career counseling theories

career counseling theories

Instructions Format


Instruction A

– Examine Five different career counseling theories, and present them in below format.

– Name the theorists associated with the theories.

– Explain the main elements of the theories.

– Discuss the ethical considerations associated with the theories.



  1. Theorist:


Ethical Considerations:


  1. Theorist:


Ethical Considerations:


  1. Theorist:


Ethical Considerations:


  1. Theorist:


Ethical Considerations:


  1. Theorist:


Ethical Considerations:


Instruction B

Career counseling theories have the same family roots, but may not always align. Choose one, and discuss why you are most drawn to it.


Discuss the following based on the theory you selected: it.

  1. Make sure to indicate if it is similar to or different from the theory you most identified with in your first theories course
  2. the “Trait and Factor Theory”.
  3. How do the two theories complement each other?
  4. Can they work together, or are they on different ends of the spectrum?



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