Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Media Literacy

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Images from media and advertisements for consumer products flood the market. These images and ads have been carefully built to convey certain values, images, preconceived notions and to sell a product or an idea. Although the male body image has been less affected by these cultural expectations and the media than the female body image has, men are not immune to body image concerns. Young girls are stricken by concerns of body image even before puberty.

Forms of bullying like body shaming, fat shaming, and slut shaming (which can occur online and offline) can have a negative influence on body image and lead to low self-esteem, both of which are related to body dysmorphic disorder. While social media may not cause body dysmorphic disorder, it may act as a trigger in those already genetically predisposed to the disorder, or it could worsen existing symptoms.

Watch this short editorial on social media before posting to the discussion.

Medicine Ethical Issues

The paper must be a minimum of 2000 words and a maximum of 2200 words, double spaced, using a size 12 font of either Times Roman or Arial, the title page, abstract page and reference page are not included in the word count. It must be submitted in WORD, not a PDF. The paper should address the issues of ethics (theory and practices in work-related aspects of society). The focus is on GENOMIC MEDICINE as it relates to ethics in today’s world.

The Paper must be written and organized according to APA format; using at least 10 different sources (minimum); that will include academic publications, national/international database, media/news reports,


Must be submitted in a Word document – PDF is not acceptable.

Minimum/Maximum length: 2000/2200 words – title page and reference pages are not included in the page count. One aspect of this assignment is learning how to consolidate and organize your paper so it stays within the limits of the 2200 word count. Must show a total word count – count does not include references.

Formatting: APA, Title page, Abstract, Header should be with the page number in the header area of the page. The paper must be grammatically correct.

Elements of the critique

Critical Review Assignment

Elements of the critique

Summary of the article (Discuss what the article is about) This part SHOULD NOT include any of your personal input but rather just summarize what the author did in his/her research.

  • Research Topic
    • What question is the researcher trying to answer?
  • Research Methodology
    • How did the researcher study the topic? Survey? Experiment? Statistical Analysis?
    • Briefly answer who, what, where, and when, and how.
  • Major Conclusions
    • What does the author conclude?
    • What recommendations does he make?

This section should be about 1.5 pages in general.


Module 1

The study of the philosophy of friendship provides us with an opportunity to examine the distinctions between romance and friendship.

Plato believed that eros, or intimate love, can inform both our friendships and romantic relationships. Indeed, he believed that it was possible to enjoy a deeper friendship, through a romantic partnership, as long as one did not allow the sexual component to overshadow the friendship. This takes both great effort, and the passage of time, to redirect eros into higher pursuits. Nietzsche was more skeptical that this type of friendship was achievable. He shares:

Here and there on earth we may encounter a kind of continuation of love in which this possessive craving of two people for each other gives way to a new desire and lust for possession—a shared higher thirst for an ideal above them. But who knows such love? Who has experienced it? Its right name is friendship (p. 60).

In today’s world, there is a growing focus on friendship in marriage, although there is also the belief that the two kinds of relationships possess very different properties. Your text summarizes this in the following:

It might be said that friendship is calm, reasonable, harmonious and sober, whereas erotic love is spontaneous, irrational, wild and orgiastic. Or that friendship tends towards the mind, conversation and the spiritual, whereas erotic love is nothing without the body, touch and lust….friendship tends to be reasonable, whereas erotic love is irrational; friendship warms to the mind, whereas sexual attraction wants the body; friendship must be reciprocated to make sense, love need not; and friendship is mostly virtuous, whereas eros can be murderous

The Pathophysiology of Disorders

Make a Powerpoint Presentation:

The Pathophysiology of Disorders

During the last 5 weeks, you have explored various body systems: neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematological. These four systems work together along with other body systems to complete a myriad of functions. For this reason, when disorders occur within one body system, it can create potentially devastating effects throughout the entire body. For instance, Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the central nervous system, yet its alterations actually affect multiple body systems from the cardiovascular system to the gastrointestinal system. In this Assignment, you examine alterations associated with disorders, as well as the impact of the alterations on multiple body systems.

To prepare:

·         From the list below, select a disorder of interest to you:

o    Alzheimer’s disease

o    Asthma in children

o    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

o    Congestive heart failure

o    Hepatic disease (liver disease)

o    Hypertension

o    Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism

o    Seizures

o    Sepsis

·         Identify alterations associated with your selected disorder. Consider the pathophysiology of the alterations. Think about how these alterations produce pathophysiological changes in at least two body systems.


Assignment: CRITICALLY discuss the role of hospitals in the Integrated Health Services Delivery Network in Trinidad and Tobago.

The entire paper and references are to be done APA style .
There must be at least 12 references from a combination of journal articles and books. Try to avoid using electronic references. However, if they are to be used, it must not be inclusive of the 12 above and it must be dated so one can see when it was accessed from the website.

This pertains strictly to Trinidad and Tobago so the topic must be researched fully with respect to this country.

3000 words


The factors that contribute to the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs are many, and the decision to use drugs lies ultimately with the individual. List, explain and discuss with your classmates 3 factors that contribute to the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse.

Please include one option that is available to decrease alcohol, tobacco or other drug abuse.

250 word count


The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to use evidence-based treatment to support the development of a treatment plan for a child with a language disorder.

Steele, S. C., & Mills, M. T. (2011). Vocabulary intervention for school-age children with language impairment: A review of evidence and good practice. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 27(3), 354-370.

1- After reading the article, describe a method that you could use to teach vocabulary.

2- Explain why you think this method of instruction would be helpful to use with a child who has a language disorder or learning disability.

3- Read the list of references at the end of your chosen article and list one additional article (using APA format) that you think would be useful to help support your decision to teach vocabulary or reading comprehension. Explain why you chose this article.

4- The paper must be paginated, double spaced. Include reference page in APA format.

Page limit = 1 page without the reference page.

Rubric for Assignment


Rubric for this Assignment






This criterion is linked to a Learning   Outcome Describes a method of instruction   in a clear and concise manner.


There has been a recent reduction in budget allocation to the health care sector and hence the hospital as a result of the impact of low energy prices and the consequent reduction in the Government of Trinidad and Tobago revenues. Write a proposal to the Chief Financial Officer of the hospital and indicate the rationale for the retention of selected services (i.e. reagents for immunology testing such as ANA and dsDNA in the laboratory.They are essential in determining if a patient has an autoimmune disease among other tests. Also, reagent to do ELISA test determine if a person has HIV) at the hospital.

2500 words .


Explain the importance of linking the benchmarking objectives with the organization’s strategic objectives.

20 slides.Feel free to include more than 20

APA style (including references)