Climate Change On Healthcare

The environment (both home and physical) has a significant influence on health, as you saw in the readings and media presentations for this week. You also read about the ramifications of global climate change on health. For the purpose of this Assignment, consider the implications of global climate change on health now and in the future.

For this Assignment, review the following:

  • AWE Checklist (Level 4000)
  • Walden paper template (no abstract or running head required)
  • The Week 5 Assignment Rubric for additional instruction and guidance


Write a 3- to 5-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Describe two health care concerns related to global climate change.
    • Topics could include increased exposure to vectors that transmit Zika, West Nile virus, or malaria; respiratory problems; food distribution problems due to drought or lack of water; or heat-related illness.
  • Compare concerns in the United States related to these topics with one developed and one developingcountry.
  • Describe health promotion/health protection strategies a nurse could implement.
  • Support your ideas with references from the professional nursing literature.

Prior to submission, refer to the Week 5 Assignment Rubric.

Disease Process – Healthcare Provision Imaginary

Topic 1: Disease Process

Write an imaginary case study for your hypothetical patient.

  1. Explain how the patient moved through the healthcare delivery system.
  2. With respect to the costs you calculated last week, describe how the patient will pay for the cost of treatment.
  3. Analyze the healthcare delivery system as illustrated in this case. What problems did you notice? Would some people find it difficult to pay for treatment? Are there areas where treatment for this illness is unavailable or unaffordable to the common person?
  4. Provide an overall conclusion for the work that you have done in this project.

Topic 2: Healthcare Profession

Research to find organizations that assess the quality of care provided by the healthcare professionals you chose to study and answer the following:

  1. What is the liability of these professionals?
  2. How do changes in medical technology affect these professionals?
  3. Provide an overall conclusion for the work that you have done in this project

Support your answers for both the topics with appropriate examples and research.

International Organization for Standardization

This exercise is intended to give you an introduction into the ISO world. You have already reviewed the ISO website. Now you will look at some of the specifics of the standards developed by this organization. Understand that compliance is voluntary.

  1. To start this exercise go to the ISO Flipbook
  2. Review the entire document
  3. Select one of the topics within the Flipbook


Write a response to the following questions based on your review:

  1. What Standard did you review? What is the purpose of the standard?
  2. What did you find interesting about the standard?
  3. Was there anything about the standard that you did not expect to find?
  4. As an owner of a company how likely would you be to enter into such an agreement?
  5. Keeping in mind all the topics that you reviewed in the Flipbook. As a purchaser of materials from another country which standard would you require your vendor to comply with prior to your signing a long term contract with the company?

Stress and Academic Performance Discussion

File attached will be the post of the others, please rely to post as work of part two.

PART 1: Choose ONE of the four questions below to answer. Indicate which question you chose.

Your post should be between 150 and 300 words. Be specific in your answer. If your post is vague or general you will be docked 2 points ( see rubric).

  1. How would you define stress?
  2. What is the meaning of stress to you?
  3. Do you think Americans are more stressed than people in other countries?
  4. Can stress affect the academic performance and increase the risk for development of diseases?

PART 2: Respond to one answer from your classmates with one post (between 150 and 300 words). If your post is vague or general you will be docked 2 points (see rubric).

International Public Health Emergency

Summarize any one chapter of the handbook on epidemiological investigation (you may not use the Introductory portion of the handbook) and provide one example of a US or international public health emergency in which this science was used or likely used. Post your choice early so that you do not duplicate someone else’s work.

Please see attachments!

Public Health Emergency Response

1. Slideshow: Read the entire manual on public health emergency response. This manual describes a potential cohesive complete public health response to a public health disaster. Not all aspects will be used in all responses. Much like ICS it can be scaled as appropriate.

Find one example of a public health emergency in the United States in the last 20 years and develop a 10-15 PowerPoint slides about the incident: What happened, who responded, what public health measures were involved and how did the situation resolve itself? Use the topics presented in the manual to shape your presentation. We expect that you will be able to cite specific details and page numbers from this manual to support how the incident was mitigated.

Public Health in Disasters

Final paper of public health in disasters with around 3000 word, 5% less or more. Please see the details below.


Emerging Public Health Issue

The purpose of this assignment is to identify an emerging public health issue that you are passionate about and write a letter to your elected officials to bring attention to your issue.

Part 1:

Identify an emerging public health issue that you are passionate about as the topic of your letter to the elected official. This topic can be what you selected for your Project #1.

Part 2:

Read the PDF “Writing a letter to your elected officials” and follow the tips on how to write a letter to your elected officials. Next, locate the elected official that you would like to reach. You can select a local California representative or your state senator or congressman/woman. Refer to our lecture from Week 12: Advocacy, Policy and Change Strategies for tips on how to incorporate storytelling into the letter for your elected official.

Part 3: (One to one and a half pages single spaced)

Use the sample template provided as an example of how to write a letter to your chosen elected official on your emerging issue. Once completed, consider sending your letter to the elected official. Please proofread your letter before submitting it to Canvas.


Human Anatomy and Physiology Nervous System

A patient has been diagnosed with a disorder of the nervous system. The patient has been hospitalized and subsequently discharged to the care of their primary care physician. You are the Physician’s Assistant to the MD. After the doctor sees the patient, your task will be to answer questions about patient’s issues and write a follow-up letter to them to recap their status, treatment plan and allay any fears they may have. You will choose from one of the 3 case studies. Use the Case Study Report to complete your work. Clues can be found for the diagnosis within the write-up for each patient, in addition to their symptoms. (1) Confirm the diagnosis and thoroughly answer the questions present. (2) Write a follow-up letter to the patient answering the questions at the end of the case study and allay any fears they may have. The letter should be at least one page (300-350 words). The letter should be double-spaced.

To successfully complete this assignment, please view all of the resources in the attachments folder to complete

Violence in the Healthcare System

1. Identify the resources/protocols that a health provider would need to consider and hand in place to address the issue

2. Explain the leadership and managerial responses or responsibilities

3. Discuss the cultural impact

4.Describe the legislative actions or government agencies that may be involved

5. End your paper with a summary of your research