Showing Emotions in The Workplace

2 discussion post responses:

Reply to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses.


  • Are showing emotions good or bad in the workplace? Do you ever hide your emotions in this setting?
  • How can expressing emotion motivate someone? Provide an example from your experience.
  • How is fear important for survival? Do you believe this is healthy in the modern workplace?

First post to respond to:


Auriel N. Echols

2 hours ago, at 8:52 AM


Good morning class and Dr. Rawls,

Are showing emotions good or bad in the workplace? We are all humans, so sometimes it can be hard to hide our feelings even at work, however, a line should be drawn if the emotions are irrational or if they occur too often. Some people may cry at work due to being happy from maybe a promotion or something, but if a person is crying for other reasons, I find it to be unprofessional. Most organizations need staff members who can do their tasks and if the employee is constantly crying then they are unable to complete the task at hand. Other emotions like anger and frustrations are also not acceptable and very unprofessional at work. You should be able to control your emotions when you are working. It is best to avoid intense expressions of emotions at work, especially while around other coworkers. I am the type of person who hide their emotions while at work even. If I feel like I need to let off some steam, I would go to my car to breathe and gather my thoughts, even when I feel like crying, but once I get home I just let it all out. Work can have a lot of stress on an individual especially if they feel as if they are not getting anywhere, that’s why it’s important to make sure you set goals for yourself so you won’t become overwhelmed. How can expressing emotion motivate someone? Emotions can motivate a person to act. For example, when I important tests to take I get anxiety because I am not sure how well I will do on it. So, what I do is I motivate myself to study even harder, take notes, and encourage myself that I can do it. How is fear important for survival? Fear triggers an alarm inside an individual, it can force you to act and it can help you with your decision making. If you did not fear, then you cannot be aware of the threats that surround you

Causes of Drug Use among Teens

This is the methods portion of the research paper.

The rubric is attached. I have also attached my research question, literature review, and a SAMPLE methods paper.

Please follow the rubric to write the methods portion of the paper.

Paper should be 5 pages, without the title and references pages.

Please keep the same writing style.

Advocacy for Racial Justice & Immigrant Rights

Locate an example from the media (reputable news source, TV news, newspaper, etc.) on a current event associated with Advocacy for Racial Justice & Immigrant Rights. Evaluate the quality of information. What type of evidence is provided? Is this material helpful in learning about the issue? Is there any misrepresentation or bias? Is there a value being promoted

APA fomat

use the attachment for resources

Theory in Therapy Advertisement Brochure

Imagine you and your colleague are opening a private practice together. You adhere to the psychoanalytic theory, and your colleague is an Adlerian therapist.

Imagine that it is five years into the future, and you and your colleague are opening a private practice together. You both adhere to the Adlerian counseling framework.

Design a minimum 350-word advertisement brochure for your new counseling practice that includes the following:

Briefly explain the Adlerian approach to counseling that includes a description of the following:

  • The basic assumptions of the theory
  • The key concepts of the theory
  • The goals of therapy
  • How clients will be assessed
  • The role of the counselor
  • The techniques employed
  • The client concerns that Adlerian theory will address

Use pictures and graphics, as needed.

Include a minimum of three professional references.

Format your assignment with APA guidelines.

Globalization and the Counseling Profession

Hello and welcome to this discussion forum.

Our readings this week address the topic of globalization, mental health, and the counseling profession. Please read carefully the assigned readings and then participate in the discussion forum which will have two questions.

My first question is below:

Conduct some research using valid web-based sources and describe for us the state of mental health in any developing nation you wish to choose. How does that nation and its culture define mental health, mental disorders, and mental illness? What type of infrastructure exists in that nation to address mental health issues?

My second question is below

Discuss what you see as the relationship between globalization and mental health? What would, should, or does culturally relative mental health counseling look like in the nation you selected for my first question?

Processes of Dying Crystal Size

i want it for three ppl so make it in 3 different document

Create a Gram staining flow chart of the staining procedure after observing the Gram Staining video and the Gram staining doc.

Cell Division Genetics and Biotechnology

How is a hemophilia gene inherited ? A woman is color blind, a sex linked, recessive trai


Nervous System

just finish the quizzes

mark the correct answer as red for me please

the quiz comes from a Gened biology class

Sexual Selection in Fish

Need a couple questions to be answered from a bio lab graph. Instructions, graph and other necessary stuff are in the attachments. Thanks in advance


Animal Infections to Humans

The article should be found by you and the link should be included in your summary. Write one summary that needs to be one page per article. So each article needs one summary that will need to be one page. Write three pages, font Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spaced). For each link listen to the podcast and write the summary based on that