Family Physical and Mental Violence Sibling Abuse


Select a topic in the field of family violence. What is your topic? What is its history both legal and social? How have other societal institutions impacted the way we think about your topic? What sociological theory exists that attempts to explain what you are researching? What theories from our text attempt to explain what you are researching? How has your topic been studied? What significant findings have been discovered? What questions remain unanswered? Where do we go from here? What potential solutions or responses have been suggested to contend with the area of family violence you are researching? If you were going to take on the task of researching your topic, how might you do it?

Technical requirements:

____6-10 pages long (front of page only)

____5-10 sources

Essential Skills for Social Work Diverse Family System

To prepare: Select a diverse family system, such as a family with differences in sexual orientation, a family with differences in race or ethnicity, or a family with members who are managing a disability. Then, consider potential barriers they might encounter in society. Think about how a social worker might address one of these barriers on an individual, family, organizational, group, or community level. Support this post using peer-reviewed article(s), in addition to the assigned resources.


  • Provide a brief description of the diverse family system you selected.
  • Explain potential barriers or challenges this family might encounter that is related to diversity.
    • Provide evidence from scholarly resources to support the existence of this barrier.
  • Explain how a social worker might address this barrier on an individual, family, organizational, group, or community level.
    • Provide evidence from scholarly resources to support social work approach.

Racial Disparities Experienced in University by Black & Asian Students


In this assignment you will choose a media item to critically examine through a sociological lens. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your ability to analyze media context using sociological questions and concepts. This assignment provides you the opportunity to both critically analyze a media item and develop a response or alternative version of this item that both incorporates your critiques and seeks an alternative representation. Your analysis and critique should incorporate theories and key concepts from this course including inequality, gender, race, class, social roles/socialization, etc.

  1. Find a popular mainstream media item associated which represents race, class, or gender. This can be print or digital media that is one of the following:
  • An advertisement
  • An article in a popular/mainstream magazine
  • A newspaper article
  • A popular YouTube video
  • A clip from a popular show on television
  • A clip from a news program
  • A social media page or profile
  1. Using what you have learned in this course, critically analyze the social representations presented in the media content. Discuss how the media item reflects or challenges dominant values, norms, and social identities.
  1. Write a 2-3 page analytic paper including an alternative representation of your media item.

Nuclear Family Communication

will write a 8 page, typed, double-spaced paper, analyzing your service

learning project sociologically. Here’s how:

1. Spend the first 1-2 pages introducing me to the organization or club. Introduce me to their

history, mission, the population it serves or the cause it promotes, and your role in the

club or organization.

2. The next 2-4 pages should be an analysis of the club/organization. Choose three

sociological concepts you learning in class and

a. Define the concept


by referring to the course material.

b. Show, in detail, how this concept applies to what you’ve observed in your


3. The last 1-2 pages should be a critical evaluation of the club/organization. While I’m sure

it does good work, no club or organization is perfect. How could it be improved? What

suggestions do you have?

Things to remember:

1. Cite your sources. You cannot get an A without citing.

2. Be concise, but provide details.

3. Choose difficult, but applicable, concepts. Some sociological material is harder to grasp

than others. I encourage you to take risks and challenge yourself, rather than playing it


4. Show me you’ve been coming to class and reading the books. Incorporate as much course

material as you can.


Ps: Once I have order with you I will provide more details to you

Gun Control and Drug Issues Criminal Justice System

800 word

issue related to the criminal justice system. Except (gun control, drug issues)

Social Problem Gun Control

What do you believe is the greatest social problem facing our country today? This can be something general (ex., Poverty, Crime, Sexism, Racism, etc.) or be more specific within larger social problems (ex., Affordable Housing or Mass Incarceration)

Pick One:

A. Describe this social problem and why you think it is important.

B. Describe how it relates to different Social institutions

C. In your opinion, what is the most important way to alleviate your identified social problem?

General instructions for your essay:

Make sure you reach the minimum word requirement for this long essay (400 words)

DO NOT use quotes or outside resources in your paper

Use academic language

The Stigma on Mental Illness

At least 3 full pages

APA or MLA formatted

Single-spaced sentences

Times New Roman font, size 12

Title page and bibliography/reference page with at least two peer-reviewed sources (journal articles, textbooks, or academic publications).

There is a penalty for anything less than three pages but no penalty for going over three pages.

Your paper must include the following:

An introduction, body, and conclusion like all papers. You may write in the first person.

For this assignment, begin by identifying a genre of pop culture you especially love. For example, I find myself drawn to science fiction literature. Your choices are limitless- you can pick from the field of music, movies, books, television programs, bands, even people- the list goes on. If you are unsure about what you pick, let me know via email and we can Facetime or Zoom to brainstorm together.

Introduction: Introduce that genre to your reader (me) and state why you are drawn to that genre. What got you started in that genre, when did you start, and what keeps you interested in that genre? Most importantly, what does your interest and passion for this genre say about you?

Body paragraphs: History of the genre, notable names and events connected with that genre, and its current impact on popular culture in the United States and/or the world.

Pick any one of the three sociological perspectives (Functionalist, Conflict, or Interactionist) to analyze why your genre is popular. At the end of each Sociological Perspective PowerPoint, I have posted questions. You may use those questions to get your analysis started. If you are confused, let’s talk!

Conclusion: Summarize the paper for me and add at least one new fact you learned about the genre.

The Stigma on Mental Illness

From page 6-11 (on the course outline) are the requirements for my research paper. The second documents goes into detail about the requirements.

Originally this is was my thought process: In today’s society, mental illness is still being stigmatized. Many people believe that people with mental health issues are violent and pose a risk to harming themselves or other people. It is this belief that creates a general stigma towards people with mental health issues. This stigma can worsen and stop a person from getting the help they need. For example, there are many cases of young children committing suicides because they are a victim of bullying or depression. Social pressures on these individuals with mental health issues can impact their everyday life. It is important to care for the mental health of others as well as yourself because mental health is a vital part of one’s life as it impacts behaviors and emotions.

-my professor commented that my idea for my paper was missing the impact on society

Crimes in American Society

For this assignment, students are asked to write a review of a research paper published on any academic journals of social science disciplines. (Note: Academic journals such as American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Social Problems, Social Psychology Quarterly, Sociology of Education, Sociological Forum, Sociological Methodology etc.

The paper should be at least 4 pages long, typed and double-spaced. Use APA or MLA format. (Note: the above required items illustrating information need to be addressed in your paper, it should not be treated as questions to be answered. Your paper should be a coherently organized paper).


Option 2:

Write a paper to discuss the problem of crimes in American society. Students are required to apply the sociological theories (structural functionalist, social conflict, and symbolic interactionist) learned in class to illustrate the causes of criminal behavior and logically develop social policy solutions based on respective theories. The paper should be 4 pages long and include the following points:

  1. Illustration of the 3 major sociology theories on the image of society, and how society works, and why problems such as crime occur.
  2. Use existing data (for example, media source or research literature (textbook too) on the extent and types of crime in America society, or cite examples of criminal cases you obtained via different sources (case study), and relate the empirical evidences to the theories learned in Chapter 1 to discuss the causes of crime.
  3. When recognized the causes of crime based on the theoretical perspectives, logically make social policy solution suggestions on the problem of crime in American society.

Choose one topic for your paper assignment. The paper counts 10% of course grade and is required. The submitted paper should be at least 4 pages long, typed and double-spaced. Use either APA or MLA format. (Note: the above required items illustrating information need to be addressed in your paper, it should not be treated as questions to be answered. Your paper should be a coherently organized paper).

Marriage and Family

you have to answer 5 question each 1-2 pages and all your awnsers have to be from the book. no outside information. here are some more instructions. the book is called, Marriage and Family 4. David Knox.

Chapters 1-3

Please answer the following questions in paragraph form. Each answer should be about 1-2 page double spaced. You should rely on information you have gathered thus far in this class through class lectures, readings, videos and the textbook. You will not need any other “outside” sources and you should cite your sources the best you can (example: textbook page 4, class notes, title of video watched, etc.) Please email me with any questions.

  • Why do people get married? What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages of marriage to individuals and society?
  • What are the “types” of marriage and what do they share in common? How are they different?
  • Please describe these three sociological theories or frameworks: Conflict, Structural Function, Symbolic Interaction. Use examples that tie each of these to marriage and family.
  • What is a Gender and how is it different from Sex? What is a Gender Role? Include an explanation and analysis of Toxic Masculinity.
  • Please discuss the “Agents of Socialization”. What is socialization and how does it work (include norms and sanctions)? How do these reinforce our Gender Roles?