ndocumented Immigrants in Manhattan

Where are the undocumented immigrants in this borough from, and where do they live? Mostly of Dominican and Mexican Decent.
Where do they work? Dominicans – cab drivers/bodegas/ home attendants/restaurant workers. Mexicans – Bodegas/restaurant workers/self employed, etc.
What kinds of conditions do they live and work in?
Make sure to include some sort of tie in to just practice (meaning, history, power, possibility, context) or liberation health model (cultural, personal, and institutional parts of a problem) if possible.
Below is a template:
The following guide is offered as a suggested approach for preparing the community project papers. Creativity is encouraged! The community project paper is a product of a creative process that flows from the members’ interactions as a group and your group’s learning as a result of engaging remotely with the community of focus. How you write about this process can be a reflection of your group’s unique style and perspective.INTRODUCTION▪ What is the topic of discussion in this paper?▪ What is the connection to social work?▪ What does your paper do?COMMUNITY OF FOCUS▪ Who is the specified community and how does the community identify (who do they say they are)?▪ Why was this community of interest/importance to your group?▪ What were you curious to learn about this community, and why?PRE-ENGAGEMENT▪ What did you learn about the community prior to engagement, and how did you learn what you learned?▪ What power and privilege dynamics as well as biases were you aware that you individually and collectively needed to be mindful of prior to engagement? How did you manage this?ENGAGEMENT▪ What strategies did you employ to engage with the community?▪ What prompted you to choose these strategies?▪ What was it like for your group to use the strategies?COMMUNITY TEACHING/LEARNING AND IMPLICATIONS FOR ACTION▪ What did you learn about the community?▪ How are you understanding this learning in the frame of JP and LH?o For example:▪ How are you making meaning of what you learned? How does context help you to make sense of what you learned? How did you experience power dynamics in your remote engagement with community members (your power and their power)? How has history impacted the community – people, housing, resources, policing, transportation, access to food, health care, clean water, etc.; and, possibilities as seen from the perspectives of the community members?▪ How does the personal, institutional, and cultural provide a frame for all you learned?▪ What from your learning reflects potential intervention and/or advocacy that community members are interested in pursuing?▪ How might social workers support community members in taking action?CONCLUSION▪ What did your group learn about community engagement and teaching/learning from this assignment?o As applicable, how was what you learned influenced/framed within the current Covid-19 crisis?▪ What did your group learn about group work from this experience as a group?▪ How can you use these lessons in your social work practice going

Japan Population Challenges

Use relevant class readings and additional resources (e.g., scientific articles, research reports, newspaper articles; at least 10 total) to describe and explain the population challenges. Cite your sources (use APA style) and include the bibliography at the end of the paper. To make a good impression, pay attention not only to the content, but also to the grammar

Causes of Drug Abuse Among Teens

Attached is the proposal question.

This is the literature review step. Review minimum 10 articles from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. Use the findings to identify how the research can build upon prior work (hint: you will probably do something similar as what other people have done but do something differently that builds on any of the limitations you’ve identified). You should develop a highly refined research question. You will need to clearly explain how your study builds on the literature and how it will differ.

View the attachments for more information.

increased Rates of Juvenile Crime Assessment

Required 12- 16 page count. Must be written in APA style.


Below are some suggestions to assist with the development and preparation:

Suggestions: Add sub-heading’s – Sub-heading’s allow a dedicated section for each discussion. This particular format will help you with flow, organization and style. Use your assignment rubric to explain what is required in each sub-heading. Provide an overall written section of information within each sub-heading.


  • Introduction/Abstract
  • Target Population
  • Community Characteristics
  • Community Structure
  • Advocacy
  • Conclusion
  • References

Be certain to include map location. It is also, helpful to include statistical data graphs if relevant such as race, ethnicity, crime statistical brief charts. Your graphs and or bars will depend on what is relevant to include. Graphs and bars are not mandatory however, they can assist with your research and point of view. Be certain to review some of your community assessment video’s. Video’s will help with additional source of information to include if needed.

  1. Within each sub-heading above, provide the relevant research information to include in your assignment paper.
  2. The purpose is to gather information and data to provide your community assessment.
  3. Follow- the outline with the suggested topics. The outline and assignment rubric provides specific detail information regarding what is needed within the paper.
  4. Much of the information needed within the community assessment paper, you have already completed the task, either by module assignment reading or discussion board assignment.

Sociology of Race Gender and Class

In your opening paragraph, you should clearly state whether the policy demonstrates a sociological understanding of race, gender, and class, and what this means for proposal’s potential for creating structural change. In the body of the paper, you should support your argument by drawing on specific examples from the appropriate policy, making clear connections between your examples, sociological concepts, relevant course readings, and at least one tool for analyzing race, class, and gender sociologically. Some policies you will review are better than others, so it is more than acceptable to critique them as you see fit.

Current Mental Health System in Australia and Role of Counselors and Psychotherapists Play

Your report should include:

 Examine current attitudes to mental health in Australia

 Outline and discussion of changes that might be required to create a more sustainable and equitable mental health system in Australia (based on the literature review findings)

 Explain counsellors’ and psychotherapists’ current role in the mental health system

Psychology Family Stress Crisis and Resilience Narrative


  1. Identify and discuss what type of stressor(s) were present (the book provides the different types)? If it became a major crisis, what led to it becoming one?
    • Please note: the stressor or crisis you choose to discuss MUST 1) be in the past and one that your family has already gone through; not one that they are currently in, 2) one that you are old enough to recall and speak directly about and how it personally impacted you as a member of the family and 3) impacted your immediate family. This is important because you will not be able to answer all the questions if your family is still working through the challenge or if you are retelling something second hand such as you were too young to remember.
      • If you are unsure about ANYTHING or believe you cannot meet this criterion, please email me and we can find a solution together 🙂 I have done this for students in the past; so do not hesitate to reach out.
  2. Then think about the “course of a family crisis” we learned about in chapter 13. Describe and summarize what your family looked like during these stages: how did your family handle it–what were the responses of the family system?
  3. Address and discuss how your family coped, adjusted, and or chose to adapt. Were they resilient or vulnerable and why? What resources/factors as addressed in the chapter did your family use, need, or should have used (this depends on what occurred as well as your perception of what took place: remember how everyone appraises the situation/crisis/challenge differently)?
  4. Finally, looking back, what came from this experience in the life of your family including lessons learned or what you learned about your family and even yourself

It is critical and expected that when discussing family dynamics and personal reflections that you apply course information from chapter 13 in the Lamanna text (13th edition) to support and explain your assessment–by using terms and concepts presented throughout the chapter material as well as properly cite the information

Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment

  • What are your initial thoughts and reactions to these two women’s stories?
  • What impressed and stood out to you as you listened to these two different stories of domestic violence?
    • Be specific and not generic in your responses.


  • What do you think is or are some the greatest problem(s) concerning Domestic Violence?
    • Remember, there is no definite answer. This is to encourage you to think critically about what you have learned (or may have experienced) about domestic violence and what strike you the most.
  • What are possible solutions: focusing on prevention, better treatment, better intervention, and/or working on more effective legislation…?
  • What is the real “take-home” message or most important lesson learned for you? Please do not hesitate to share personal experiences–we need to hear them!


  • What do you think we can do to help promote healthy relationships in general and hopefully minimize and prevent such abuse from continuing and maybe even change the ending of someone else’s story?

Poverty in United States Picture


For this assignment, you will conduct Internet research about poverty in the United States and create a photo essay that depicts the economic struggles that many Americans are facing today. Photo essays consist of a collections of photographs or images that portray a particular message. The idea of this assignment is to be creative, so don’t let a new type of assignment hinder you. Your photo essay should have an organized theme, linking two photos in some way in the essay.

Theme ideas include a certain area or region (urban or rural), lost jobs, a personal story, the recession, immigration, economic impact of globalization, low-paying jobs, slums, kids and poverty, hunger, elderly and poverty, single parents and poverty, health care and poverty, drugs, or other social issues that may be associated with poverty. You are not limited to these ideas; you may pick any theme that you think depicts the economic struggles of Americans.

You will submit the following in one document:

  1. Two photos that support one common social theme.
  2. Each photo must come from a different webpage, article, or source. In other words, do not find an article or photo essay online and copy both photos from that one source. The photos may be your own photos, photos found online, or a combination of both.
  3. Provide a 100-word (minimum) description for each of the two photos that states what each of the photos represents.
  4. The descriptions should educate the reader about the social theme you are presenting.
  5. Provide a 150-word (minimum) summary of your photo theme and explain how social class as a social structure influences the opportunities or life choices for the individuals or individual in your photo essay.
  6. Conclude with a statement of what you learned from this photo essay assignment.

Socioeconomics Costs of Smoking

Assignment for a Research paper

Survey needed including questions, results, analysis and instructions provided

Samples of the poster presentation attached