Workplace Environment Assessment

Workplace Environment Assessment

Clearly, diagnosis is a critical aspect of healthcare. However, the ultimate purpose of a diagnosis is the development and application of a series of treatments or protocols. Isolated recognition of a health issue does little to resolve it.

In this module’s Discussion, you applied the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory to diagnose potential problems with the civility of your organization. In this Portfolio Assignment, you will continue to analyze the results and apply published research to the development of a proposed treatment for any issues uncovered by the assessment.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).
  • Review the Work Environment Assessment Template*.
  • Reflect on the output of your Discussion post regarding your evaluation of workplace civility and the feedback received from colleagues.
  • Select and review one or more of the following articles found in the Resources:
  • Clark, Olender, Cardoni, and Kenski (2011)
  • Clark (2018)
  • Clark (2015)
  • Griffin and Clark (2014)

*Template completed in the Week 7 discussion should not be submitted with this assignment.

The Assignment (3-6 pages total):

Part 1: Work Environment Assessment (1-2 pages)

  • Review the Work Environment Assessment Template you completed for this Module’s Discussion.
  • Describe the results of the Work Environment Assessment you completed on your workplace.
  • Identify two things that surprised you about the results and one idea you believed prior to conducting the Assessment that was confirmed.
  • Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace.

Part 2: Reviewing the Literature (1-2 pages)

  • Briefly describe the theory or concept presented in the article(s) you selected.
  • Explain how the theory or concept presented in the article(s) relates to the results of your Work Environment Assessment.
  • Explain how your organization could apply the theory highlighted in your selected article(s) to improve organizational health and/or create stronger work teams. Be specific and provide examples.

Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Inter professional Teams (1–2 pages)

  • Recommend at least two strategies, supported in the literature, that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.
  • Recommend at least two strategies that can be implemented to bolster successful practices revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.


Gender roles

Gender roles

1. Do you think it is important that parents discuss gender roles with their young children, or is gender a topic better left for later?

2. How “gendered” were the toys and activities available to you? Do you remember gender expectations being conveyed through the approval or disapproval of your playtime choices?

3. Since deviance is culturally defined, most of the decisions we make are dependent on the reactions of others, Is there anything the people in your life encourage you to do that you don’t? Why don’t you?

4. When you see a homeless person, is your reaction different if he or she is seemingly content versus begging? Why?

overall information of the organization and background

overall information of the organization and background


Please write a paragraph about the background and overall information of the organization/workplace you are using to answer these questions.

Part B:

  1. Think of a case in which your manager tried to motivate the employees in the organization. Please briefly explain the background information. Which motivational theory did the manager use? Was this the best motivational theory to be applied in such a case? If not, please suggest another theory and provide the rationale.
  2. Think of a previous manager/supervisor you worked with. Please explain his/her leadership style based on the theories you learned in this class. Was this leadership style the most effective for the organization? If not, please suggest another theory and provide the rationale.
  3. Please describe the culture of the organization. What can the organization do to create a more positive culture?
  4. Please describe the structure of the organization. Based on what you learned in the class, how can the structure be modified to help improve the overall productivity and culture of the organization.



Will provide details in negotiation.  1,000 words minimum with specific examples and a minimum of 5 scholarly sources using Turabian citations (footnotes) covering the major aspects/questions that that are will be provided in the negotiation.


Assignment will be run through Turnitin/Safe Assign by the instructor to check for originality. Citations will also be verified by the instructor for accuracy.

The effect of commercialism on Hip Hop music

The effect of commercialism on Hip Hop music

Music research paper format I need done.

Topic: The effect of commercialism on Hip Hop music

Genre: East Coast Hip Hop from 1980-1990

What to include: How does the repertoire I have chosen relates to issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, or other definers of identity? Bear in mind that while lyrics and performance are important, you must address musical issues as well. Last include example/music list and authors that excelled in east Coast Hip Hop from 1980-1990

Reference please note that you are not limited to below scholarly listed below. This is bare minimum.

Chang, J., & Watkins, S. C. (2007, Nov). IT’S A Hip-Hop World. Foreign Policy, , 58-65.

Frazier, D. (2008). Cuban Hip-Hop: The Promoted and Commercial Revolution1. Wadabagei : A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora, 11(2), 65-94.

Morgan, M., & Bennett, D. (2011). Hip-Hop & the Global Imprint of a Black Cultural Form. Daedalus, 140(2), 176-196.


Change Management

Change Management

1.Use Kotter’s Model of Change Management and apply it to Sears. How would you have implemented each stage in this company’s strategic direction? Include enough detail for each step. How would you have applied Kurt Lewin’s Model to Sears? Include enough detail for each stage (ch. 10). (minimum answer requirements: 7 paragraphs of 6+ sentences each).

2.Explain the “psychological contract”. What occurs when employees perceive that this contract has been breached? What are the possible negative organizational outcomes? How can leadership prevent negative responses? Provide a possible plan of action to prevent employees from holding on to this perceived contract (ch. 8). Include detail (minimum answer requirements: 6 paragraphs of 6+ sentences each)View keyboard shortcutsEditViewInsertFormatToolsTable12ptParagraph
3.Apply the PESTLE Framework to Tesla. Include enough detail for each of the external environmental factors. How does each factor impact Tesla’s competitiveness? Should the company make changes based on these findings?  Include detail (minimum answer requirements: 7 paragraphs of 6+ sentences each)

4. Explain the internal organizational change drivers. List the pressure (driver), provide an example (company), describe how the driver and company interact and what the implications are. There are 5 drivers, use all 5 and include detail for each (ch. 3). (minimum answer requirements 5 paragraphs of 6+ sentences each).

Unlikely Contributions to an Ethical Problem

Unlikely Contributions to an Ethical Problem

Module 14 Discussion Forum: Unlikely Contributions to an Ethical Problem II


This will be our final installment of the unlikely contributions series this semester. In a work like A Dybbuk, its unlikely or speculative aspects are inseparable from its meaning and broader purpose.

Similar to Unlikely Contributions to an Ethical Problem I, this post could potentially serve as pre-draft exercises for our our final high-stakes writing assignment, the Signature Assignment Essay, which will ask you to focus on an ethical problem raised in one or two of our readings.

Forum Instructions

The class will be divided into 4-5 randomly assigned groups. What contribution does the dybbuk’s possession of Leah make to the ethical dynamics of the play? To put it differently, what sort of moral infraction is Chonen guilty of? How does depiction of supernatural in this play make possible a kind of ethical thinking that wouldn’t be available otherwise? (Additional questions to think with: What complex idea about an ethical problem does the work present through the dybbuk’s possession of Leah? How does it embody an ethical dilemma? What are the nuances of that depiction? What ethical values are at stake in this dilemma? What relation does the the possession have to individuals and institutions? How does it relate to other ethical or societal problems raised in the play?)

Please Order Your Post in the Following Way:

  1. Make a claim about how ethical dynamics are explored through Chonen’s possession of Leah in A Dybbuk.(1-2 sentences)
  2. Anchor your claim in a discussion of at least one concrete and specific narrative or textual detail. (1-3 sentences)
  3. Supply reasoning that supports your claim. In other words, explain how the narrative or textual details that you cite confirm your claim, that is, serve as evidence. (Ideally, you’ll either offer evidence that no one in your group has previously addressed or you will offer a different take on evidence previously mentioned.) (1-3 sentences)


Ansky, S (Russia). A Dybbuk: Or Between Two Worlds. Translated by Joachim Neugroschel and Adapted by Tony Kushner. Broadway Play Publishing Inc., 2017.












1. Minimum 6 to 8 peer-reviewed journal articles. Any number of other sources can be used as long as these are credible & reliable. So newspaper articles, magazine articles, e-books, textbooks, websites, company reports, UN documents, info from Govt agencies, NGO portals, etc.

2. The sources should be within a 5 to 7-year time frame.

3. format- APA 7th edition

4. Word limit- 2500

5. Font- Times New Roman

6. Size- 12

7. Line spacing- double

8. Reference- APA 7th edition



◦In this chapter, we discuss Albinism. Many of you may not know there is a black market for albino body parts. Watch the links listed above. I want you to reflect on the lives of albino children in the country that is being discussed and discuss how what types of strategies you can implement to prevent this.◦

Thank you letter

Thank you letter

The first assignment is to write a specific thank you letter for a real occasion that would preferably be a business occasion, such as an interview, plant tour, classroom visit, etc.. Still, it can be a personal occasion if you are unable to think of a business situation.  The letter must address a real person with a real situation (i.e., not directed to a fictional person or company).  You can find a supporting website in D2L in this Module’s content. Feel free to use any template you desire that has the essential elements of a professional thank you letter: date, “Dear Line,” content, Sincerely/Thank You, and signature.  Keep your letter business professional, however.

The supporting website provides several examples.  Do not copy one of the examples verbatim (exactly).  You are required to write the content of your letter.

Please submit your professional letter to the appropriate drop box by the deadline.


Assignment is worth 20 points as follows (see Grading Rubric below for details):

  • Date and “Dear” Line 4 points
  • Content  4 points
  • Signature 4 points
  • Mechanics 4 points
  • Presentation 4 points

 Grading Rubric:


Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Marginal (2) Unacceptable (0-1) Rating
Date and “Dear” Line The valid date is written in the form: Month, DD, CCYY.

The “Dear” line is present with a professional and appropriate reference to an individual.

The date is incomplete or “Dear” line does not address an appropriate, professional reference to an individual. The date is incomplete, and the “Dear” line does not address an appropriate, professional reference to an individual.

Or either the date or “Dear” line is missing

The letter does not include a date or “Dear” line.
Content The letter is arranged logically to support the purpose or idea. It flows smoothly from one paragraph to another. The letter includes sufficient information about why the writer is grateful and enough details of support. The letter serves a purpose or idea and displays evidence of a basic thank you letter. The letter is somewhat specific and appreciative The writing has no logical arrangement Frequently; ideas fail to make sense together. The reader can determine that the writer is attempting to be appreciative but can only find minimal specifics. The writing lacks any semblance of logical organization. The reader cannot identify that the letter is appreciative or any specifics.
Signature The letter includes sincerely/thank you, name, and adequate space for a written signature. Signature is incomplete (missing one of the following: sincerely/thank you, name, and adequate space for a written signature). Signature is not professional: (i.e., “peace out” or “goodbye.”  Or missing more than one of the required elements. The letter does not include sincerely/thank you, name, and adequate space for a written signature.
Mechanics (word choice, sentence variety, grammar, punctuation, spelling, paragraphing) The writer’s control of mechanics is precise and purposeful. Demonstrates the ability to communicate purpose. The writer’s control of mechanics has occasional errors that do not interfere with the writer’s ability to communicate purpose. The writer’s control of mechanics has errors that interfere with the writer’s ability to communicate purpose. The writer’s control of mechanics has errors that not only interfere with the writer’s ability to communicate purpose consistently, but they also obscure meaning.
Presentation (professional appearance) The letter is written in an application such as Microsoft Word with no errors. Design is vibrant, detailed, and organized, enhancing the message. Professional appearance with structured paragraphs and professional verbiage The letter is less organized.  Design is aesthetically pleasing.  Verbiage is less professional and more informal. The letter is somewhat challenging to read.

The design shows modest effort or too overly informal.

The letter is messy. The letter is produced in something other than a word processing application.  The design is sloppy or nonexistent. The letter has a nonprofessional appearance.
Total   20