Entries by Linus

Dental Hygiene

write a professional letter stating the journey of being in dental hygiene school, the assets that you have to offer as a professional, what do you like most about being a hygienist and your oriented goals, where do you want to work and how do you see yourself in the future. ( i work in […]

Congenital Effects and Trauma Diseases

Hi, I need someone who has fast reading and read these articles, get the goal of them, then summarize them in free writing(DON’T HAVE TO BE IN FORMAL FORM). You can just scam them and extract the goal of them

Quality Improvement Model Call Lights Response Capstone

Assignment: Capstone Paper, Part I: Introduction, Analysis of Existing Evidence, and Quality Improvement Process The Assignment you will submit this week will combine the work you completed in Week 1 (Introduction) and Week 2 (Analysis of Existing Evidence) and this week’s assignment, the Quality Improvement Process. These three sections, when combined, will complete Part I […]

Partnership Proposal and Healthcare Systems

DISCUSSION 1 – Post a brief description of your proposed organization or NGO. Explain how you could develop that partnership and collaboration initiatives. Finally, describe the potential barriers that you may face during that partnership and recommend ways to overcome those barriers. DISCUSSION 2- Post a substantive and cohesive response to the following: Analyze two or more defining characteristics of the […]

UCLA Industrial Warehouse Regulatory Considerations

THIS IS A GROUP ASSIGNMENT I HAVE ADDED ALL THE OTHER PEOPLES PARTS BECAUSE WE NEED TO DO A CONCLUSION WITH MY PART JUST PUT IT ON A SEPARATE WORD DOC WITH THE 2 PARTS PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CITE Read the following scenario: Two physicians purchased a 12,000-square-foot industrial warehouse in Scottsdale, Arizona. The two […]

Issue of Resilience in Healthcare

Please you must read the two articles so you can write your thoughts and ideas about health services provided in health systems strengthening in countries or regions that are described as ‘post conflict’. The two articles explained rebuilding health systems post-conflict. After reading the two articles, write your thoughts and answer any of these questions below. The […]

Promoting Health and Fitness Among College Students

Imagine you are in charge of promoting fitness to a community group and create a presentation (using PowerPoint) including all of the following points: *select a group to create this plan for–elementary/high school/college students, senior citizens, women, etc. *include specific activities in which they will participate in this program *what physical benefits will they receive […]

Healthcare Organizations Financial Management Statements

The next part of your project will require you to navigate to the website of Johnson & Johnson and locate the most recent annual reports. You will use the annual reports to create financial statements. These statements will become the reference statements for your case. Annual reports for JNJ can be found on the company’s website and […]

Healthcare Supply Chain Leadership Management

How would you integrate concepts of Leadership, Management and Planning to create a vision for excellence in the healthcare supply chain, and determine fundamental tenets of performance evaluation for the healthcare supply chain. Does your model from the question, immediately above, maximize clinician time for the care process?Discuss and explain your answer?

Dependence vs. Addiction

Discussion 2: Dependence vs. Addiction The distinction between physical dependence and addiction is particularly important in opiate use. Physical dependence is a physiologic response that develops after use of a drug such as an opiate for pain relief. Physical dependence produces physical withdrawal when use of the drug stops abruptly. In contrast, addiction can include […]