Entries by Merit Writer

family’s cultural background

Please respond to the following discussion questions (5 points each) 1. During morning rounds, your patient states, “I will never get better, I can’t get any sleep in this place…can you help me?”  What are some independent nursing interventions you could implement to assist this patient?” 2.  What is your family’s cultural background?  How do […]

Maternal Child Care Of Nursing

Module 05 Content Purpose of Assignment The goal of creating a newborn nutrition teaching presentation is to prepare the nursing student to provide evidenced based education to the pre and postpartum client on lactation. Competency Select safe, effective nursing interventions for the postpartum client and newborn. Instructions Create a teaching tool to promote breastfeeding. The […]

Epidemiological surveillance data 

Epidemiological surveillance data Epidemiological surveillance data can be used to guide public health interventions. Support funding, develop policy, and educate the community and specific populations in order to decrease burden. The purpose of this assignment it to analyze, interpret. And disseminate Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) surveillance data to both technical and nontechnical audiences. […]

barriers to practice as an APN in one’s state 

Purpose Discuss barriers to practice as an APN in one’s state from both a state and national perspective.  Research methods to influence policy change from various forms of competition, state legislative and executive branches of government and interest groups. Activity Learning Outcomes Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Discuss the history of policy development and policy […]

care plan for a patient 

care plan for a patient You are the nurse receiving a report on your patient that was admitted as an emergency earlier in the day. A 64-year-old female underwent a right colectomy. The right side of her colon was removed due to cancer. She has a history of smoking & no other health problems. She […]

Pulmonary Education Infographic

Module 05 Written Assignment – Pulmonary Education Infographic Competency Compare strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients with lower respiratory disorders. Scenario You are a nurse on a pulmonary rehabilitation team at an outpatient clinic in your community. You are updating educational resources to educate clients who want to know more […]

description of the nursing role

Information for your Professional Paper The professional paper is individually assigned. Each student needs to choose one nursing role and write 3 pages about the role. Suggested roles: advocate, educator. Care provider, collaborator, researcher, administrator…ect The professional paper should include the following: 1. Introduction – clear description of the nursing role being researched 2. Body- […]

processes used in clinical practice

2 copies Discuss the differential diagnosis (DD) process. Identify 3 different DD processes used in clinical practice.  Describe the risks/benefits of these 3 processes. Responses to students should include an example of when the student identifies one of the differential diagnosis processes used in the clinical setting. It is crucial to appropriately utilize APA 7th […]

Assessing The Genitalia And Rectum

Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Template   Patient Information: Initials, Age, Sex, Race S. CC (chief complaint) a BRIEF statement identifying why the patient is here – in the patient’s own words – for instance “headache”, NOT “bad headache for 3 days”. HPI: This is the symptom analysis section of your note. Thorough documentation in this section is […]

Thesis Idea And Outline

Instructions ILOs Identify the relationships among the literary works studied and the philosophical. Religious, political, social, and economic milieus of the cultures and subcultures within and among which they were written. Think, write, and speak about literary texts critically and effectively. Instructions Use the provided form to post your completed “Literary Analysis 2: Outline Guide.” Refer to […]