DUE 5/31

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days by providing an additional scholarly resource that supports or challenges their position, along with a brief explanation of the resource. 




The brain is a dynamic organ, constantly adapting and changing based on our individual experiences. Through neuroplasticity, the brain has the ability to reconfigure neural pathways and form new connections. On a biological level, psychotherapy assists in accessing and restructuring unintegrated pathways in the brain, connecting them to an adaptive and regulated network (Wheeler, 2020). With technological advances in brain imaging, researchers have confirmation into the psychotherapeutic role that psychotherapy plays in the development and reintegration of neural pathways (Wheeler, 2020).

Cultural influences can have a significant impact on an individual’s perception of mental health. If a particular culture has a negative connotation associated with psychotherapy, they may be hesitant to reach out for help or be less compliant with treatment. For those individuals with this perception, mental health issues and psychotherapy can be seen as a form of weakness and incompetence. Religion can also play a role in an individual’s perspective of therapy. Those with strong held spiritual beliefs and convictions may prefer the guidance of someone skilled in faith-based counseling to assist in their healing journey. Incorporating a patient’s spirituality into their treatment can assist in promoting hope and provide a source of strength for that individual (Captari et al., 2018). Socioeconomic deprivation has been correlated with higher rates of mental health disorders, reduced access to care, and increased multi-level stressors (Delgadillo et al., 2018). Those struggling with these disadvantages experience resistance to psychotherapeutic interventions and a decreased sense of control and expectations (Delgadillo et al., 2018). When providing psychotherapy to a culturally diverse population, it is essential to be aware of any personal biases, continuously evaluating how those could potentially affect the therapeutic process.

 Psychotherapy involving families and groups is multifaceted, bringing different ethical and legal challenges than those seen in individual therapy. In group therapy, the practitioner must deal with the dynamic and complex nature of the entire group, often expressing differing needs and interests. Documentation, working with minors, and confidentiality are a few of the areas that differ in family therapy as opposed to individual (Gehart, 2024). The rules around confidentiality change when there is more than one individual involved. It is important to set a policy around having no secrets or limited secrets during therapy with families. There needs to be a level of confidentiality with minors to build trust and encourage a therapeutic relationship. Information should only be given to parents if the child is in danger or is doing something compromising to his well-being. Documentation with a group or family should be stored in one file to ensure all the information stays tied together. If one individual requests records from the therapy group, all participants must authorize their release.




Captari, L. E., Hook, J. N., Hoyt, W., Davis, D. E., McElroy-Heltzel, S. E., & Worthington, E. L., Jr. (2018). Integrating clients’ religion and spirituality within psychotherapy: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology74(11), 1938–1951. https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.22681Links to an external site.

Delgadillo, J., Farnfield, A., & North, A. (2018). Social inequalities in the demand, supply and utilisation of psychological treatment. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research18(2), 114–121. https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12169Links to an external site.

Gehart, D. R. (2024). Mastering competencies in family therapy: A practical approach to theories and clinical case documentation (4th ed.) Cengage

Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2020). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing.

DUE 5/30

Respond to your peers discussion question and ATTACH/INCLUDE the PDF related to your scholarly sources 


Response I

Culture, Religion, and Socioeconomics of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy does have a biological basis. Psychotherapy utilizes all of the biological regulatory systems in the brain (Javanbakht & Alberini, 2019). While participating in psychotherapy the person is utilizing several different receptors and neurotransmitters, depending on the content of the session. Each culture has their own perception and ways to handle stress and traumatic events. Each culture has a different need and requirement for their psychotherapy. For example, what maybe a stressful situation for Western culture, may not be for Eastern culture. The value of the psychotherapy must coincide with those of the culture. Pumariega et al. found that in order for psychotherapy to effectively work it must be tailored and adaptive to the culture and their views (2024). Different religions may see psychotherapy differently. Some may find that it is not needed and goes against their views. For example, some may feel that it is not having faith in their spiritual head or doubting their beliefs. This can affect how people value psychotherapy. Socioeconomics can influence perspective on the value of psychotherapy. This is shown in both the practitioners and the patients. Niemeyer & Knaevelsrud found that there was an increase of offered treatments of psychotherapy to patients in a low socio-economic standing (2022). From the patient standpoint, if the patient is from a lower socio-economic standing, then they may not be able to afford it and or find the true value of psychotherapy due to the cost. If they are from a higher socio-economic standing, then they may not see the value because of the stigma that is seen with going to psychotherapy and mental health.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

There are legal implications that should be taken into consideration when having group and family therapy. One is HIPAA and that everyone who is present will not break it. Patient’s that are in psychotherapy might not recognize what is and is not a violation of their peers’ rights. Another maybe consent, particularly in family therapy. I may not want my family member knowing something that was discussed in an individual session and that information could be released. There are also ethical considerations. A person may not be completely honest due to possible abuse or that they fear getting someone in trouble. A person may also fear being judged or uncomfortable when sharing sensitive issues in a group setting. Keeping these in mind, I would be more generally when in a group setting compared to an individual setting. I would also set a clear boundary on what a person would like shared with their family versus left private. I would also remind everyone at the beginning and ending of each group therapy session of HIPAA and that this is a judgment free zone.

Scholarly Sources

            Two of my three sources were published in science journals, meaning that they had to be somewhat credible to be published. Two of the three also had several references of peer studies, showing that their work was backed up. All three showed heavy evidence on their research. The authors of all three articles were well educated, such as psychiatrist and medical professions. Overall, this is why I feel my articles are “scholarly”.


Javanbakht, A., & Alberini, C. M. (2019). Editorial: Neurobiological models of psychotherapy. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, 1–2. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00144

Niemeyer, H., & Knaevelsrud, C. (2022). Socioeconomic status and access to psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 79(4), 937–953. https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.23449

Pumariega, A. J., Rothe, E., & Gupta, N. (2024). Cultural diversity and psychotherapy. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1177/09731342241252064Links to an external site.

Week 1 DUE 5/29 0800

Many studies have found that psychotherapy is as effective as psychopharmacology in terms of influencing changes in behaviors, symptoms of anxiety, and changes in mental state. Changes influenced by psychopharmacology can be explained by the biological basis of treatments. But how does psychotherapy achieve these changes? Does psychotherapy share common neuronal pathways with psychopharmacology?

Psychotherapy is used with individuals as well as in groups or families. The idea of discussing confidential information with a patient in front of an audience is probably quite foreign to you. However, in group and family therapy, this is precisely what the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner does. In your role, learning how to provide this type of therapy within the limits of confidentiality is essential.

For this Discussion, you will consider whether psychotherapy also has a biological basis and analyze the ways in which legal and ethical considerations differ in the individual, family, and group therapy settings.


Post an explanation of whether psychotherapy has a biological basis. Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomics might influence one’s perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments. Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy, and explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for clients in group, individual, and family therapy. Support your rationale with at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources. 

Upload a copy of your discussion writing to the draft Turnitin for plagiarism check.  Your faculty holds the academic freedom to not accept your work and grade at a zero if your work is not uploaded as a draft submission to Turnitin as instructed.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.





benefits could be an important part of the recruiting interview

benefits could be an important part of the recruiting interview

Week 7 Discussion

A Benefits Package Designed for Whom?


Wayne McGraw greeted Robert Peters, his next interviewee, warmly. Robert had an excellent academic record and appeared to be just the kind of person Wayne’s company, SYZ Hotel corporate, was seeking. Wayne is the university recruiter for SYZ Hotels and had already interviewed six graduating seniors at UNLV.

Based on the application form, Robert appeared to be the most promising candidate to be interviewed that day. He was 22 years old and had a 3.6 grade point average with a 4.0 in his field, industrial management. Not only was Robert the vice president of the Student Government Association, but he was also activities chairman for Kappa Alpha Psi, a social fraternity and president of NSMH (National Society of Minorities in Hospitality).

The reference letters in Robert’s file reveal that he was both very active socially and a rather intense and serious student. One of the letters from Robert’s employer during the previous summer expressed satisfaction with Robert’s work habits. Robert had completed an internship at the corporate offices of ABC hotels and worked part time at the front desk of a local hotel for the last two years of his hotel management degree program.

Wayne knew that discussion of benefits could be an important part of the recruiting interview. But he did not know which aspects of SYZ Hotel’s benefits program would appeal most to Robert. The company has an excellent profit-sharing plan, although 80 percent of profit distributions are deferred and included in each employee’s retirement account. Health benefits are also good. It also has long-term care insurance. The company’s medical and dental plan pays a significant portion of costs. A corporate property lunchroom provides meals at about 70 percent of outside prices, although few managers take advantage of this. Employees get one week of paid vacation after the first year and two weeks after two years with the company. Two weeks are provided each year for sick leave. In addition, there are 12 paid holidays each year. Finally, the company encourages advanced education, paying for tuition and books in full, and, under certain circumstances, allowing time off to attend classes during the day. It also provides scholarships for dependents.


  1. What aspects of SYZ Hotel’s benefits program are likely to appeal to Robert? Explain.
  2. In today’s work environment, what additional benefits might be more attractive to Robert? Explain.
    • It is an expectation that you will cite a minimum of 3 hospitality organization’s websites
    • Cite 2 additional articles on benefits for this discussion.

Subject: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Power point presentation slides :Identify the benefits and risks of use.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Subject: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Power point presentation slides :Identify the benefits and risks of use.

IPsec, SLL/TLS Standards, And VPN Security

IPsec, SLL/TLS Standards, And VPN Security

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) provide a secure data flow between two endpoints. There are not only different types of VPNs, but there are also different Internet security standards for implementing security in these different VPN types.

In this assignment, you will classify the three different types of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). You will compare the features of the IPsec and SLL/TLS Internet security standards. You will then evaluate these two Internet security standards for implementing security in the three different types of VPNs.


Write a 3 – 5 page paper in which you:

  1. Classify the three different types of Private Networks (VPNs).
    • Distinguish the characteristics of each type in terms of configuration (e.g., host-to-host), transmission technology (e.g., multiplexing), and ease of implementation.
  2. Compare the two different Internet security standards of IPsec and SLL/TLS in terms of features they provide for security, strengths, and weaknesses.
  3. Evaluate the IPsec and SLL/TLS standards for implementing security in the three different types of VPNs.
    • Your evaluation for each VPN type should include the VPN type, your proposed Internet standard for implementing security in this type of VPN, and the rationale behind your evaluation.
  4. Reflect on your learning experience in this assignment, the lessons you learned, and how this experience would apply to your personal or professional life.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Evaluate Internet security standards for implementing secure Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

IPsec Protection Mechanisms And Modes Of Operation

IPsec Protection Mechanisms And Modes Of Operation

Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is a collection of key security standards. As such, IPsec offers several protection mechanisms and several modes of operation.

  • Analyze the IPsec two protection mechanisms of Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) and Authentication Header (AH) in terms of protection, authentication, and confidentiality.
  • Differentiate the ESP two operation modes of Transport and Tunnel modes and explain which mode provides more protection and why.

Respond in 200-250 words

Moral Controversy, Debate, Disagreement, and or Dispute

Moral Controversy, Debate, Disagreement, and or Dispute

Ethical Perspectives on Abortion

Abortion triggers intense ethical debates due to deeply rooted positions. In favor of making the right choices, supporters of the given argument state that a woman’s right to self-determination prevails own her body that evident in reproduction rights and bodily autonomy judgment. They contend that mandating pregnancy continuation infringes on women’s freedoms, potentially burdening them physically, emotionally, and financially. Some argue the essence of the stance prioritizes the sacredness of human life instead of choosing abortion. They argue against abortion, viewing it as a morally shameful act due to its termination of an innocent life. The deontological arguments for this stance are rooted in the idea of a basic right to life of any unborn fetus and the ought to remain a human being as is without being harmed before they make it to the world.

The opposing viewpoints reflect fundamental disagreements regarding individual autonomy, rights, and the value of life. In matters of privacy and individual liberty, proponents stress the issues of personal concern such as the burden of unwanted pregnancies if a pregnancy is unplanned or occurs unexpectedly. Conversely, abortion proponents stress the moral imperative to protect and preserve all human life, including that of the unborn (Kaczor, 2022). The ethical discussion around the matter of abortion is deeper than the laws: it explores deeper questions of what we believe is right and fair as human beings. Advocates prioritize women’s rights and they stress that there are adverse effects of abortion.

From an Ethical Egoist perspective, individuals prioritize their self-interest above all else. A proposition from an Ethical Egoist might disregard either of the divisions of abortion assuming that this is tied to their interests or purposes. They may justify their position by arguing that supporting abortion rights preserves individual freedom and autonomy, which ultimately benefits the self. However, the question of a person’s loyalty to where he or she comes from or to the community at large should awaken in respect of advocating for abortion rights because such disregard is a threat to potential future members of society.

The implication of abortion in what is known as a Social Contract Ethics perspective. It is brought about by examining the issue within the context of the societal ethos. They would perhaps demand a balance where the individual right is acknowledged at the same time communal needs are met. A Social Contract Ethicist might find his/her position justified by the fact that it is important that the social fabric is preserved and the welfare of all members of society is granted. The disagreement on abortion, as such, might easily end up being a battle between personal autonomy and social norms, as separate individual rights and common principles respecting the humanity which is in the life clash. The instruction of Social Contract Ideology is an effective solution to this situation where the dialogue between the government and the community. The development of regulations that are based on the compromise between the freedom of choice for individuals and the advancement of society is suggested.

The code of professional ethics is undoubtedly central in regulating health workers’ behavior as they deal with ethical concerns in abortion. Codes of conduct covering the circumstances as provided by the American Medical Association (AMA) should be looked on as something valuable that one is ready to face those pressing situations. The AMA notes the right of a doctor to professionally object when participating in an abortion procedure, but at the same time, they stress the survival of access to legalized medical care. Through this consent, one understands that there is a thin line that separates the attitude of professionals and the feelings of the individual as well as that of the family whose rights to live may be in opposition with certain medical procedures. The ethical demands on health workers in these situations are special whereby they must be aware of their ethical responsibilities while at the same time appreciating the patient’s rights and autonomy.

During birth control, healthcare providers would make an individual choice between their convictions and their duty to render care to the patients. For example, when faced with the situation of a patient who came to a clinic for an abortion, the physician might have an inward conflict simply because he/she is morally against the procedure of terminating a pregnancy (Dozier et al., 2020). Professional responsibilities and personal views should be considered and should be realized with consideration of the ethics of the code. First, the AMA’s principles emphasize abiding by those rights at all times, whatever the provider or organization’s viewpoint is on the issue. The provision of neutral health information and any help needed to make reproductive health decisions by nurses as well as doctors is the key duty of healthcare professionals.

All the ethical dilemmas of abortion are complex as the various aspects, as well as ideas, are considered. It is essential to examine the various roles in the light of these ethical terms, like Ethical Egoism and Social Contract Ethics, and such an undertaking can make us aware of the ethical principles that are involved and the disputes that might arise. Social Contract Ethics stresses that one should be fair to other people and fulfill their obligations when one uses an individual’s freedom. Providers of healthcare must necessarily take into account abortion as a concept that is inseparable from the governing arrangements and reciprocal agreements of society.

In conclusion, the ethical paradox concerning abortions is one of moral complexity which involves several convictions and perceptions determined by different areas of thought. Navigating the complexity of this issue, healthcare professionals should observe their ethical responsibilities, but respect patients’ rights and autonomy. Basing on the principle of encouraging respect while finding a fine balance between individuals’ rights and social responsibilities can give direction to the proper direction for such disputes.



Dozier, J. L., Hennink, M., Mosley, E., Narasimhan, S., Pringle, J., Clarke, L., … & Rice, W. S. (2020). Abortion attitudes, religious and moral beliefs, and pastoral care among Protestant religious leaders in Georgia. PloS one, 15(7), e0235971.

Kaczor, C. (2022). The ethics of abortion: Women’s rights, human life, and the question of justice. Routledge.

responsibility of the billing specialist

responsibility of the billing specialist

Imagine that a hospital in the United States has recruited a billing specialist who reports to the manager of the billing department. The responsibility of the billing specialist is to ensure compliance with billing policies and procedures. The manager has begun an audit of the department’s adherence to policies and procedures. The audit reveals that the recently recruited billing specialist is not following the standard billing guidelines. In several patient bills, the manager observes billing errors and noncompliance with the hospital’s standard process. After investigation, the manager determines that it is fraudulent billing.

In your initial post, include the following:

Reading: Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Chapters 2, 3, and 12

Textbook link:https://bncvirtual.com/vb_econtent.php?ACTION=econtent&FVENCKEY=AD9EE8D798DCAFC7E76B5FB7C978DD86&j=43766531&sfmc_sub=1597096465&l=23329524_HTML&u=695880241&mid=524003857&jb=40753&utm_term=10242022&utm_source=transactional&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Direct_Ebooks


Article: https://www.cms.gov/priorities/key-initiatives/hospital-price-transparency

Article: https://healthcare.uslegal.com/liability/


Essentials of Health Policy and Law

Essentials of Health Policy and Law

**Read rubric verbatim***

What to Submit

Your submission should be a 2- to 3-page Word document. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Reading: Essentials of Health Policy and Law, Chapters 2, 3, and 12

Textbook link:https://bncvirtual.com/vb_econtent.php?ACTION=econtent&FVENCKEY=AD9EE8D798DCAFC7E76B5FB7C978DD86&j=43766531&sfmc_sub=1597096465&l=23329524_HTML&u=695880241&mid=524003857&jb=40753&utm_term=10242022&utm_source=transactional&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Direct_Ebooks


Article: https://www.cms.gov/priorities/key-initiatives/hospital-price-transparency

Article: https://healthcare.uslegal.com/liability/
