Qualitative And Quantitative Methods

 Topic 5 DQ 1

Qualitative and quantitative research methods are both important research studies. Each of these research designs can provide us with insights. That are generally not possible to be found by the other one. Therefore, providing both qualitative. And quantitative design features in a research method allows the researcher. Or researchers to investigate one of more variables that would be impossible unless using a mixed research methodology (Tariq & Woodman, 2016). For example, a quantitative research study would allow us to study a causal relationship. Through a controlled experiment where the manipulation of the independent variable causes a change in the dependent variable.

However, that would not allow us the opportunity to do an exploratory study. Exploratory studies are almost always qualitative in nature (Hallingberg et al., 2018). Therefore, a mixed method research design would not only allow for an exploratory study, but also determine causal relationship. This is very important for nursing studies where it can be used to identify various aspects of patient care. And then understand how they impact the overall level of care provided. On the other hand, mixed methodology can be extremely cumbersome and not always feasible.

Often it can require too much resources and produce too much data, many of which may be redundant (Tariq & Woodman, 2016). This means that it would be logistically much more simple for a nursing study to stick to one of the two research methodologies instead of attempting to create a mixed research methodology. That way, while it may not allow the researcher to study everything he or she wanted, it would at least make it possible for the researcher to conduct the research.

Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references to support this discussion.

The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods are very different, but many researchers believe both methods should be used in the research study to increase validity and reliability. What advantages or disadvantages do you see in using both types of methods in a nursing study? Support your answer with current evidence-based literature.

Coaching Contracts

Coaching Contracts

As the current athletic director at an NCAA Division I university,  you are in the process of negotiating an employment contract with Will  Wynn, your new head football coach.

In  500-750 words,  answer the following elements in your role as athletic director in order  to protect the university’s interests in the contract.

  1. Discuss  the purpose of the reassignment clause and whether it is in the  university’s best interest to have this in the contract with Wynn. If  you attempt to reassign a coach and there is no reassignment clause  permitting this, what may be the legal outcome?
  2. Discuss the  covenant not to compete (restrictive covenant) and how you may use it to  your benefit in the contract with Wynn. Discuss whether you would  include a “nonrecruit” clause as part of the restrictive covenant.
  3. Would the university prefer to have a stated term in years or a rollover clause? Explain.
  4. Discuss five other clauses that you would like to incorporate into the coaching contract to protect the university’s interests.

Correctional Aims and Correctional Systems

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 1 Correctional Aims and Correctional Systems from the textbook. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from any required material or other scholarly resources and properly cite any references.

In this discussion,

  • Examine the pros and cons from four of six major correctional aims or goals of sentencing from your Stojkovic and Lovell (2019) textbook.
  • Compare and contrast at least one function of a historical correctional system with at least one function of a contemporary correctional system.
  • Describe correctional system functions that relate to (select at least one)
    • punishment,
    • rehabilitation, treatment, or
    • supervision

commercial contract

commercial contract

Mountain Stream Trout Co. agreed to buy “market size” trout from trout grower Lake Farms, LLC. Their five-year contract did not define market size.  At the time, in the trade, market size referred to fish of one pound live weight. After three years, Mountain Stream began taking fewer, smaller deliveries of larger fish, claiming that market size varied according to whatever its customers demanded and that its customers now demanded larger fish. Lake Farms filed a suit for breach of contract.

  • Decide whether parol evidence is admissible to explain the terms of this contract. Are there any exceptions that could apply?
  • Discuss how parties to a      commercial contract can avoid the possibility that a court will interpret the contract terms in accordance with trade usage.

Instructions: The assignment should be presented in APA format and be a minimum of 150 words (maximum of 200 words), pages to be double-spaced, typed in 12-point font.

include at least 1 references

careers with the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please access the Bureau of Prisons (Links to an external site.), a Twitter web page, which discusses careers with the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP). Many of the Tweets on the web page link to sites about BOP careers.

Your initial post should be at least 100 words in length. Support your claims with examples from any required material or other scholarly resources and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.

In this discussion, explore a Tweet (and its applicable source) and then

  • Explain how the content relates to at least one position within corrections.
  • Explain how the content relates to at least one of the following:
    • a correctional aim or goal
    • a function of a correctional system

U.S. Supreme Court Case

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 1 and 2 from your textbook, watch the video Overcrowded: The Messy Politics of CA’s Prison Crisis, and review pages 2513-2533 only from the article Whom Should We Punish, and How? Rational Incentives and Criminal Justice Reform. This assignment includes an outline described below. The outline’s purpose is for you to prepare a foundation for your approach to your Week 2 assignment.

Including a minimum of two scholarly and/or credible resources, please prepare an outline of issues in corrections that briefly addresses, in approximately one paragraph each, the following:

  • Explain the issue(s) in at least one U.S. Supreme Court Case published within the past 10 years that addresses the balance between constitutional rights of incarcerated persons and administrative functions in corrections. (Approximately one paragraph)
    • To assist you with this part, note that the issue(s) in a U.S. Supreme Court case typically refers to the main challenge or claim that the court ultimately addresses in its ruling. For example, in Brown v. Plata (2011) (discussed in your textbook), a major issue was whether overcrowded conditions for correctional populations violates the Eighth Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. Although you may choose any relevant U.S. Supreme Court case published within the past 10 years, you may find it helpful to select a case from Table 5.1 of Chapter 5 in your textbook.
    • the constitutional rights of incarcerated persons

  • Determine how the constitutional rights of incarcerated persons have been addressed by the U.S. Supreme Court in a case published within the past 10 years (for your selected case above). (Approximately one paragraph)
    • To assist you with this part, consider how the decision addresses the balance between constitutional rights of incarcerated persons and administrative functions, drawing on factors considered by the U.S. Supreme Court in your selected case.
  • Examine at least one cultural sensitivity issue and at least one diversity issue in corrections. (Approximately one paragraph)
    • To assist you with this part, you may explore articles or state or federal websites that address cultural sensitivity and diversity in corrections. Use at least one scholarly or credible source.

*Note: You are encouraged to integrate any feedback from your instructor and upload the assignment to your ePortfolio (Links to an external site.).

The Issues and Constitutional Rights in Corrections paper

Caring About Feminism

Initial Post Instructions
In week three, we were looking at rights ethics with regards to Locke. As a reminder, Locke said we have inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property. It is immoral to violate them. Many think we have more rights than those listed by Locke. Some even think we have a right to health care. That means it is the duty of the state to provide each citizen with their medical needs.

Rights theory says to respect the entitlements we have. If a right is inalienable, it cannot truly be violated ethically even with our consent. We have basic needs. Rights are something beyond needs. They are what we should be authorized to have. We are due what we have a right to. That is not always the case with need. For example, we need food, but people often go hungry. A need refers to something we need physically to exist.

A right is a moral entitlement to something. Asking if we have a right to food is a moral question. Needs are determined by the requirements of the body and of material existence. Rights are determined by moral reflection, inquiry, an argument We have a right to own property. We do not need it to live, could imaginably be allowed to use another’s.And have a right to own a home. We can rent.

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

Option 1: Assess the moral solutions arrived at through “care” (care-based ethics) and “rights” ethics to social issues of ethical import such as poverty, drug use, and/or lack of health care,

That is, note any ethical problems that arise related to those particular issues. Then, say how both care-based and rights theory of ethics would solve those problems.

Are those solutions correct? Why or why not?

What is your own approach there?

Option 2: What moral guidelines should we use when it comes to recently introduced healthcare technologies of any kind (you will note and engage with your own examples) and social technologies of any kind (you will note and engage with your own examples)?

Involve care-based ethics in your answer

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 1 page
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

role specialization



The final project for NSG6101 consists of the development of a novel research proposal specific to your role specialization. The project must include an intervention appropriate to nursing practice and consistent with your MSN role option. An alternative to the above includes the selection of a specialty organization to focus research proposals based on the priorities of that organization. Examples of these organizations could include (but are not limited to): Sigma Theta Tau International, American Nurses’ Foundation, Oncology Nursing Society, Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, American Psychiatric Nursing Association, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners, National League For Nursing, etc.

Throughout this course you have been developing various sections of the research proposal. This week you will assemble the final proposal (addressing faculty feedback). This project is to be developed in APA format/style using the required template and not to exceed 8-10 pages (excluding title page/references/appendices).


  • Background and Significance of Problem
  • Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study

Literature Review

  • Summary of the Evidence for the Proposed Study

Research Question, Hypothesis, and Variables with Operational Definitions

Theoretical Framework

  • Overview and Guiding Propositions(s) Described in Theory
  • Application of Theory to Your Study’s/Project’s Focus


  • Sample/Setting: Number and criteria for inclusion and description of place in which data will be collected.
  • Sampling Strategy
  • Research Design: Type (e.g., Quasi-Experimental), description, and rationale for selection. 
  • Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled).
  • Instruments: Description, validity, and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s).
  • Description of the Intervention
  • Data Collection Procedures
  • Data Analysis Plans
    • Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables (descriptive statistical tests).
    • Describe plan for data analysis of study variables (descriptive and inferential statistical tests).

Ethical Issues

  • Describe ethical considerations and your plan to protect human rights.

Limitation of Proposed Study
Implications for Practice

  • Informed Consent Letter
    • Procedure section is clear, described in detail, specific, and all inclusive. Written in lay language (as documented by reading level score). Includes risks and benefits relevant to study. Address assent (if applicable).

psychiatry assignment

psychiatry assignment

This is a psychiatry assignment. Please watch the video Children of Darkness is a 1983 Oscar-nominated documentary produced and written by Richard Kotuk and Ara Chekmayan. When you finish the video, you need to answer the questions listed below:

Instructions: [1]

No more than 200-300 words

Typed Word Document

What stood out the most for being attractive or disturbing? [2]

Do you think that in 2021 things have improved significantly or not? [2]

How has this affected your initial thoughts on mental health disorders and management approaches? [4]

Stem cells

“Stem cells are undifferentiated, primitive cells with the ability both to multiply and to differentiate into specific kinds of cells. Stem cells hold the promise of allowing researchers to grow specialized cells or tissue, which could be used to treat injuries or disease (e.g., spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, strokes, burns).” (Slevin, 2010)

Choose ONE of the following issues and post to its thread with supporting evidence. Respond to two peers who wrote about issues other than the one you chose.

  1. Discuss what you feel are the potential benefits of stem cell research for Alzheimer’s patients and their families.
  2. Share your perspective on the stem cell debate regarding donation of surplus embryos to couples for “embryo adoption.”
  3. Why is the task of disposing unused frozen human embryos different from disposing of other medical tissue?
  4. Discuss why you think embryonic stem cell research “crosses a moral boundary.”