Family Nursing 

Family Nursing 


Choose a chronic illness that could affect a patient in your nursing practice. Discuss three (3) ways you could promote the health of the patient and the family dealing with the specific illness.


Incorporate health promotion ideas into nursing practice

Points: 40


Minimum of three (3) total references: one (1) reference from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.


Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 7th edition formatting, citations and references. Click here to download a Microsoft Word APA template. Review this annotated student sample paper guide which draws attention to relevant content and formatting in 7th edition APA style. Make sure you cross-reference the APA 7th edition book as well before submitting the assignment. Refer to the ‘LEARNER SUPPORT’ tab for more information regarding APA 7th edition with comparisons to 6th edition.

Number of Pages/Words

Unless otherwise specified all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5 pages) excluding the title and reference pages.


cystic fibrosis

cystic fibrosis

Wrote on cystic fibrosis . Please Include the outline of the paper.

  • Page 1: assessments, treatment decisions, and outcomes of those treatments.
  • Page 2: explanation, rationale, and outcomes of patient assessment,
  • Page 3: disease/trauma pathology
  • Page 4: ventilator strategy and management, respiratory therapeutics,
  • Page 5: patient education, pulmonary rehabilitation, and experimental therapies.
  • Page 6: Include the long-term prognosis of the patient.


Minimum of 7 peer-reviewed and/or scholarly resources

Please include outline of paper

Statistics Analysis

Statistics Analysis

In preparation for writing your report to senior management next week, conduct the following descriptive statistics analyses with Microsoft® Excel®. Answer the questions below in your Microsoft® Excel® sheet or in a separate Microsoft® Word document:

  • Insert a new column in the database that corresponds to “Annual Sales.” Annual Sales is the result of multiplying a restaurant’s “SqFt.” by “Sales/SqFt.”
  • Calculate the mean, standard deviation, skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile range (IQR) for each of the variables.
  • Create a box-plot for the “Annual Sales” variable. Does it look symmetric? Would you prefer the IQR instead of the standard deviation to describe this variable’s dispersion? Why?
  • Create a histogram for the “Sales/SqFt” variable. Is the distribution symmetric? If not, what is the skew? Are there any outliers? If so, which one(s)? What is the “SqFt” area of the outlier(s)? Is the outlier(s) smaller or larger than the average restaurant in the database? What can you conclude from this observation?
  • What measure of central tendency is more appropriate to describe “Sales/SqFt”? Why?

Internet of Things

Components of the Internet of Things

In this assignment, you will create a presentation to describe the main components of the Internet of Things (IoT). You can use a presentation software such as PowerPoint or Prezi to create your description. Be sure to cite any resources for images and other content.

Your presentation should:

  • describe smart machines, machine-to-machine, and internet of things
  • explain the importance of miniaturization, affordability, and de-wireization to IoT
  • discuss the prevalence of IoT today
  • predict the growth of IoT in your lifetime
  • be organized and engaging

Reconstruction on African Americans

World History

response comparing the three (3) Reconstruction plans:

  • Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (10% Plan) – Lincoln
  • Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan
  • Congressional Reconstruction Plan (Congress)




The OSI data link layer is responsible for physical addressing, network topology, error notification, sequencing of frames and flow control. IEEE has defined numerous protocols used with TCP/IP at the OSI data link layer. They are called the IEEE 802 Standards.

Choose one of these IEEE 802 standards and discuss with your classmates the types of network devices and media that you would use to implement the standards in your network. In other words, which network elements would be necessary for the standard you described? Which topology would be represented using these technologies? Finally, discuss collisions relative to this environment.


300-400 Words

network infrastructure

Networking Architecture And Hardware

Your company is in the process of upgrading the network infrastructure, which involves moving from a 10BaseT and 100BaseT network to Gigabit Ethernet. Currently, they use Bus topology in some older parts of the network with Star topology in some high-utilization areas.

  • Is it necessary to replace the old Bus topology with a Star topology across the board? Why or why not?
  • What updates you would have to perform to network hardware in order to move to Gigabit Ethernet? Would this affect only workstations, or might other equipment be impacted?
  • How would you provide the best desktop connectivity for end users, and the fastest possible throughput and security for the payroll department?

In addition, decide what type of devices to use in the closet. Write a page paper using the APA style that summarizes your findings and provides enough detail to fully support your opinion and any arguments. The body section of your paper must be at least 5 pages and not exceed 6 pages in length. You may include one diagram in your paper, which must be entirely original work and may not exceed one-half page. You can use Visio or your favorite diagramming software.

Proposal For Healthcare Reform

Develop A Proposal For Healthcare Reform

You will analyze the current literature on the health system in the U.S. Your final project will include a paper, a voiceover PowerPoint presentation, and an infographic of your proposed solution. Possible solutions include a single payer universal plan, a multi-payer universal plan, a potential enhancement to the ACA such as adding a public option, Medicare for all, or a complete repeal of the current law.

The three (3) deliverables are:

  1. A paper that includes the challenges facing the U.S. in terms of balancing the iron triangle of health – Costs, Access, and Quality. Please address the following:
  2. An examination of current policy
  3. A discussion of whether healthcare should be considered a right or a privilege
  4. A discussion of the role of special interest groups on health reform
  5. Articulate the significance of the involvement the Congressional Budget Office in determining the cost effectiveness of reform
  6. Explain the importance of considering existing privacy laws in reform efforts
  7. Describe and justify your potential solution to current challenges facing the U.S., including resource allocation
  8. A voiceover PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the major challenges facing the U.S. in terms of balancing the iron triangle of health, a comparison of various possible solutions, and your proposed solutions.
  9. An infographic that outlines your final proposed solution to the current challenges facing the U.S. in terms of balancing the iron triangle of health.

Communication Plan

Communication Plan Template

The purpose of this assignment is to create a communication plan for stakeholders. This communication plan is in relation to the case study you selected in the Class Resources.

Complete the “Communication Plan Template” located in the topic Resources folder.

This assignment requires two or three scholarly resources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Prepare Part 2 of the template according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Communication Management Plan Template is present and thorough. It includes substantial relevant details

A description and analysis of the elements in the communication cycle is present and thorough.

Animal testing

Animal testing

Some people support the idea of animal testing and argue that doing so would help us produce drugs that can save humans’ lives. While this statement could be true to some degree, some individuals argue that animal testing should be banned or limited comprehensively because there are other alternatives to save humans’ lives without inflicting pain on animals.

In 1000 words, your task is to present a convincing argumentative assignment that supports the argumentation that animals should not be tortured for humans’ advantages, and animal testing should be limited extensively for some reasons that you will be responsible for exploring in your assignment. That is the side you have to take. I am interested in seeing how your thesis will look and how your paragraphs are related to each other and, ultimately, the thesis.


When doing so, you should use the two peer-reviewed papers provided for you to support your argument. You should follow the APA style in-text citations only. Except for your conclusion, you must use one short, direct quotation and two paraphrases in each paragraph. If you want to use any other secondary sources, you need to cite them on your reference page.

You are required to provide a reference page for me. Try to avoid using some more secondary sources. Please keep the number of sources limited to the ones I have picked for you.

You are required to use Times New Roman, font 12. You should provide an APA cover page too.

Providing a reference page at the bottom of your argumentative paper is also obligatory.