Nursing perspective

Nursing perspective

Create a PowerPoint on the follow topic below

Provide speaker notes on each PowerPoint and pictures

Write from nursing perspective

Three references with index citation

Topic: constipation in children

· Include signs and symptoms

· What causes it

· Management of symptoms

· Medication that may be used

· Prevention

· Assessment findings

· What risk factors associated with disease process: (dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, .

· What questions the nurse should ask the patient/family presenting with this illness

· Education to family

neuroanatomical changes

Neurobiological of major depressive disorder

do you have a 26 year old patient with MDD, you will initiate the patient on sertraline 25 mg PO daily.

1- What are the parameters or considerations for diagnosing MDD?

2- Describe the neurobiological of major depressive disorder (MDD). Include genetics,
neurotransmitters, neuroanatomical changes, current  theories of the cause of the disease, and cultural factors if it’s involved.)

3- There is any medical condition that can mimic MDD?

4- What laboratories do you need to monitor?

5-  what is the first line of treatment for (MDD). what is the neurochemistry action of sertraline, (SSRI),  side effects to monitor, expected benefits for the patient, and contraindications?

6- Describe the benefit of behavior therapy in the treatment of a major depressive disorder.

Use APA and Include references from at least 3 sources  including the article
from a journal, no older than 5 years.

Informatics and technology

Informatics and technology in various aspects

Employ informatics and technology in various aspects of the advanced nursing leadership role

Post your reflection in 100 to 150 words. No references required.

Strategic Management and Leader Innovation

 Strategic Management and Leader Innovation


The purpose of this discussion is to explore strategic management strategies and successful leadership skills. The U.S. healthcare delivery system is complex and rapidly changing. The DNP-prepared nurse faces many challenges and opportunities to impact positive change in healthcare organizations.

Reflect upon your readings and professional experience regarding strategic management and innovation and address the following.

  1. Examine ways that a DNP-prepared nurse can be more involved in strategic management decisions.
  2. Explore initiatives and/or strategies that the DNP-prepared nurse can employ to build a culture of quality and safety.


Use an APA 7 style and a minimum of 250 words. Provide support from a minimum of at least three (3) scholarly sources. The scholarly source needs to be: 1) evidence-based, 2) scholarly in nature, 3) Sources should be no more than five years old (published within the last 5 years), and 4) an in-text citation. citations and references are included when information is summarized/synthesized and/or direct quotes are used, in which APA style standards apply. Include the Doi or URL link.

• Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources. 

• Wikipedia, Wikis, .com website or blogs should not be used

*attached week lecture.***

FNP Clinical Skills

FNP Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form

Journal Entry (450–500 words):

FNP Clinical Skills

FNP Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form

  • Refer to your FNP Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form from your previous assignment in this week and consider your strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Journal Entry (450–500 words):

  • Explain what most excites and/or concerns you about pediatric clinical experiences. Include a description of your strengths and weaknesses in terms of working with children and how these strengths and weaknesses might impact your Practicum experience.
  • Discuss your personal definition of family and family roles that might impact the assessment of a child and his or her family. Also expand your discussion on the challenges of working with families. Explain how you would handle parents that do not want to vaccinate children.
  • Then, explain how culture (both the culture of the provider and that of the child and his or her family) may further influence the assessment.
  • Select and explain a nursing theory to guide your practice with pediatric patients.

By Day 7

Complete your Journal Entry #1 Assignment

quantitative article

quantitative article for systemic review research project

You are to look for a quantitative article for systemic review research project coming. You have 2 topics to look for articles: electronic cigarette uses and lung and cardiovascular diseases OR effectiveness of smoking cessation programs. State Hypothesis, PICO Question, and Research question on each topic

Reflective Journal

Reflective Journal assignment

From 1500-1700, do the Reflective Journal assignment.

1) Read this page for interesting info about polio (free). Do not sign up for anything. Just click out of any boxes by clicking the X.

2) Read Interview with Larry Becker (free).

3) Watch 9 minutes 30 second video The Polio Crusade Chapter 1 (free).

Journal: Write a one and half page or more summary about what you learned from 1, 2 and 3 above.


om 1500

1700, do the Reflective Journal assignment.

1) Read this page for interesting info about polio (free). Do not sign up for anything. Just

click out of any boxes by clicking the X.

2) Read Interview with Larry Becker (free).



3) Watch 9 minutes 30 second video The Polio Crusade Chapter 1 (free).





1Journal: Write a one and half page or more summary about what you learned from 1, 2 and 3 above.

From 1500-1700, do the Reflective Journal assignment.

1) Read this page for interesting info about polio (free). Do not sign up for anything. Just

click out of any boxes by clicking the X.

2) Read Interview with Larry Becker (free).

3) Watch 9 minutes 30 second video The Polio Crusade Chapter 1 (free).

Journal: Write a one and half page or more summary about what you learned from 1, 2

and 3 above.

Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form

Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form

Using the Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment Form:

Developing PICOT

Developing PICOT

Develop PICOT Question and describe search terms as well as databases you used