MeToo Movement Research

You will write a sociologically minded research paper on the #MeToo movement you must include an examination of how relevant social construction such as sexism, class-ism, racism, privilege, and oppression impacts this social issue. First you will write one page proposing the social problem and then the three current SOCIOLOGICAL references.5 pages, double-spaced, 12pt font, ASA style with 3 references. Research from 3 or more experts on the #MeToo movement. You must give a couple recommendations/ solutions for addressing this problem using INTERSECTIONALITY. The conclusion must include two well researched solutions. Must directly cite and apply 5 sociological terms in the entire paper.

West Coast Institutions of Religion Health Care and Education

Discussion Prompt 1

Discuss how the institutions of religion, health care, and education may be intertwined. Are any of these institutions used to maintain social control? If so, how?

Discussion Prompt 2

Describe how sociologists define mental illness. Use the major theoretical perspectives in your response.

Discussions are based on Ch 13 and 15 of the e- text :!/4/2@0:0

Discussions are not essays, maximum is 2 paragraphs each prompt. thanks

Maids in Canada

You are to analyse following article/issue using the sociological imagination, perspectives and concepts we have learned about in this course.

Your media analysis must:

  1. Use a sociological imagination
  2. Use at least two (2) sociological perspectives but no more that three (3).
  3. Use specific sociological concepts (terms).
  4. Refer to specific arguments, facts, or opinions taken from the text
  5. Comment on the phenomenon more generally.
  6. Be at least three typed pages (750 words)
  7. example article below
  10. Before diving into the analysis of this article from each of the perspectives, let me first say that a general sociological imagination would understand sexuality as a feature of a society and a particular culture. It would argue that how and when we express our sexuality is profoundly shaped by the society we live in, the culture of this society, our socialization, and our place in specific social structures. Right off the bat I would be alerted to the fact that this newspaper account of academic research is focussing on heterosexual women (or at least women travelling for heterosexual sexual relations) and does not speak to the myriad of other sexual possibilities. I’ll come back to this point in the feminist perspective.As a functionalist, I would note that in our society we have shared norms and values that frow

Structural Violence

Part 1: One question (10 points, 2-4 pages):


1. Based on what we have learned all semester, describe structural violence and offer examples from lectures, discussions, the Holmes book and the documentary, “The Undocumented”. Conclude your response with a discussion of how structural violence helps us to understand health and inequality.

Part 2: Please answer the following three questions in approximately 1-2 pages for each question (each question is worth 4 points):

2. Discuss breast cancer and the pink movement using a gender/feminist analysis. In your response, include links to political and economic contexts that shape our ideas and experiences connected to breast cancer. You should link to the material in our two gender modules, as well as the Pink Ribbons Inc. film from our discussion.

3. We have explored many of the ways that “race matters” when it comes to health and well-being. Linking to lecture and material from Modules 7 and 8 discuss how structural racism shapes the health experiences of communities of color.

4. Based on Chapter 7 of “Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies”, discuss the strategies that Holmes suggests for creating social change. Be specific

Cell Phones and Privacy Discussion


this is a discussion post . please read the instructions carefully before writing.

download the zipped file for the information and PLEASE when you finish upload in a ZIP or RAR file otherwise I will not take it.

Thank you


Attachment preview 

Often we look to science fiction for a glimpse into what our future will look like. In 1944, George Orwell wrote 1984 and it surprisingly has a lot of similarities to what we as a society are facing today include issues of censorship and privacy. Later on in 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s we turned to the movie and tv genre for popular science fiction stories. Star Wars, Star Trek, the Terminator, even Back to the Future gave us a glimpse into what the future will be like.

Conflict Theory By Karl Max And Functionalism Theory By Durkheim

Final Paper – 200 points

Throughout the semester, we will be building toward a final paper that will address a broad question. This paper will be 6-8 double spaced pages and should include no fewer than 10 outside, scholarly sources. These sources will come from your annotated definitions and readings each week. If you keep up, you should have no difficulty in completing this assignment.

Your topic for the final paper is….
How is society possible?
Use what you have learned from various theorists and paradigms to answer the question

Sociology Hypothesis Testing

1. Hypothesis testing: how to form hypotheses (null and alternative); what is the meaning of reject the null or fail to reject the null; how to compare the p-value to the significant level (suchlike alpha = 0.05), and what a smaller p-value means.

2. How to interpret the one-sample t-test results: what are Ho and Ha; the standard for determining statistical significance, i.e., t statistic and p-value; what are the steps for the one-sample t test; what a normal distribution looks like.

3. How to interpret the one-way ANOVA results: what are Ho and Ha; the standard for determining statistical significance, i.e., F statistic and p-value; what an F distribution looks like.

4. How to interpret the simple linear regression results: what are Ho and Ha; the standard for determining statistical significance, i.e., t statistic and p-value of the slope; what is the slope and what it means; what is the R-square (not R, it is R-square!) and what it means; what are independent variables and dependent variable, and what their relationships are; how would you plot the relationship between a dependent variable and an independent variable; from a given independent variable, how would you predict the value of a dependent variable.

5. How to interpret the multiple regression results: how to interpret the slope of an independent variable (i.e., the impact of this independent variable, holding other independent variables constance).

Evaluating Psychoanalytical Theory

Discussion: Evaluating Psychoanalytical Theory

Sigmund Freud is often hailed as the father of psychoanalytical theory. His theory was the first to point to the influence of early childhood experiences. However, psychoanalytical theory has received a lot of criticism. Although theories are supposed to be objective and value-free, they are developed within a sociocultural and political context. For example, with historical perspective, it is possible to see that values within the Western Victorian era influenced Freud as he developed his theory. Another criticism is that many psychoanalytical concepts cannot be measured. For example, how do you measure the id, ego, and superego or the notion of unconscious conflicts? As a result, it is difficult to test the accuracy of these concepts using social science research methods.

It is important to critically evaluate theories for their practical use. For example, is it appropriate to use a theory when working with diverse populations or with populations different from those with whom the theory was normed (e.g., women, racial and ethnic minority groups, those who are economically disadvantaged)? Finally, are the assumptions of theories consistent with the values underlying the field? In this Discussion, you respond to some of these concerns.

Issue of Homelessness in USA

You have two options for the final paper, and each are worth 100 pointsOption 1 would be to compose an ethnographic, qualitative, phenomenological, sociological analysis of your own “self” concept, including the factors which have influenced it (your upbringing, experiences, interactions, memes, socializations, conflicts, successes and failures). Option 2 would be to select a social problem of your choice (homelessness, poverty, racial profiling, etc.), and to design a detailed intervention to address it; this could be a non-profit organization, a volunteer program, anything you can imagine! Both options will draw heavily from course readings (course concepts and theoretical tools), lectures, and discussions and have no predetermined (prefabricated) structure. I’d advise NOT simply summarizing the full content of the course in this paper. This paper should be roughly 4 times as long as the weekly response papers, as it is worth 100 points.

Body Idealization in United States

There are many professions and industries that profit from the social construction of the idealized body in the United States as demonstrated in the film Miss Representation. Select either 1 profession or 1 industry and discuss the ways they continue to perpetuate the idealized body or either men or women. What are their methods? In what ways are they successful? How might we combat these industries or professions in terms of their participation in the construction of the idealized body? Further, what examples from the film can you use to make your argument? Be sure to think about the different bodies of feminist work that you read that may help you create this sociological argument