explanation of the development of the disorder according to the biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive (or cognitive-behavioral), or humanistic perspective epidemiological data of the disorder in general effective treatments

For your major project in this course, submit a 15- to 20-page paper on one of the last three cases in the Brown and Barlow (2017) casebook Case 19. In the final paper, provide a complete explanation of the DSM-5 diagnosis. Justify your diagnosis by explaining the specific evidence from the case study that supports your diagnosis. Include recent peer-reviewed research (preferably published in the past five years) to support the following information related to the case: differential diagnosis (what disorders did you consider that may have similar symptoms, and why did you reject the other possible diagnoses?) etiology of the disorder (specific to the case chosen, supported by research) an explanation of the development of the disorder according to the biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive (or cognitive-behavioral), or humanistic perspective epidemiological data (of the disorder in general) effective treatments (based on a review of recent peer-reviewed research) Attached is the outline and case that I already submitted please use that as a guide but use original work. APA format

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