Health and Medical Disciplinary Action Case Study

Health and Medical Disciplinary Action Case Study

Question Description


Assess the following situations and determine the disciplinary action that you, the department director, should take in each circumstance and justify your response.

1.One of your best inpatient coders was found to have violated HIPAA by looking at a physician’s emergency room record. Investigation into that breach also found that he has accessed records of relatives and neighbors.

2.An audit of the file clerks has found that one clerk is making errors when filing loose sheets. They are not being incorporated into the correct chart. This same error was verbally addressed with the file clerk at her last performance evaluation two months ago.

3.On Saturday, your release of information clerk left the office open and unattended while she went to the restroom. This was reported to you by the nursing administrator on duty who had come to the office to request her recent lab results.

Submit a Microsoft Word document with one page, double space of content, number your responses 1, 2 and 3. A title page and a reference page are to be included. Use your textbook to justify your response.

How Technology has Hijacked Peoples Minds Journal Paper

How Technology has Hijacked Peoples Minds Journal Paper
Question Description

Use this picture to work on developing 3 varying writing voices.

#1: Using an academic voice, create an imagined scholarly article that matches with this picture. Feel free to include made up peer-reviewed “sources.” Remember, academic voices are objective. Do NOT become informal or conversational with your tone. Perhaps ask yourself: As a society, are we too addicted to our devices? What effects do you think our constant use of technology have on our physical and mental health? On our connections to others? (300 words)

#2: Create a fictional story to match this image. Take it whichever direction you want. Be imaginative and don’t be afraid to use dialog and imagery. Perhaps, you tell a story of one of the people in the image; or all (slivers of short, short stories); or perhaps it’s first-person and the narrator is the one who’s seeing these people. (300 words)

Grossmont College District How Technology has Hijacked Peoples Minds Journal Paper

Nursing Regulations And Licensure Poster


Nursing Regulations And Licensure Poster

Question Description

Electronic poster board regarding Nursing licensure and regulations

include references



Question Description

respond to this 2 peers’ discussion prompts

ALL citations and references needs to be APA 7th edition format. (50-100 words each)



As an employee we should abide by the employee handbook, know our rights and responsibilities. Posters are placed all over breakrooms on minimum wages and other state laws nobody take notice of sometimes. St. Martha Hospital have several violations that even the higher management manipulating the system to staff negligence  and personal intentions, each and everyone violated the employee responsibilities.

In the In the scenario “The Slackers 1” Tom and Bobby the male nurses. Mock patients for their physical appearance, preserving patient dignity and respect must adhere at all times. Healthcare providers are role models to others and should set a good example to other staff. Compassion is a moral value expected of all caregivers and those who lack compassion have a weakness in their moral character (Pozgar, 2016). Delegating responsibilities to caregivers who does not comply with scope of practice is endangering patient’s lives is a clear violation of the caregiver pledge by delaying medications and rendering the proper care. As well as the nursing assistant duty to report concerns for patient safety which is also stated in the caregiver’s pledge. If the scenarios can be properly reported, this will minimize or perhaps put an end on  the problem with the proper disposition of the human resources for the unprofessional behavior of the two male nurses.


Pozgar (2016) lists “Comply with State and Federal Regulations” as a responsibility for employees, especially those that are bound by licenses and certifications that outline a scope of practice or allowed responsibilities (p. 382). It is absolutely imperative that nursing staff work within the bounds of their scope of practice. Not only to protect the safety of patients, but to maintain integrity within the profession.

In California, Registered Nurses (RN) are regulated and licensed by the California Board of Registered Nursing. The Nursing Practice Act sets forth the scope of practice and responsibilities for RNs. Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) are regulated and licensed by the California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians. Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) are unlicensed health aids. They are regulated and certified through the California Department of Public Health. They are generally only allowed to perform basic patient care services to provide comfort and hygiene – repositioning, bathing, etc. (See links below for more detailed information)

In the slackers Part 1 Tom and Bobby violate their scope of practice and responsibility as RNs by giving CNAs their login information to document “estimated” vital signs and give medications. They are not only compromising patient safety; they are delegating work that is beyond the “scope” of responsibility for a CNA. Only nursing staff who are licensed to administer medication should be doing so. CNAs are allowed to take vital signs, but it must be under the supervision of a licensed professional (RN or LVN). They should not be providing care and assessments without supervision. RNs can and should delegate appropriate duties to LVNs and CNAs, but it must be within the of scope and ability of the nursing staff they are delegating to. Because Tom and Bobby hold a higher licensure, they would also be responsible for any harm done by the CNAs. Employees should always speak up when asked to do something that is beyond their licensure, legal responsibility or comfort level.

School Health Leadership Professional Inventory

Question Description

School Health Leadership: Professional Inventory


The School Health Coordinator is a staff member whose job responsibilities include facilitating and coordinating WSCC efforts at the district-level and assisting schools with their efforts. Examine these responsibilities and identify the necessary skills to perform them. Next, conduct a professional inventory of your skills and your interests as they relate to these responsibilities and skills. Finally, develop a personal professional development plan.


To develop the following National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) 2020 areas of responsibility and competency:

  • Area VIII: Ethics and Professionalism

To develop the following SOPHE 2019 Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards:

  • Standard 6: Professionalism



  1. Step 2 of The WSCC Model: A Guide to Implementation is a resource for this activity. Access this handbook by clicking on the link or locating it in the D2L course folder called Resources.

NACCD. (2017). The WSCC Model: A Guide to Implementation.…

  1. Purdue University hosts a leadership development program. Their program manual is a resource for this activity. Access it by clicking on the link or locating it in the D2L course folder called Resources.

Purdue University. (2018). Leadership Development Program – Program Manual.…

Part 1 – Mix and Match

Per Step 2 of The WSCC Model: A Guide to Implementation, below appears a list of duties that a school health coordinator may perform at the district level. (Many of these functions would be identical at the school level if performed by a School Health Team Leader).

  • Facilitate district-level WSCC team meetings.
  • Serve as liaison between administrators and the team.
  • Oversee and monitor completion of WSCC-related assessments by individual schools and at the district level.
  • Facilitate the development of a district-wide plan to implement the WSCC model.
  • Complete and monitor the progress of plans related to WSCC implementation.
  • Identify and provide input on future funding opportunities.
  • Identify success stories within the district and utilize them to gain additional buy-in and support.
  • Provide guidance to Team Leaders around surveys and data collection.
  • Assist with completion of surveys or data collection at the district level.
  • Garner support from staff, parents, and community for WSCC-related efforts.
  • Help write Team Leader job descriptions unique to each school.
  • Share Team Leader job descriptions with other schools within the district.
  • Identify options for substitute and/or stipend pay for Team Leaders at the school level.

Each duty requires certain skills. What would those be?? Locate the leadership attribute and skill definitions on page 15 of the Purdue Leadership Program – Program Manual. Match the attributes and skills defined there to the School Health Coordinator duties listed above. Creating a table is an easy way to do this. For example:

School Health Coordinator Duty Leadership Attributes and Skills
Facilitate district-level WSCC team meetings III.B. Cooperates and collaborates with others to identify and address problems (teamwork)

II.E. Can articulate a vision or pathway of change that motivates group actions towards an outlined goal

Add rows for each duty Many of the attributes and skills could match. Pick the top 2 for each duty. Note how I indicated the number and letter for easy reference.


Part 2 – Self-Assessment

What leadership attributes do you exhibit and how well do you perform leadership skills? Complete the self-assessment on pages 16-19 of the Purdue Leadership Program – Program Manual. Do not submit your results. Instead, you’ll reflect on them in Part 3. As per the directions in the leadership guide, “The purpose of this self-assessment tool is to help you think about the many skills and attributes of leadership, the ones you already possess, and the ones you would like to develop. There is no way that [anyone] can master all of these, even in a lifetime.” That said, respond honestly!

Part 3 – Reflection and Professional Development Plan

The purpose of the self-assessment was to help you assess your strengths and weaknesses. Now you will reflect on why you think you are strong or weak in these attributes, and the ways in which you wish to develop. Here were the skills in the assessment:

  • understands leadership
  • is self-aware
  • practices ethical behavior
  • sustains leadership
  • values diversity
  • enhances communication skills
  • manages conflict
  • develops teams
  • commits to serving others

Respond to these prompts:

  1. Of the attributes and skills, which three were your strongest? How did you come to be strong in these areas? Who influenced you or what experiences helped you to develop them?
  2. Which three skills would you like to develop? How does each of these skills relate to the duties of a School Health Coordinator (refer back to the list of duties in Part 1). List and explain.
  3. There are multiple modes to develop attributes and skills. Below appear common modes. For each of the three skills you listed, identify the best and/or preferred mode of development. And explain why you chose that mode. (You may identify multiple modes for each skill).
  • Utilizing free resources like books, podcasts, and events geared toward aspiring leaders.
  • Networking with others who share your aspirations and building relationships that could help you down the line.
  • Finding a mentor who has already risen through the ranks to become a leader. This could be someone in your organization or simply someone from your professional network.
  • Attend a workshop or seminar that is specifically designed to help you assess your leadership skills and build a plan for improvement.
  • Ask for additional responsibilities at work, particularly those that will allow you to practice your skills in managing people and projects.
  • Earn a degree in leadership to help develop the necessary management skills required in today’s ever-changing world of business.


Assignment Submission Directions

  1. Remove my directions. Your work should look professional.
  2. Include your name at the top.
  3. Use Arial, Time New Roman, or a similar font style; use 10, 11, or 12-point font
  4. Double or single-spaced is fine.
  5. Cite all sources using APA format. Not sure how to do that?
    1. OWL: In-Text Citation Guide
    2. OWL: Reference List Rules
  6. Save your file as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf. Other formats cannot be opened in D2L.
  7. Submit to the appropriate D2L Assignments folder. Emailed assignments are not accepted.

USC Lack of Informed Consent Prior to Treatment Randall V US Case Analysis Discussion

USC Lack of Informed Consent Prior to Treatment Randall V US Case Analysis Discussion

Question Description

Choose a case dealing with a question of whether a patient was given proper informed consent before a medical procedure or a case dealing with whether the patient was given proper informed consent in relation to withdrawal of medical treatment. You will need to give the facts of your case, the decision (holding) of the court, and the reasoning of the court. You will also need to explain, in detail, the elements of informed consent and why the informed consent was correct or incorrect.

Finding case law is different than searching for other types of law. A legal professional would, most likely, use the legal search engines, Westlaw or Lexis, but these websites can be very expensive and very difficult to navigate for someone without specific training.

The easiest websites for a non-legal professional to use to search for case law are:

This paper should be at least two pages, using proper APA 7th edition format. Please be aware of how to cite case law in APA format; see this resource for assistance:


Role Healthcare Marketers in Becoming More Valuable to Healthcare Discussion

NSU Role Healthcare Marketers in Becoming More Valuable to Healthcare Discussion

Question Description

Please draft a one-page report explaining the role healthcare marketers played in becoming more valuable to healthcare organizations as consumer expectations changed. Please use referenced material and provide in-text citation(s) and reference(s) in APA format

Grading Rubric:

Content/Quantity: 10 points

Grammar/Spelling: 5 points

APA format/Reference page: 5 points

Textbook: Cellucci, L. W., Wiggins, C., & Farnsworth, T. J. (2014). Healthcare Marketing A Case Study Approach. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.


Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypool’s honor code & terms of service.

Chapters: (15) Developing and Testing Self-Report Scales and (16) Descriptive Statistics

1.You are a nurse involved in research at your place of employ. Explain what is the first step in Scale Development and give at least two examples.

 2. List at least two guidelines for critiquing Descriptive Statistics – must include examples.

Discussion Protocol. Please observe the following 3 x 3 rule: when writing your weekly discussions: – A minimum of three paragraphs per DQ. Each paragraph should have a minimum of three sentences.

All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

Discussions must have a minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

Город Красных Крыш Как Мариупольцам Добраться В Прагу, Что Посмотреть, И Сколько Для Этого Нужно Денег Фото

Присмотритесь к ним, если пойдете на какую-то из таких экскурсий. Проще всего отыскать любой сувенир из Праги, в том числе этот, посетив небольшой рынок на Староместской площади. Хотите привезти какие-то сувениры из Праги? Прогуляйтесь по центру города с заходом на рынок или ярмарку, и ваш запрос – что привезти из Праги?

сувениры из праги

Цены в местных кафе ничуть не выше, чем в Украине. Единственно, не советуем вам заходить в ресторанчики на Староместской площади – очень дорого, можно разориться. Отойдите всего с десяток метров в сторону, на соседнюю улицу, и вы увидите совсем другие цены (на порядок дешевле). После гуляния по зимнему городу и катания на коньках так приятно согреться в кафе чаем, грогом или глинтвейном и перекусить вкуснейшими блюдами местной кухни. Рестораны, кафе, закусочные, бары здесь на каждом шагу.

Туры В Чехию Из Краснодара

В следующий раз я в Париж только с Аккордом и с Люксом…. Европейские дороги не могли не порадовать нас своей гладкостью и благодаря им наша поездка в автобусе показалась полетом. Встречал нас в автобусе сЭмпа гид Денис, голос которого приятно ласкал слух историями о Германии, Франции, французских королях…. Завтраки в Германии порадовали всех туристов, где предлагалось разнообразие сыров в неограниченном количестве, включая Бри и Пармиджиано.

В самом деле, конторы с надписью “Аккомодейшн” попадались на каждом углу. Надо бы зайти, как-то что привезти из чехии определиться с ночлегом. Выбор огромный – от “Хилтона” до хостела с двухъярусными кроватями.

  • Правда, ехать 7 часов, но, с учетом качества дорожного покрытия, автобусом по времени не намного быстрее, а по деньгам – в 3 раза дороже.
  • Привезти из этой страны можно не только сувениры, но и полезные вещи.
  • Национальный напиток — разумеется, пиво.
  • Если захочется отдохнуть от суеты и толп местных жителей и туристов, прогуляйтесь по Королевскому парку, чья история насчитывает более семи веков, сказочная атмосфера вам гарантирована.

Здесь всего 16 номеров, среди них есть и одноместные – в них разместились наши немцы. В этот и в другие отели пускают всех, независимо от пола. Единственный пражский отель “только для мальчиков” – “Вилла Давид”, в доме № 5 на Голубовой улице.

Какие Сувениры Привезти Из Праги?

Тема сувениров для нас всегда актуальна. С новой страны мы стараемся привезти что-то традиционное, напоминающее нам о путешествии. Не так давно мы побывали в прекрасной Чехии. Многогранная страна, с первого взгляда очаровала нас. Каждый день пребывания был незабываемым, мы истоптали ноги до боли и натоптышей, но все это пустяки по сравнению с тем, сколько всего нам удалось посмотреть. Поездка получилась богатой на впечатления и яркие эмоции.

Искушенным ценителям пенного можно посоветовать откушать в ресторанах близ пивоварен (например, городов Пльзень, Будуевице или Праги, деревень Крушовице или Велкопоповице). Там пиво подают «с пылу, с жару», и по вкусу оно — нектар богов. Квалифицированные менеджеры компании MIBS GROUP подберут для вас туры в Чехию, которые максимально соответствуют вашим запросам и пожеланиям в плане отдыха.

сувениры из праги

Его мордочка украшает блокноты, футболки, магниты, ручки, фонарики и прочие мелочи поэтому выбор за вами. Чехия считается одной из самых крупных производителей пива. Чаще всего на полях Чехии можно увидеть рапс и хмель. В магазине чешское пиво можно приобрести от 6 крон.

Пражский Зоопарк Зимой

Туры в Чехию популярны и среди желающих поправить свое здоровье. Термальные источники Карловых Вар известны своими целебными свойствами на весь мир. На отдых в Чехии можно смело отправляться всей семьей – для детей здесь найдется множество увлекательных развлечений.

Отели Чехии предлагают варианты проживания на любой вкус и бюджет, подобрать подходящий вам вариант не составит трудности. Скидки на одежду, обувь, аксессуары и игрушки достигают в этот период 70%. Много свежих и ярких впечатлений принесут пешие прогулки по городу. Особенно – если вам повезло, и Прага припорошена белым снежком, являя более торжественный, строгий и интригующий образ. Длится стандартная «пешая» экскурсия обычно три часа, поэтому важно потеплее одеться. Если вы приехали в Прагу с детьми зимой – обязательно выделите день на посещение великолепного Пражского зоопарка, он работает круглый год.

Проблем с тем, что привезти из Праги, точно не будет. Все решится буквально в считанные минуты, если вы попадете на ярмарку или в нужные музеи, салоны, на рынки. С утра мы заехали за новыми друзьями в так называемую gay-friendly гостиницу “Вилла Энди” на улице Ущипку, 10.

Чешский Гранат Český Granát

Кто-то сознательно подбирает сувениры с надписью Prague, а кому-то подавай своеобразные, характерные только для этого города сувениры. Давайте посмотрим, что такого интересно подготовила для туристов столица Чехии. В конце ноября рождественские ярмарки открываются по всей Чехии, а самая крупная организуется в столице. По курсу к одному евро вы получите 26 чешских крон. В большинстве ресторанов и в магазинах можно рассчитаться евро. Однако сдачу вам будут давать в кронах и их количество вас может не порадовать.

Практично Или Полезно: Какой Подарок Выбрать?

Обожаю привозить сувениры, для меня вернуться из другой страны и не привезти ничего – настоящее преступление. Tripster– необычные экскурсии от местных жителей в 560 городах мира. В Карловых Варах даже открыт музей Яна Бехера основателя этого чешского напитка. Самостоятельно добраться из Праги до Карловых Вар не составит труда. Я писала статью, о нашей поездке, и о том как можно самостоятельно доехать и что посмотреть. Мы, как правило, покупали Крушовицу или Козел.

Гурманам и любителям наслаждаться ужином под красивые виды можно остановить свой выбор на ресторане “Бельвью”, который расположен на набережной. А желающим окунуться в национальную атмосферу и побывать на вечеринке в народном стиле, понравится ресторан Michal в старом районе столицы или ресторан “Фольклорный сад”. Когда как не в Новый год отправиться на каток, количество и качество которых в Праге вас порадует. Есть среди них и бесплатные, например каток у Фруктового рынка.

В отелях и ресторанах вы можете обратиться также на английском и немецком языках. Спасибо Туристическому агентству «Люкс» за подобранный хороший, не сложный тур. Спасибо «Аккорд-Туру» за хорошую организацию тура.

В итоге получается быстро, комфортно, но дорого – почти 10 тыс. Команда портала Мастер тура открыта к сотрудничеству и рада предложить информационное пространство и возможности портала компаниям заинтересованным во внимании специалистов турбизнеса Украины. Кнедлики, мясные блюда, грибной суп в хлебе, вариации с квашеной капустой и конечно, множество «фирменных» сортов пива – в Праге кормят просто, вкусно и сытно. Меню на русском языке есть практически во всех заведениях, персонал также прекрасно понимает по-русски.

Но если вы не расположены, достаточно зайти в одну пивную – Музей пива. Сейчас он находится в старой части города, недалеко от Карлового моста. Об истории чешского пива в этом «музее» узнать, конечно, можно, но главное – это само пиво. Здесь собрано наибольшее в Праге количество сортов – 30, а ассортимент обновляют каждую неделю. На рождественские и новогодние праздники на Староместской площади проходят ярмарки.

Risk Magnitude in Risk Mitigation Organizational Threats

 Risk Magnitude in Risk Mitigation Organizational Threats

Also I will provide an example of an answer so you can take a look at it and get some idea how to write it


Controlling and preventing loss is a critical goal of risk management. Hopkin discusses two terms – likelihood and magnitude – that relate to this goal. Select one of these terms and briefly describe how it may be taken into consideration when to successfully mitigate loss.

example of my classmate answer

Risk likelihood or probability in risk analysis is one of the deep-root elements that demonstrate the chance of risk to occur or impact any organization or business at a certain time. That risk can be determined, recognized, and measured so that facilitating the process of risk control. Risk likelihood can be determined on an inherent basis for any particular risk, or can be determined at the current level of risk, paying regard to the control measures that are in place (Hopkin, 2017). Thus, recognizing the causes of elevation in likelihood’s impact will undoubtedly enhance the prevention and risk control approach. For example, when car accidents’ frequencies are increased in any part of the world, the government must look out for the reasons for this peak in the accident number. One of the factors might be the speed limit is too high or at a dangerous level. Thence, the transportation department must minimize the speed limit in the highways and internal roads to control this factor, so the drivers stay at the safety limits, and car accidents will gradually diminish. Control the losses demands factors’ recognition, those leads to a rise in the likelihood of a loss. The losses control using likelihood recognition can be done by halting the factors or minimizing the impact. After the potential risks have been identified, the project team then evaluates each risk based on the probability that a risk event will occur and the potential loss associated with it. Not all risks are equal. Some risk events are more likely to happen than others, and the cost of a risk can vary greatly ( Adrienne, 2019).

Practically, the hazard risk likelihood decreasing aspect will enhance the approach of control and loss prevention. Understanding the nature of the risk and how it will impact and when is the key to acknowledging the hazard risk likelihood. Hopkin (2017) used an example of frequency car accidents for a particular motor company fleet in a specific time and linked that to controlling this hazard risk likelihood by implementing the monthly car maintenance.


Hopkin, P. (2017). Fundamentals of risk management: Understanding, evaluating and implementing effective risk management.

Watt, A. (2014). Project management [978-1-77420-013-1]. Retrieved from