Role of Politics and Economy in Social Issues

This assignment is 2-3pages in length requiring the following

Step One

What role does politics and the economy play in your social problems?

Step Two

Review the key process from the course that would be need to be changed in order to solve the problem you chose for this class.

Cite your sources inside your work and in a reference section.

Be sure to use section headings for each of the topics you address in your paper followed by a discussion of that topic

Sense of Ethics Potential for Leadership and Career Development

How do leaders help develop others’ sense of ethics, potential for leadership, and career development? Please use your own experiences or observations to explain while also drawing on relevant parts of the reading assignment.


State Sexual Exploitation on National Regional & Local Level

This is the folder for the final paper. There is no final exam. The final paper assignment has been located on the syllabus.

This final paper is due on 12/11.

The final paper is due on the last day of class. You will investigate a form of victimization on the national, regional or local level (This will depend on the form of victimization chosen.). You will be responsible for choosing a topic. The paper should include the following:

· An introduction – why should your reader care?

· A literature review that includes a discussion of the way that the chosen form of victimization is defined, statistics relating to the scope of the problem and a discussion of the current research relating to the form of victimization.

· A discussion of current policies relating to this form of victimization.

· An outline of, and justification for, a proposed policy that you feel will improve upon current policies.

Global Influence of International Monetary Fund

  • Please use 12 point, Times New Roman font, and 1” margins,6-FULL PAGES, Double-spaced

I attached the detailed paper instructions in the files, please read it carefully!!!!!

Report on Website:

The FINAL PAPER will be to explore the websites for various Global Justice Movement organizations. You should explore at least five global justice movement websites from the list below:

For this PAPER you will need to spend a number of hours on the web exploring these websites, reading some of the articles and commentaries,

and gaining an understanding of some of the popular literature and features on the web that have to do with the theme of globalization and resistance.

Then you will write up a report, between 6-FULL-PAGES, on your analysis of the exercise.

You should draw on course readings, lectures, and other materials to analyze the content of these web sites,relating that content to the course and what you have learned.

Demonstrate your analytical prowess and ability to apply what you have learned in the course.

(I already attached my course PPT)

Park History of Race and Racial Inequality in US & American


This film examines the history of race and racial inequality in the US. The film follows Gunner Myrdal’s 1944 research on the US “negro problem” which troubles the cultural values of equality, liberty, and freedom. This documentary brings the concept of implicit bias to a contemporary setting to understand the ongoing racial inequalities despite the Civil Rights Movement.


In this assignment you will watch the documentary film American Denial (Links to an external site.) and then write a reflection paper that first summarizes the main points from the film and then addresses the following questions:

  • Have race issues improved since Myrdal’s study?
  • Do you think that having a black president has moved us closer to racial equality in the United States? Why or why not?
  • What do you think about the concept of implicit bias and how is a bias reproducing inequality?
  • What is the most important thing an individual can do to reduce prejudice and discrimination?

How Sexual Norms & Sexual Identities Intersect with Politics and The Law

Sexuality is a powerful socio-political tool and weapon. Discuss how sexual norms and sexual identities intersect with politics and the law, economics and the marketplace and social wellness and disease.

Choose one of the following options for your assignment this week:

Option A: Gender Crimes

Criminal acts occur against individuals because of gender – some of these are labeled as hate crimes in the U.S. (consider cases of violence against transgendered and homosexual individuals) and others occur across cultures. Choose two other types of “gender crimes” and discuss what these acts reveal about deep-seated cultural values and beliefs. One possibility is to examine bride burning or dowry death in India.

Submit a paper (750-1250 words) that explores gender crimes. Provide at least three references cited within the text and listed in the references section.

Option B: Gender Interviews

Interview six people of various ages and ask them what various gender terms mean (transsexual, intersex, transgender, etc.). Also ask them what experience they have in this knowledge – do they know someone who uses a non-binary gender designation or are they basing this information on another source? There is a gap between scholarly understandings and pop culture. Summarize your findings into a report.

Submit a copy of the interview questions and your notes of the interviews, along with your written interpretation of the data (750-1250 words).

Option C: Sexual Terminology

Create a survey of sexual identities. Prepare at least ten questions of various types that elicit the understanding that people have of terms such as bisexual, gay, lesbian, homosexual, queer, and LGBT. Then, conduct the survey with at least ten respondents. What patterns can you find? What terms are most and least agreed upon?

Submit a copy of your questionnaire along with the responses from your subjects. Include your written interpretation of the data (750-1250 words).

Building and Strengthening Teams

Write a 75- to 100-word response to each of the following prompts:

  • What are some examples of different roles and needs within a team? How can these roles and needs affect the process of teamwork?
  • What occurs in each of the forming, storming, norming, and performing stages of group development? Choose one of the stages and provide a scenario that illustrates what occurs in that stage. How does this model of group development differ from other models?
  • What are 3 or 4 strategies for strengthening teams? How do these strategies assist in team building?
  • What is group cohesion? What factors contribute to group cohesion? How can you enhance group cohesion?

is Social Work the Right Profession for You

Is Social Work the Right Profession for you?

Write 1-2 page essay explaining your understanding of Social Work and your personal characteristics that can bot only make you a better Social Worker but also helps you your profession as a Social Worker.

Impact of Globalization and Civil Wars

***I will be including the PowerPoint mentioned in the comments….***

The information you provided in your PowerPoint presentation on Threats to the Global Environment has led to productive debates at the United Nations General Assembly! Hence, they are now asking you to create an additional analysis report to respond to the issues raised in these debates.

Your fourth project as a consultant for the United Nations is to develop a report that addresses the issues raised by some of the member states of the United Nations.

Step I. Consider the Issues

In Assignment 3a, you were asked to create a PowerPoint identifying the four most critical threats out of eight threats provided in the table below.

Using Data in Sociology

Using the same topic that you identified in the first writing assignment and further researched in the second, compose a short (two pages) write-up exploring the data that exists on your topic. In about 2-3 pages (double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins, MLA format) Address the following:

(1) Where did you find the data?

(2) How and when was the data collected?

(3) What does the data document?

(4) How does the data relate to your topic?

(5) What are the limitations of the data?

You might look at one of the following sites:

The General Social Survey