Entries by Merit Writer

Healthcare- Associated Infections.

Healthcare- Associated Infections. Research the challenges of healthcare- associated infections.  Identify a few of the healthcare- associated infections Discuss whether or not there are the infectious agents different than those encountered in the community Explain your answer

Eukaryotic Infectious Diseases

Eukaryotic Infectious Diseases Step 1: Pick one of the eukaryotic infectious diseases. identify and describe the nature of your chosen eukaryotic infectious disease. Research and include the type of medication used to treat it. Include what the medication will attempt to target. Based on valid research,  include your opinion on the effectiveness of the medication at stopping the infection.

Concepts Of Healthcare Informatics

Concepts of Healthcare Informatics – Week 3 Assignment 2 Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research Part II The final project for this course will be created each week. Each assignment will lead to a second assignment that adds to the PPT slide deck. In this manner, you create the final project as you progress through […]

clinical issue of interest

Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry. Develop a PICO(T) question to address the clinical issue of interest you identified in Module 2 for the Assignment. This PICOT question will remain the same for the entire course. Use the key words from the […]

Roles And Responsibilities In Leadership And Management

Roles And Responsibilities In Leadership And Management 2 DQ 2 Strategic planning involves looking into the future. Outlining goals for the organization. And developing a process of how to achieve them. (Whitney, 2018). The purpose of creating a strategic plan in health care requires assessing the current operations. The resources available including the existing infrastructure […]

Rip’s Family – American Literature

Please provide feedback to the following post: RE: BEFORE/AFTER RIP’S SLEEPCOLLAPSE 2. Rip’s Family.  Consider his wife and their relationship – and also his children and how they “turned out.” Rips’ wife nagged at him all the time about how lazy he was, how he would not get up and farm, or just get up to […]

financial difficulties

St. John’s is a religious high school that is having financial difficulties. Consequently, its administrators contact the State Department of Education and the State agrees to supply textbooks for St. John’s secular subjects, as well as paper, pens, and chalk. This helps ease St. John’s financial problems. However problems arise when it is discovered that […]

Design The Physical Security

Design The Physical Security Design the physical security requirements for a location of your choice (for example, a commercial property, airport, retail shop, industrial enterprise, financial and governmental institution, school, medical facility, power-, oil and gas company, residential complex). This question requires you to incorporate all the major points from the course reading and discussions: […]

independent paralegal

Estates 1. Discuss the potential risks involved when a paralegal prepares a will as an “independent paralegal” –i.e., without the supervision of an attorney. 2. Give the citation to the Florida Statute that provides a suggested form for a living will in Florida. Family Law 3. Describe what is meant by the term “no-fault divorce,” […]

stressors facing Americans

 stressors facing Americans Identify and discuss two stressors facing Americans.  Provide at least two recommendations you would give to eliminate, change, or mange the stressors. – 1 Paragraph (No longer than) -your response should reflect in-depth thought and an analysis of your course experience -use course content to solidify your responses -Answer need references from notes […]