Importance of SDOH and Affected Populations

  1. Your paper should be no less than 5 pages long, 7 pages maximum (does not include the Cover Page), double spaced, in 11 point font, 1 inch margins (2 points)
  2. Please include a Cover Page that includes (2 points):
  • The title of your proposal
  • Your name
  • The date
  1. You may use up to 1⁄2 page to insert your chosen photograph (2 points).
  2. Choose to focus on EITHER the positive SDOH OR the negative SDOH you studied in Parts 2-5 –> this assignment asks you to look at ONE of the SDOH you have been analyzing, not both.
  3. Think about some action strategies you would use to make the community aware of your SDOH.
  1. For negative SDOH, how can you reduce the harmful effects on individuals and communities?
  2. For positive SDOH, how can you promote or increase the positive effects to individuals and communities?

→ Please address the following questions in your Action Proposal; divide your proposal into the three sections listed below. Label each of the three required sections (i.e. I. “Importance of SDOH & Affected Populations”, “II. Actions”, III. “Global Health Impact, etc”.

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