Entries by Merit Writer

Determining Sexual Deviance

Determining Sexual Deviance According to the text, heterosexual norms represent the guidelines for determining sexual deviance. For this case study, use the Internet and/or the Strayer library (https://research.strayer.edu) to identify, research, and explore one criminal case of het law Description According to the text, heterosexual norms represent the guidelines for determining sexual deviance. For this […]

United States Supreme Court case

Complete a case essay on any United States Supreme Court case that involves an interpretation of the Constitution – this encompasses most of the cases that come before the Supreme Court. However, please choose a case that was heard by the Supreme Court from 2009 to the present. Again, please do not choose a case […]

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has made a number of strides since its inception. Review the Operational and Support Components of the DHS and examine the DHS Organizational Chart [PDF]. Read the article, DHS Record of Progress and Vision for the Future, which discusses the success of the DHS in 2017. Write a 2–4 page paper in which […]

Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, & Environmental Decline

If you watch or read the news, you get the idea that biodiversity concerns are principally about pandas. Tigers, elephants, whales, polar bears, etc. These are what conservation biologists refer to as the flagship species biodiversity, i.e. species who you are likely to recognize and care about. The flagship ecosystems are tropical rainforests and coral […]

Reason Behind The Name Of Chicago Cubs Stuck As “Cubs”

What is the reason for calling Chicago cubs “cubs”? What is the history behind it? During the turn of the time (18 to 1900), teams did not have official nicknames. This lead to the newspapers changing what they called teams every few years. Since the Chicago baseball club had an unusual number of very young […]

Dietary Differences – Paleo Vs Keto Vs Atkins

The topic of your lesson this week is Metabolism. You may think of metabolism as it relates to weight gain and weight loss. Actually, metabolism is the sum of all reactions occurring in the cell. Some reactions require an input of energy (Endergonic) and some reactions release energy (Exergonic). We consume food in our diet and […]

Cell Reproduction

Who ready for Cell Reproduction? Please Provide a tturnitin report Describe the stages of each type of cell reproduction process from a normal patient. Whose body cells can repair themselves and normal cell division during the reproductive development of the unborn baby. Provides a clear, logical discussion describing each stage of cell reproduction related to […]

public health professional within a state health department

 public health professional within a state health department Imagine that you are a working public health professional within a state health department. Your supervisor wants you to research the pathophysiology of diseases caused by food or water. In this work Assignment, you may choose a topic dealing with either a food or waterborne disease. Your […]

Leadership And Ethics In Health Care

Unit Outcomes addressed in this Assignment:  Discuss theorists and their contribution(s) to healthcare. Course Outcomes addressed in this Assignment: HA405-1: Examine foundational ethical concepts in healthcare. GEL-1.03: Demonstrate college-level communication through the oral delivery of original materials in Standard English. Instructions: In this assignment, you will demonstrate your knowledge of a theorist who has significantly contributed to […]

Theatre Intelligence

Theatre class If you were unable to take the personal test revisit the Spotlight in Chapter 10 to identify your intelligences. {{{{{Discuss which intelligence(s) best defines you and discuss why.}}}}} My intelligences down below (((4. Spatial – ability to understand and manipulate space 5. Bodily-kinesthetic – ability related to using the body as a primary […]