Depressive Disorder in Young Adults

Literature Review on Major Depressive Disorder in Young Adults

Note – (focus on stigma surrounding this mental illness/diagnosis)

Course – Introduction to Disability Studies

Social Work

You should choose a disability issue and do a review of literature on this issue. The paper should be 7 pages and include 5 citations. These citations can include policy reports, journal articles, and media reports. The analysis should integrate three disability theories and concepts discussed in the syllabus ( example: medical model, social model, bio-psycho-social model, eugenics, stigma ,these qualify as concepts/theories).

The paper should include the following sections:


– Overview of the issue

– Background

Scale and scope of the problem

– Historical context

– Demographics

– Incidence of the issue

Barriers and challenges

– Stigma and attitudinal barriers

– Accessibility barriers

– Resource scarcity

Current approaches and responses to the problem:

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