitarians in general) appeal for animal rights? How do you feel about this issue? Do you believe that the principle of “rights” can also be extended to non-human animals? Why or why not?

The Value of Philosophy and Whistleblowing

The paper

must be exactly one full page, with 1/3 of the paper devoted to summary of

the argument, 1/3 devoted to the introduction and explanation of a quote from the reading that supports the overall argument, and 1/3 of the paper devoted to student reaction to that argument.

There is also a sample response paper.

Animals for Food the Environment and Utilitarism Ethics

The paper can be on any topic that is clearly related to the content of the class. The paper may be (1) an argumentative thesis-driven paper, (2) an exploratory research paper, or (3) an application paper, where you use either utilitarianism or Kantianism to address an ethical issue.

The paper should include a works cited page with at least 3 sources*

Formal Business Emails Routine Negative & Persuasive Messages


You will compose 3 formal business emails to your colleagues/ or suppliers:

    1. Routine Message, pg. 168-175.
    2. Negative Message, Ch. 8
    3. Persuasive Message. Ch. 9

Note: Each letter should have at least 200 words:

I only have sample of routine message below, please look up for the other sample format.

Sample format of Routine Message



Subject: Request for replacement

Rainbow Curve

Name of the book: Michael Boylan, Rainbow Curve

Write critical plot summary100-150 words for each chapter separately.

Anomaly: pick out something unconventional and surprising that happened during all the chapters read—One Anomaly.

Link anomaly to a philosophical principle from the first part of the course.