Skin Cancer Prevailing in Australia

For Assessment 1, you will be assessed on: • Introduction (posing of issues and setting that outlines the essay) • Discussion of wellbeing issues faced within an applied setting • Rationale for chosen theory/theories of wellbeing and relevant application to the applied setting • Evaluation of ways to improve wellbeing in the applied setting • Conclusion (summing up of essay, and implications and recommendations for future work) • Quality of literacy and written communication skills • Adherence to APA referencing/presentation style. Assessment criteria and marking rubric for the essay are shown on the following page

Surgical Procedural Coding

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

For this writing assignment, please explain why the following course objectives are important for medical billers and coders to understand:

  1. Explain the steps for accurate surgical and procedural coding in a hospital setting using ICD-10-PCS
  2. Explain E/M services and codes, assign CPT codes correctly, and use the CPT index
  3. Explain coding with HCPCS and describe federal laws, regulations, and penalties relating to coding compliance
  4. Explain how to review and analyze medical records and the importance of audits

Please include at least three scholarly articles within your response. Overall response will be formatted according to APA style and the total assignment should be between 3–4 pages, not including title page and reference page.

Men Health

It should be in APA format with no plagiarism, it has 3 parts. It is related in giving own view. For more information document is attached below.


Overlooking The Role of Race


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.


Race is seen to most as a risk factor and for a valid reasoning, being that some races are more prone to obtaining certain diseases. Such as minorities, in particular African Americans are more susceptible to heart disease. The opposing matter would be that everyone is capable of developing heart disease so race should not be a factor to where those with specific races are the only ones who can establish a disease.

Collecting data on race perpetuates helps researchers narrow down information pertaining if race is indeed a risk factor. This can help differentiate if certain races can be immune, affected differently, heal faster etc. It is always necessary to improve public health so collected data specifically for race based research is significant in the ongoing debate whether race is a risk factor. Diabetes is a common disease that is typically studied to verify if minorities are more prone, specially blacks. Diabetes is 60% more common in blacks than in whites. Serious complications of diabetes, like leg amputation and kidney disease, are also more common in blacks. (Crabb, Szabo, Mellinger, & Lucey 2019)

Cholinergic Drugs in Medicinal Chemistry

Cholinergic drug:

Body 1: What is the drug

Body 2: Types and examples of the drug along with their structures and modifications

Body 3: Direct acting cholinergic drugs and Indirect acting cholinergic drugs

Body 4: Muscarinic receptor agonist

Please include in text citations and references in APA format

Please write a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 1200.

Stages of Reproductive Aging

Although the menopause transition is primarily thought of as a normal physiological transition, it is a time that encompasses the period of time when women are experiencing changes in the menstrual cycle reflective of endocrine changes. The physiologic processes can be difficult for providers to describe. In 2001, the Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop (STRAW) developed a standardized approach to menopause terminology.

Please discuss the STRAW and the STRAW +10 definitions and why it is important for providers to have common language when communicating about the stages of menopause.

Respiratory and Cardiovascular System

Topic: Respiratory and Cardiovascular System

You will be assigned one or more topics from the list below.

For your assigned topic(s), you are to discuss the incidence and prevalence of the disorder, pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective, physical assessment and examination, evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing. The entry should be posted in the Discussion space; do not post the Discussion as an attachment.


  1. Pneumonia
    1. Community — Acquired
    2. Pneumococcal
  2. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  3. Interstitial Lung Disease
  4. Sleep Apnea
  5. Cough


  1. Valvular Disease
  2. Dyslipidemia
  3. Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease
  4. Acute Coronary Syndrome
  5. Peripheral Artery Disease
  6. Deep Vein Thrombosis
  7. Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Role of Information & Communication Technology in Prevention of Diseases

  • The length of the reflection is to be within three to six pages excluding title page and reference pages.
  • Assess health/illness beliefs, values, attitudes, and practices of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations.
  • Use behavioral change techniques to promote health and manage illness.
  • Use evidence­ based practices to guide health teaching, health counseling, screening, outreach, disease and outbreak investigation, referral, and follow-up throughout the lifespan.
  • Use information and communication technologies in preventive care.
  • Collaborate with other healthcare professionals and patients to provide spiritually and culturally appropriate health promotion and disease and injury prevention interventions.
  • Assess the health, healthcare, and emergency preparedness needs of a defined population.
  • Use clinical judgment and decision-making skills in appropriate, timely nursing care during disaster, mass casualty, and other emergency situations.
  • Collaborate with others to develop an intervention plan that takes into account determinants of health, available resources, and the range of activities that contribute to health and the prevention of illness, injury, disability, and premature death.
  • Participate in clinical prevention and population ­focused interventions with attention to effectiveness, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and equity.
  • Advocate for social justice, including a commitment to the health of vulnerable populations and the elimination of health disparities.
  • Use evaluation results to influence the delivery of care, deployment of resources, and to provide input into the development of policies to promote health and prevent disease.” (pp. 24-25).
  • Assess protective and predictive factors, including genetics, which influence the health of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations.
  • Conduct a health history, including environmental exposure and a family history that recognizes genetic risks, to identify current and future health problems.

Physical Fitness and Nutrition for Seniors and Aging Adults

Health and Wellness

APA Formatting

Graduate level writing

2 to 4 pages in length

Quality original peer reviewed sources and references

For this assignment you will write a 2-4 page paper describing why you’ve selected the topic and how it fits with your degree program and career goals.

Please emphasize the application of your project, intended audience and its importance to the field of Exercise Science as well.

Please include a title page, introduction, body, conclusions, in-text citations and a reference list. The 2-4 page limit does not include the title or reference pages.

Degree Program:Sports and Health Science

y Reflecting on the Needs of Older Adults

Reflecting on the Needs of Older Adults


How do the primary care needs of older adults differ from the general population of adults?

Assignment Requirements

As this assignment is a Journal entry and not a formal paper, it may at times be difficult to follow the organization, style, and formatting of the APA 6th Edition Manual. Despite this, your Journal assignment should:

  • clearly establish and maintain the viewpoint and purpose of the assignment;
  • follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th edition format for crediting sources.