Sports Mascot Conflict with Native Americans

The discussion of sports mascots in America that depict Native Americans has brought great controversy throughout this country. Please come up with reasons why Native Americans resist this ongoing use of their cultural symbols for school mascots and professional teams. Analyze this issue from the conflict perspective as to who controls this decision.


Study of Male Fans Chasing Stars from the Perspective of Gender Role

polish my article according tutor’s feedback.

1.requirement: polish the article, must according teacher’s feedback. And there are two examples you can refer to.


2.topic:A Study of Male Fans Chasing Stars from the Perspective of Gender Role

3. study area: sociology

4.Paper Style(APA,HARVARD,MLT):harvard

5.Number of Words:12000

Historical Changes in Financialization Analysis

In your answer, be sure to define all analytic concepts you need to use, use specific examples from the required readings, apply relevant theories of social change, link the answer to the epochal periods, and apply Noble’s framework.

1) Analyze historical changes in financialization.

2) Analyze changes in class structure in the United States.


Attachment preview 

The financialization of the American economy This paper presents the systematic empirical evidence for the financialization of the US economy

Social Stratification Questions

Social Stratification refers to a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy (Macionis, 2015).

1) The negative consequences of living in a caste system are quite evident, especially to someone raised in a class society. Can you think of any positive consequences of caste?

2) Analyze the relationship between a society’s technology an its type of social stratification system.

3) What are the dimensions of social class in the United States?

Labeling Theory Medicalization of Deviance

a) i need provide a conceptualized view on labeling theory

b)how is possible that individuals committing crime or behaving deviantly can be medicalized?

C)describe hirschi control theory

as just need these 3 question answer

Deviant Behavior Discussion

Reminder– Each essay response must be a minimum of a page in length.It is important also to remember that your response should be written in your own words, do not copy directly out of the text or any internet links.

For this assignment, you are responding to a total of two of the following essay questions.In the homework link, you will submit at least two pages.


  • 1.Compare and contrast the symbolic interactionist, functionalist and conflict perspective on violence.
  • 2.Read page 128 (Making Campuses Safer: Date Rape) of your text.Respond to the “For your Consideration.”-Why do you think date rape is hard to prosecute? Besides the suggestions made here what else do you think can be done to reduce date rape?

Conflict with Native Americans

The discussion of sports mascots in America that depict Native Americans has brought great controversy throughout this country. Please come up with reasons why Native Americans resist this ongoing use of their cultural symbols for school mascots and professional teams. Analyze this issue from the conflict perspective as to who controls this decision.

United States Drug Policies

Social Problems

Reminder– Each essay response must be a minimum of a page in length-likely more will be needed for an adequate response.A page will include the following:top to the bottom, 12 font, double spaced.It is important also to remember that your response should be written in your own words, do not copy directly out of the text or any internet links.

For this assignment you are responding to a total of three of the following essay questions.In the homework link, you will submit at least three pages.

Answer the following Questions:

  • Which perspective-symbolic interactionism, functionalism, or conflict theory-do you think best explains drug policies in the United States? Why?
  • Read page 90-91 (Vaping: Cool, Fun – and Dangerous)of your text.Give a detailed response.
  • Read page 72 – (Taking Back Children from the night) respond to the “for your consideration.”

Social Inequality Deviant Behavior and Socialization Analysis

WK2 Questions

Question 1:


As humans, we become aware of ourselves as belonging to a group and we learn how to behave through the process of socialization. In addition to reading Chapter 4 of the text, you will also read Introduction to Sociology: 06 Socialization (Links to an external site.). After reading the required resources, describe the various agents of socialization and why they are important. Do socializing agents contribute to an institutionalized system of social inequality? Why or why not?

In your post, be sure to discuss how an individual’s race, class, and gender can influence the way that he or she is socialized. Support your answer with detailed examples.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Question 2:

Deviant Behavior

For this discussion, you must read Chapter 6 of the text, Introduction to Sociology: 06 Socialization (Links to an external site.), the article, The Anomie Tradition: Explaining Rates of Deviant Behavior, Durkheim’s classic contribution (Links to an external site.), and the Anomie theory reading from Key Perspectives in Criminology, found in the ebrary database. After reading the required resources, explain why Emile Durkheim alleges that if we did not have deviants, we would create them. In other words, Durkheim is making an argument that having a group of people society considers deviant serves broader functions for society. What are these functions? Support your answer with detailed examples.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Required Resources


Durkin, K. F., & Carrothers, R. M. (2015). Sociology: Beyond common sense [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

  • Chapter 4: Socialization
  • Chapter 5: Groups and Organizations
  • Chapter 6: Deviance and Crime


(n.d.). The anomie tradition. (Links to an external site.) Retrieved from….

  • This resource is provided as an alternative and supplemental viewpoint to the text and provides greater detail in relation to the topic of deviant behavior and the theoretical work of Durkheim.

Hammond, R., Cheney, P., & Pearsey, R. (2015). Introduction to sociology: 06 socialization. (Links to an external site.) Retrieved from

  • This resources is provided as an alternative and supplemental viewpoint to the text and provides greater detail in relation to the topic of socialization.
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Tierney, J. (2009). Anomie theory. In Key Perspectives in Criminology. Retrieved from

  • The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the ebrary database in the Ashford University Library. This resource is provided as an alternative and supplemental viewpoint to the text and provides greater detail in relation to deviant behavior and the theoretical work of Durkheim.