Peer to Peer Fundraising

Updated Instructions – 08/03/20

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) fundraising is an important movement taking place in

the nonprofit sector. It entails special event fundraising coupled

with a new set of online fundraising strategies and social media

activities. For this assignment, complete the following.


• Research an actual P2P event that took place within the past year

(such as a Gala, Walkathon, Bike Tour, 5K Race, Bowlathon, Golf Outing,

Auction, Community Event, etc.) or an event coming up.

• Create an event that you think would make for a good P2P fundraising event for your nonprofit organization.

• In light of COVID-19, your event can be live, face to face. If you

choose face to face, be sure to address how you will incorporate safety

protocols (social distancing, safety protocols, hand sanitizing, masks,

factor in CDC/government restrictions) somewhere in the narrative and on

the budget. Of you can convert it to a virtual event.

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