Care Of A Patient With HIV

Each student must post a discussion with a minimum of 250 words, all posts and replies must contain at least (2) professional references, one may be the course textbook, properly cited in the current APA formatDiscussion Topic

Care of a patient with HIV

Kathy Michaels, a 37-year-old female, is talking with her gynecologist about concerns of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). She asks to be tested for STDs. Later, the nurse calls to discuss the results with Ms. Michaels, which indicates she is positive for HIV. Ms. Michaels states, “Oh no, I have AIDS!”

1. How should the nurse respond to Ms. Michaels’ statement?

“Ms. Michaels seems relieved with the explanation and states “I am so glad it’s not AIDS. It’s just like an infection.” She then asks the nurse, “Can I take some antibiotics to kill the infection, then?

2. How should the nurse respond to Ms. Michaels’ question?

Again, Ms. Michaels indicates an understanding of the nurse’s explanation. She then asks “Does this virus just remain the same in my body and nothing will happen, or will I be getting sick?”

3.  How should the nurse respond to Ms. Michaels’ question?

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