interest groups

Interest groups

The goal of this assignment is to familiarize students with interest groups. Please follow the steps below to complete your assignment.

  1. Select an interest group (AARP, AHIP, Coalition for Health Services Research, Emergency Nurses Association, Pharma)
  2. Discuss how they are pushing their agenda (i.e., mechanisms used to influence policy makers), key obstacles, and spending (consult the Center for Responsible Politics,
  3. Investigate the interest group’s website and review their position statements, testimony, and consult media reports to obtain more information on the group’s lobbying efforts.

Raspy cough

Raspy cough

M.C. is a 69-year-old man who presents to the outpatient office with a hacking, raspy cough.
Subjective Data
Cough is productive, bringing up green phlegm
Runny nose, sore throat
Denies fever
Sore throat pain when swallowing
No history of smoking or seasonal allergies
Complains of fatigue
Objective Data
Vital signs: T 37 P 72 R 14 BP 134/64
Lungs: + Rhonchi bilateral upper lobes, wheeze
O2 Sat = 98%
Ears = TM bulging
Nose = + erythema, yellow discharge
Throat = + erythema, – pustules
Medications: Metoprolol 12.5 mg per day, Glucophage 500 mg twice a day

1. What other questions should the nurse ask about the cough?

2. Develop a problems list from the objective and subjective data.

3. What should be included in the plan of care?

4. What risk factors are associated with this age group?

Walker and Avant’s theory description

Walker and Avant’s theory description components

Review Walker and Avant’s theory description components. Which component is most relevant/critical to the APRN role/practice and give your rationale. You must pick a componet that you think is most important. Do not just say that all components are equally important. At least 150 words, APA format, at least two reference and respond to another student original post.

Communicable disease

Communicable disease: COVID-19

Communicable diseases affecting your community and what were the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention that the community health nurses have undertaken to prevent the spread of the disease?

· Must address all of the topics.

· 100-word minimum/200-word maximum without the references..

. The paper must be written in APA format

· Minimum of two references (the course textbook can be one of the references) in APA format, articles were chosen must have been published within the last 3-5 years

rules for use of physical restraints

Fundamentals Of Nursing

When should you place a patient in restraints and what are the rules for use of physical restraints (i.e. documentation, time, and site for tying).

What are the advantages or disadvantages of using a safety waist restraints?

When applying a mummy restraint who does it best serve and why?

Before a patient can go to surgery the nursery is responsible for patient teaching. What things will you teach your patient prior to surgery?

What does the nurse need to check prior to sending the patient to surgery on the day of surgery?

What are the things the nurse needs to do before assisting the patient with ambulation?

When a patient is confined to bed what type of aids can help with circulation?

To move a patient up in bed what is it that the nurse does to prevent injuries to her and others?

Hair, skin, and nails are observed by the nurse to assist in determining a persons overall health status. What signs and symptoms would you observe if these things were not healthy?

What is the order for abdominal assessment?

What is the order in which you would auscultate a patients abdomen?

When would you give a full bed bath to your patient?

Oral care for a dependent person is not the same as for an independent person. What are the deferences and similarities?

The nurse needs to prepare a diet that will promote wound healing and tissue repair. What types of food would be on it?

When doing tube feedings the nurse knows that the feeding tube is in the abdomen, when he/she hears what sound or aspirates content. What range is the PH in for gastric content?

After bolus tube feeding the nurse should follow with how much water and what position should the patient be in when he/she is done, and why?

What are the signs of proper tube placement and appropriate absorption of tube feeding?

What are the steps in wound irrigation?

Your patient is discharged home with a Jackson-Pratt drain.  The drain is emptied when and how often and what is noted about the characteristics of the drainage?

Collecting a wound culture requires that the nurse does what?

Changing a wound dressing the main goal is to prevent what?

When giving a large volume enema the nurse knows that instilling the solution is done through gravity.  Explain the procedure.

When is a nasal gastric tube used?

Explain the characteristics of fecal matter from a colonoscopy and an ileostomy.

When performing ostomy care the nurse knows that the device should be changed based on what factor?

What are the means for delivering O2 to your patient? List the types of oxygen delivery systems. What are the advantages and disadvantage for each.

When suctioning a tracheostomy tube, the patient is observed or assessed for what signs and symptoms?

What are steps for endotracheal tube care?

Pathological events

Pathological events

At the end of this activity, a student will be able to:

  1. Describe pathological events associated with the patient’s disease process or condition.
  2. Create a plan of care and prioritized nursing interventions based on patient care needs.
  3. Identify anticipated diagnostic and physical assessment findings related to the identified condition or disease process.


  1. Review the information contained in the patient information.
  2. Review the smart sense links associated with Nursing Care, Diagnostics, and Pharmacology found in the suggested reading area.
  3. Create the following “concept map”. List the pathophysiology associated with the patient’s disease process or condition, the anticipated physical assessment findings, vital signs, diagnostics, specific nursing interventions, and other patient information associated with the patient situation.
  4. Utilize the smart sense links throughout the VSIM to complete the worksheet.
  5. Submit your concept map for review.

development presentation

Management consultant

You will assume the role of “management consultant” (one who is hired from outside the organization—to remain objective—to analyze, strategize, investigate, and make suggestions on how to improve return on investment [ROI], production, efficiency, or make a team more effective [that is the one you will undertake]). You will use the slides that you already created in the P3 and P4 IPs to create a seamless, professional PowerPoint presentation that is to be presented to the organization’s management with the intention of giving critical analysis and strategy to make the improvements in the team.

Combine the presentation you developed from Phase 3 and Phase 4 into a single team development presentation. Using all of your materials from phase 3 and 4 (assignments), review all of the comments and recommendations provided from your instructor and peers to help you finalize your presentation. Include all of the following items in your final submission:

Make revisions to your power point presentation based on their suggestions
Make sure all information gaps are covered and explained in detail
Make sure the language and wording are consistent and clear in the presentation
Make sure the slides are in sequence and easy to follow for your audience
Make sure that the format and design of your slides are consistent throughout the presentation
Identify presentation topics that can be combined into a single slide for transparency
Exclude any materials that are overlapping or repeated to shorten content
You must include a minimum of 8 scholarly references.

10-15 slides (excluding title and reference slides) and speaker notes

Qualitative Research article

Qualitative Research article

Ten-minute presentation in class, a Qualitative Research article.
Article must be peer reviewed, research study and related to the current healthcare issue/trend.
Article must have been published within last 3-5 years.
Identify and discuss the research question, hypothesis, sampling size, and research finding.
100-to-150-word maximum synopsis for the article, identifying the points stated above, as well as the APA formatted reference.

Achieving the goal

Achieving the goal

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 350 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources