Nursing Statistics

Nursing Statistics

  1. Discuss the historical application of statistics in the field of health care.
  2. Describe an example, other than Florence Nightingale’s contributions, where statistical application has greatly influenced or changed health care operations or practice.

Sex and the Bible

Sex and the Bible

Sex and the Bible Paper #4 (1500 word minimum –  Pick ONE of the following questions and answer in 1500 words (post word count at end of paper). Your paper should provide a clear and well-reasoned argument. Regardless of which question you choose, make sure to use detailed and specific examples from the text(s) to support your analysis.

1.Analyze the ways in which Tim and Beverly LaHaye in The Act of Marriage construct

“the act of marriage” in relation to the texts they cite from the Bible. What

interpretive and rhetorical strategies are the authors using and what kinds of

authority do they appeal to? Make sure that you make use of DeRogatis’ book in

developing your analysis. You may also find it useful to engage with Foucault in

crafting your argument.

2.What Interpretive And Rhetorical Strategies Are The Authors Using And What Kinds Of Authority Do They Appeal To?

 comparative genocide study

 comparative genocide study

Research Paper: “Applying and Evaluating ‘The Model’ in the Herero/German South West Africa Case” The 200point (total) Research Paper will be a totally original (limited quoting or even extended paraphrasing) evaluative  analysis using “The Model,” to explain the genocide of the Herero in German South West Africa at the turn of the 20th century. More specifically, your charge or “task order” is to use our Model to (a) explain in particular the preconditions and onset of the genocide, and (b) evaluate how well The Model fits the case (that is, what The Model  seems to not only capture but also to miss). To compound the analytic challenge, you are limited to no more than 10 double-spaced pages and no less than 7 pages, with standard margin and using 12-font (any deviation will result in the paper not being read, with a resulting score of zero). Your references will be listed at the end on a separate page that will not count as part of the 10-page limit. At least five reliable references are required for this research paper (academic journal, review, article, book chapter, book, etc). Wikipedia is not allowed for this paper.


1. Copying from the textbook or cutting and pasting sections from websites or other reference materials or presenting someone else’s ideas as your own is plagiarism and will not be tolerated and will result in zero (0) points for that assignment. Please review the FIU Plagiarism Prevention Guide. In addition, all work submitted must be original for
this class.

2. This class will utilize the Turnitin originality software.
3. Papers that are not properly cited will be issued a zero.
4. Always check the uploaded attachment is correct. After the deadline passes, the content submitted will be used for grading.
The reason for the paper exercise is that sooner or later students will find themselves in often highly competitive environments where they will have to provide their employers or superiors with flawless, clear, and concise analytic backgrounders. The assumption is that such analyses are written for individuals who are highly intelligent and well educated, but lack depth in a particular topic, question, or issue. The further assumption is that such individuals will have very limited time to read an analysis (hence the 10-page limit). In fact, the usual situation is that “it has to go in the boss’s briefcase for reading on the plane before arriving at [blank].” For interns to entry and middle level staff in highly competitive private or public sector environments, this is a very common experience.
Proper grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, and correct writing in general are simply expected of professionals on the outside. Also, and this is about to be reiterated, even the slightest plagiarism in the paper will result in an F for the entire course –zero tolerance, zero tolerance, zero tolerance. No use of Wikipedia is allowed in the course. More generally, the FIU rules on cheating, plagiarism, and classroom comportment will be strictly enforced in all aspects of this class. In particular, please note the Code of Academic Integrity adopted by the FIU Student Government Association on the university website.



Make an infographic that depicts the three major areas of chronic disease prevention, infectious disease prevention, and immunization education that you could use to help decide on a health education focus.


If you have an additional area of interest such as food safety, environmental health, or other, add this to your infographic.

lesson outcomes

lesson outcomes

How to measure outcomes: Summative and formative  

Develop your program and lesson outcomes. What should participants achieve by the end of the educational program?  How will you know they have learned and/or changed behavior?  You will need to decide on the overall purpose of the program and how many lessons you will have.  There should be a minimum of 5.


You do not need to detail the lesson activities yet but will need to identify what they will be in order to write the outcomes of each.



You are the new Human Resources Director of a company that has a history of questionable ethics (no major scandals, but the public is aware).

In your first year in the position what would you do to change the ethical climate, individual and group ethical decision making, and accountability for ethics?


2 pages.

Effective health education strategies

Effective health education strategies

Design detailed interactive lessons that use effective health education strategies  (minimum of 5 different activity based lessons that will thoroughly cover the outcomes).  Refer to your learning outcomes.

The activities should be student active, engaging, and have a way of measuring outcomes either summative or formative.

CARF accreditation process

CARF accreditation process