Entries by Merit Writer

hierarchy of the Courts in Malaysia

Answer ALL questions. 1. It is said that the doctrine of judicial precedent is an important part of the law in Malaysia. (a) Outline the current hierarchy of the Courts in Malaysia, with a brief description oftheir jurisdiction. (15 marks) (b) Describe how this doctrine of judicial precedent operates, referring to case lawsand examples. (15 […]

Advanced Levels of Clinical Inquiry and Systematic Reviews

Assignment: Evidence-Based Project, Part 2: Advanced Levels of Clinical Inquiry and Systematic Reviews Your quest to purchase a new car begins with an identification of the factors important to you. As you conduct a search of cars that rate high on those factors, you collect evidence and try to understand the extent of that evidence. […]

Drug Presentation

Drug: Desmopressin Drug pharmacology, pharmacokinetics Brand name Generic name Dosing Indications for use Side effects Contraindications Pregnancy class You must also perform a cost analysis of the drug. Provide a patient case study on a patient in which you would utilize the drug you have selected and include at least two peer-reviewed evidence-based studies related […]

Clinical For Community And Public Health Nursing

Clinical For Community And Public Health Nursing Care Plan  Choose a community setting of your preference and create a patient scenario. Keep in mind this is a community and public health nursing clinical course therefore, your care plan should address a public health concern. Planning nursing is nursing action plans to be implemented to address […]

Renal And Urologic System Pharmacology

Renal And Urologic System Pharmacology PowerPoint project? Should be no less than 30 slides without counting the presentation and references. Renal and Urologic System Pharmacology · Treatment of; Urinary Tract Infections (Adult and Children) Renal failure (include innovative medication and research) Chronic Kidney Disease (include innovative medication and research) – I need to be carried […]

inherited trait

 inherited trait intext citation, references   6.A dominantly inherited trait affects a child and his grandmother, but neither parent. This best illustrates which of the following principles? a. Variable expressivity b. New mutation c. Somatic mosaicism d. Nonpenetrance e. Germline mosaicism 7.Two parents with autosomal recessive albinism have a child who does not have albinism. […]

Leading And Managing In Nursing

Nurse leaders must work with staff to foster respect for varied lifestyles. Showing respect to all patients and colleagues, irrespective of their cultural differences, tells staff that differences are valuable. This discussion is designed to introduce key principles nurse leaders must address in leading and managing diverse groups. Respond to the following in a minimum […]

the importance of human resource management

In Week 1, you learned about the importance of human resource management (HRM) in an organization’s strategic planning process. The week also focused on the role of strategic planning in healthcare. In addition, you explored the challenges faced by the healthcare industry. Finally, various issues affecting healthcare were explored. This week, you will learn about the […]

Big Data Risks and Rewards

Discussion: Big Data Risks and Rewards When you wake in the morning, you may reach for your cell phone. To reply to a few text or email messages that you missed overnight. On your drive to work, you may stop to refuel your car. Upon your arrival, you might swipe a key card at the […]

Clinical Decision Support systems

Clinical Decision Support systems Clinical Decision Support systems improve patient safety and reduce medical errors. Write a short paragraph discussing the following questions: How do patient safety, quality of care, and economic interests contribute to the need to identify CDS best practices and to quantify effective CDS practice? What do the authors mean when they […]