SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis

Situation Analysis

MKTU 605: Week 3  Assignment and Rubric

 Length:         1-3 Pages, not including references

Value:           80 Points

 Read the rubric below to develop a scope of work. Then, google commonly used graphics that are used to depict a situation analysis, which is also known as the SWOT analysis.

Next, develop a situation analysis for your product and service.  Include at least sixteen elements; four elements for each strength, threat, opportunity, and weakness.

Then, create a graphic that describes your situation analysis.  In a narrative, explain each element in the SWOT, including why the element is important and how you can mitigate or exploit the element in the marketing plan.

Do not simply bulletize the elements of the situation analysis.  You must discuss each element of the situation analysis and its impact on the marketing effort.  Think through how each element could be either mitigated or exploited in the marketing plan. Include this analysis in the discussion.  Do not leave the interpretation of the graphic to the reader to discern.  Always explain the takeaways you want the reader to comprehend.

Rubric:  Evaluation Criteria


Grading Elements Exemplary Proficient Developing Emerging


Situation Analysis   Description 20 –18

Clearly and concisely describes sixteen SWOT factors that will/can impact the marketing plan of your product/service.



Fairly clearly describes sixteen SWOT factors that will/can impact the marketing plan of your product/service.





13 – 11

Describes twelve or more SWOT factors that impact will/can the marketing plan of your product/service.






10 – 0

Vaguely describes fewer than nine SWOT factors that will/can impact the marketing plan of your product/service.


SWOT Impacts 20-18

Clearly and concisely describes how the SWOT can be mitigated or exploited.


Fairly clearly describes how the SWOT can be mitigated or exploited.





Somewhat describes how the SWOT can be mitigated or exploited.

10 – 0

Vaguely describes how the SWOT can be mitigated.



References 20-18

Lists at least eight references supporting the SWOT.


Lists at least eight references supporting the SWOT.





Lists at least five references supporting the SWOT.



10 – 0

Lists fewer than three references supporting the SWOT.


Writing & Presentation Mechanics and APA



The narrative and presentation is logical, well-written, and the required length. Spelling, grammar and, punctuation are accurate. Paper is APA formatted.



The graphic clearly presents the data.


The presentation is not text-heavy and uses bullet points that spark interest. The presentation is supported by data, and is visually appealing, and is easy to understand.



The narrative and presentation is logical, well-written, and is the required length. Minor errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. Paper is somewhat APA formatted.



The graphic clearly presents the data.


The presentation is not overly text-heavy and uses bullet points that spark interest. The presentation is supported by data and is somewhat visually appealing, and easy to understand.



The narrative and presentation is somewhat logical and is the required length. Minor errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. Paper is partially APA formatted.


The graphic clearly presents the data.


The presentation is somewhat text-heavy. The presentation is not supported by data, and is not visually appealing, nor easy to understand.


10 – 0

The narrative and presentation lack clarity and may be confusing, and too long or too short. Paper is not APA formatted.



Numerous errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.


The graphic clearly presents the data.


The presentation is text-heavy. The presentation is not supported by data.





Option One:

Choose one philosophical issue you would like to discuss. Examples: free will, the self, punishment, the afterlife, the soul, faith, morality, identity, etc.

Choose one or two different religions, and examine their beliefs on your topic. You can either choose one religion and really get into a detailed analysis of where they stand on your issue and why, or you can choose two religions and do some sort of compare and contrast between the two. I would not recommend discussing more than two religions. I would much rather have you spend a lot of time talking in-depth about one or two than to only write a few sentences about a bunch of them. You could also choose two different denominations of the same religion if you wanted to (for example: Catholicism and Mormonism are both versions of Christianity, but their viewpoints on all these things may be very different).

Choose something you are interested in exploring, thinking about, and talking about. And keep in mind you can analyze/criticize a belief in a respectful and professional manner. Your paper shouldn’t read like an onslaught against the religion you’ve chosen (though you are allowed to disagree and be critical if you’d like).

Option Two:

Choose a topic/religion that was discussed briefly in your book that you would like to learn more about. This will be more like a research paper than the other options. A lot of the religions from the Primal Beliefs, Ancient/Classical Beliefs, and Modern Religions chapters would be good to choose since your book only devotes about a page to them, and there is a lot more to learn!

Choose one religion you want to learn more about. If you do this, I would recommend focusing on one of their beliefs (like how they view the creation of the world, their rituals, the afterlife, etc.). I would much rather have you get into a detailed discussion about one of these aspects of a religion than to try and cram in everything they believe and do. I wouldn’t recommend trying to do a research paper on more than one religion, since you will not be able to get into much detail in 4-6 pages. Make sure you use reputable sources if you choose this option. There is more information about sources and citation below.

Option Three:

If you have thought of something related to one or more of the religions we have discussed (or even a religion/denomination not dealt with in the book) that you think would be interesting to explore further, here is your opportunity. I strongly recommend checking with me before you begin working on this option so that I can express any concerns I may have about your topic and to give you some helpful advice. You can compare a few different religions in a specific way, discuss historical/political influences on a religious shift/belief, the role of women/minorities/disadvantaged in religion, talk about the body count most religions tend to have, etc. What you DON’T want to do here is just rehash something you have already written for a quiz answer, though there are ways you can expand on some of those questions/topics. The goal of this paper is to go above and beyond what we have been focusing on in class.

Stay away from Wikipedia; it is not a credible source for a college paper. If you do use sources, you will need a bibliography/works cited page, and make sure you cite throughout the paper to avoid plagiarism. Remember any instance of plagiarism results in failing this entire course, without the possibility for making up the assignment. If you are just using your book, you will need to cite it throughout your paper but you do not need a bibliography. Depending on your topic, it might be a good idea to use the sacred text of that religion (you can probably find most of them at the library or online—just make sure it is legit). You can use whatever citation method you are comfortable with (APA, MLA, Chicago style, etc.) as long as you are consistent.


4 pages, Double-spaced

I think 4-6 pages is the amount of time it should take you to do everything I am asking you to do, but content is more important than meeting specific page requirements. Please do not change font, spacing, or margins to make your paper appear longer or shorter than it actually is. If you can provide a detailed and well thought-out discussion in slightly less than 4 pages (or slightly more than 6), I would rather take it as is.

Make sure that you PROOFREAD your paper before printing it out to correct any spelling, grammar, punctuation, and citation errors. There are writing tutors that can help with this, so please utilize that resource if you are not confident in your writing abilities.

Feel free to email me any time before that if you have questions.


Before you upload your Final Paper, please run through this checklist:

 Proofread the whole thing carefully to clean up any basic mistakes and correct anything that is confusing/unclear.

  1. If you’ve used sources other than your textbook, make sure you have a bibliography/works cited page, just include it in the same document at the end of your paper (you don’t need one if you are only using the textbook).
  2. Be sure you’ve cited/quoted all your sources throughout the paper to avoid plagiarism! You need to cite where your information is coming from even if you are paraphrasing or explaining in your own words. Remember any cheating/plagiarism results in you failing this entire class, which would be terrible after a whole semester of hard work!
  3. Don’t submit a pages document! Make sure your word processing software is compatible with Blackboard so that I am able to read it. Pages documents will not work.
  4. Doublecheck that you are comfortable and confident turning in the assignment. If you had someone else help you with this assignment (even a Harper tutor), you still need to know that you are the one being graded on it (and it needs to be your own work in your own words).
  5. Please don’t disappear! I know you’re anxious to get going on your much-deserved summer break, but please make sure you don’t totally disappear immediately. I have to have your grades submitted VERY quickly, and I would hate to be unable to read your paper or get in touch with you.
  6. Thanks! I appreciate all the time and effort you spent on this Final Paper, and I really do look forward to reading it! Feel free to email me if you’d like feedback/comments/thoughts!

A Reflective Summary 

A Reflective Summary 

Write a reflective summary that is 1,500 words. Use the following topic outline:

  1. Module summaries: Use a brief paragraph to summarize your learning in each module.
  2. Course activities and assignments: Discuss your experience in completing the various activities and assignments.
  3. Textbook and course material: Are there any readings presented in this course that significantly enriched your learning? Explain.
  4. Open Learning Faculty Member interactions: Reflect on your experience with your Open Learning Faculty Member. Did your Open Learning Faculty Member help you to learn something significant and stimulate new thoughts or insights in your learning? Describe how the interactions that you had with your Open Learning Faculty Member enhanced your learning in professional selling?
  5. Discussion Postings: Discuss at least two postings that you or other people posted which have shaped a new perspective or generated new insights for you in professional selling.
  6. The Learner (You!): What was your contribution to this course? Do you think others could benefit from and be influenced by you or your experiences? Describe what you have learned from any other learners in the course, if any. A proper citation is needed if a posting is quoted in your summary. If there were no other learners in this course, imagine how your work could benefit future students in the course.
  7. Other: You could include any challenges that you were facing in this course. Are there any highlights you experienced in all activities? Summarize your overall experience and expectations. How does this course enhance your skills and knowledge to become a better salesperson?


Give examples

(67 marks)

economic growth

Benefits and costs of long-term economic growth

Question 1

  1. a) What are the main benefits and costs of long-term economic growth? (4 marks)
  2. b) According to Neo-classical growth theory, what is the main driver of growth in real incomes per head in the long term? (4 marks)
  3. c) What do you understand by the “productivity puzzle”? (4 marks)
  4. d) What issues does climate change pose for future growth? (4 Marks)
  5. e) What policies might help secure sustainable growth? (4 Marks

Question 2

Some (micro) economists think that macroeconomics is a waste of time and is not built on firm micro foundations. Instead, they think we should study individual products, firms, and industries in a disaggregated approach.

Give your own (critical if necessary) assessment of the potential contribution of macroeconomics to understanding some of the major issues of our time. You can do this in general terms, or you can explain your views in the context of what you have learned about the macroeconomy of any major country that you have studied in this course (or any previous course). (20 marks)




Risk Assessment And Management

Risk Assessment And Management

Answer every question 

Q1, Conduct research and find a journal article that includes examples of a successful and unsuccessful first movers, early followers, and late entrants. Post your links to the article, and compare and contrast the pairs of successful and unsuccessful examples.

Q2, Explain the differences among a strength, a competitive advantage, and a sustainable competitive advantage. Discuss what makes an ability or set of abilities a core competency.

Q3, What are some of the reasons a firm might employ both qualitative and quantitative assessment of a project? Identify a development project with which you are familiar and explain the methods you think were used to assess the project. Include discussion of additional methods you believe should have been used in the project assessment and justify them by providing specific reasons, facts, and examples as support.

Q4, Identify when the real options approach would be appropriate for a technology innovation project and when it would not.


  • minimum of 300 words.
  • Please provide references after each answer.
  • Provide specific examples and a link to a relevant journal article to support your ideas.

Literature Review

Literature Review

Assessment Description

While the implementation plan prepares students to apply their research to the problem or issue, they have identified for their capstone project change proposal, the literature review enables students to map out and move into the active planning and development stages of the project.

A literature review analyzes how current research supports the PICOT, as well as identifies what is known and what is not known in the evidence. Students will use the information from the earlier PICOT Question and Literature Evaluation Table assignments to develop a 750-1,000-word review that includes the following sections:

  1. Title page
  2. Introduction section
  3. A comparison of research questions
  4. A comparison of sample populations
  5. A comparison of the limitations of the study
  6. A conclusion section, incorporating recommendations for further research


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Acute renal insufficiency versus acute kidney injury

Acute renal insufficiency versus acute kidney injury

Answer both of the following questions. Support your summary and recommendations plan with a minimum of two APRN approved scholarly resources.

  1. Differentiate acute renal insufficiency versus acute kidney injury (AKI). Explain the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment for both. Describe the types of AKI including prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal etiologies. Include diagnostic criteria for each etiology.
  2. Define chronic kidney disease, including stages, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Explain the indications for dialysis as well as the differences in the forms of dialysis (Intermittent hemodialysis, CRRT, peritoneal dialysis).

 Menopause version

 Menopause version


As you can see from the video, women return to being comfortable in their bodies during midlife, making it one of the happiest life stages. This feeling is hard to imagine when you are a young adult.

Discuss why you think menopause has traditionally been viewed as negative (and may still be by some groups) even though the research suggests it is not a negative time for women. Think about who benefits from the negative stereotype of menopause (e.g., cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies that make products for women of this age).

Is there a menopause version in men? How is it similar to women’s physiological changes? How are they different in terms of the socioemotional aspect?

family violence

The prevalence of  family violence

Describe incidents of family violence you see present in today’s families. What factors lead to the circumstances of harm inflicted on a child or adult? How do social structures and institutions shape family violence?