myths or facts

myths or facts

Writing Skills: But My Job Won’t Require Writing!:

Some job candidates experience a disconnect between what they expect to be doing in their career fields and what they actually will do.

Your Task:

Discuss the accuracy of the following statements.  Are they myths or facts?  Explain your answers.

  1.  No one really writes anymore.  They just text and send e-mails.
  2.  Because I’m in a technical field, I will work with numbers, not words.
  3.  Secretaries will clean up my writing problems.
  4.  Technical writers do most of the real writing on the job.
  5.  Today’s sophisticated software programs can fix any of my writing mistakes.
  6.  I can use forms and templates for most messages.


  • Analyze the facts of the assignment
  • Determine the questions or issues of the assignment
  • Apply the applicable rules
  • Conclude with decisions and revisions for the assignment


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