Evaluation Based on Quality and Safety


In this age of acute competition and alignment of providers, systems are evolving to improve contracting opportunities, including population health, accountable care organizations, and models of health care delivery. They are targeting quality care at a value price. This assignment explores a provider of your choice to determine their desirability to be a member of a system and recommend improvements they may need to make to become more competitive in their market.


Write a two to three (2-3) page proposal in which you evaluate and make recommendations for a provider you have chosen in terms of safety, quality, and evidence-informed health care by doing the following:

1. Choose a health care provider — nursing home, hospital, home care, etc.

2. Using the search function at one of the medicare.gov sites (https://www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare/search.html or https://www.medicare.gov/nursinghomecompare/search.html), review your provider’s measures on safety, quality, and evidence-informed health care. Pay attention to the publicly reported outcomes on mortality, rehospitalization, and infection rates, as well as patient satisfaction and preventive care.

Life Span Availability of Birth Control

  1. Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA . There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.
  2. Your post must be a minimum of 300 words. Please double-check your word count. Only posts that meet the word count requirements receive credit.
  3. Post your word count at the end of the post. There will be a 5 point deduction for each failure to provide a word count.
  4. Please address fellow professor by name. There will be a 5 point deduction for each failure to address by name.
  5. Please use spell-check and proper grammar. Points will be deducted for each spelling and grammatical error up to 10 points for each post.

Ethics and the Physical Therapy Profession Reflection

Write a reflection paper on How Our Choices Can Lead to Unethical Practices in the Future with a focus

on ethics and the meaning of being a physical therapy professional.

 This should be submitted as a formal paper include the following:

1) synthesis of a thorough

review of the literature,

2) application information gleaned from the APTA Professionalism

Modules (1-3 (ATTACHED) ) and

3) a reflection of the completed attached “Professional Behaviors Assessment


The parameters of the paper are listed below:

Minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 pages double-spaced 12 font in Times New Roman

Minimum of 10 references from academic journals within the last 10 years

Death of A Patient Root Cause Analysis

Unit 6 Assignment – Root Cause Analysis

Submit Assignment

  • Due Apr 12 by 11:59pm
  • Points 70
  • Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload

The death of a patient (as described in the Real Life Scenario (text Chapter 11, pages 233-234) is always classified as a sentinel event. The Joint Commission requires the organization to do a root-cause analysis when such an event occurs. The purpose of the analysis is to discover what processes led to the occurrence. In this assignment, students will use the “cause and effect fishbone diagram” which is the most commonly used technique used in a root cause analysis. This exercise will give students experience in conducting the root cause analysis that is used in actual hospital situations

Prevention of Co Occurring Disorders

In thinking about preventing co-occurring disorders and the policy implications related to prevention:

Please describe three (3) current trends related to the prevention of co-occurring disorders. What are two (2) policy implications for each trend that you identified?

Impact of Suicide on The Family Connection

Questions to Address

What are the key arguments of the chapter by Cerel (2008)?

What are the key themes of Ordinary People (1980)?

How do the arguments presented in the article relate to the themes of the film?

Are the themes of the film consistent with the article? If yes, how? If not, why not?

What did the Q&A after the film add to your understanding of the article and film?

What will you remember about the film and the article?


Please write five (5) complete pages.

All writing assignments should be word processed.

End of Life Care Discussion

Please assist with the assignment below. Don’t forget minimum word count.

Below is from an internet article about why doctors should be talking with their patients about the death process instead of always focusing on trying to keep them alive. After all, death is inevitable.

Traditionally, a doctor’s primary job was to keep you alive, not discuss how you want to die — or even if you are going to. Now, the paradigm is shifting. Instead of employing extreme measures, doctors are increasingly learning how to stop interrupting death — and to talk about what that looks like.

“Patients need to know what is happening to them, so they can plan,” says Tamara Vesel, MD, chief of palliative care at Tufts Medical Center and professor at Tufts University School of Medicine. “And doctors need to see illness and death as an opportunity for societal and personal growth instead of a societal and personal failure.”

Our discussion this week…..Should we spend less time, money, assets, on keeping dying patients alive, or face the inevitable and let people die painlessly with dignity? Now, of course, we are talking about terminal patients. Think about a family member: Is a week of procedures to keep them alive worth the possible pain and suffering they may experience, or should we just let them go on with dignity. You can share your own experience if you like. Please share your opinions in 300 words or more.

Caregiving Roles and Perceptions of Ethnic Cultures

Hello be sure to do APA format, and follow instructions clearly. Before each answer paste the question. Some questions the reference / sources must come immediately after the answered response. Be sure to look out for that. Total (2) short answer essay questions with a few subsections.

Use scholarly articles please! I have placed where most of these can be found below.

Assignment Five

Please copy the question before answering it (Question-Answer)

Q1- What are the differences in caregiving roles and perceptions of caregiving in the following ethnic cultures: (12 points)

(a) Caucasian Americans (about 150-200 words). Provide, at least one scholarly reference with complete citation, in addition to your textbook, at the end of your response

(b) Mexican Americans (about 150-200 words) Provide, at least one scholarly reference with complete citation, in addition to your textbook, at the end of your response

(c) African Americans (about 150-200 word). Provide, at least one scholarly reference with complete citation, in addition to your textbook, at the end of your response

(d) Vietnamese Americans (about 150-200 word). Provide, at least one scholarly reference with complete citation, in addition to your textbook, at the end of your response

Vaccination Amongst Young Generation

Write 500-600 word essay about the Setting and 3 best practices for Combating Hesitancy Vaccination chosen young generation as the target population, which also relates to parents and teenagers.

Description of the Project Setting: ( I choose WHO, and AAP- American Academy of Pediatrics )

  • Name and location, Mission or purpose of the agency, organization, or worksite

Provide the name, the location, and a brief description of your selected priority population for this project.


Tendency In Chaplaincy Health Care

You have been assigned a topic according to the first letter of your last name. Please identify the topic assigned to you below. For each topic, find a health science example of it in a published research study or news article. Summarize how your topic is used in the example. Do you think a different data type would be better? (Please note: You may wish to use the Library to find your example for this Discussion Board. A librarian is available should you need assistance.)

Although not required, it is recommended that you plan your reply posts so that you reply to topics that you did not cover within your main post.

(for last names beginning with I–P): Median (!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS ONE)>>>

Olivia Marsh posted Aug 10, 2020 2:03 PM

For this discussion, I will be discussing median. “The median represents the middle of the data, with half the observed values below the median and half the observed values above it. The mode represents the peak or most prevalent value” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). The study I found was called, “Translating Patient‐Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM ) scores into clinical practice by suggesting severity strata derived using anchor‐based methods” (2013) which was a study done to find the severity of atopic eczema. this study used the Patient‐Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM ) and two global questions for the assessment. For the data collected, they found the median score for different categories of the study like race, sex, and age. The median POEM score for all patients was 13. the median POEM score for males was 14 and for females was 13. There are several different medians found. I think the median was the best way to look at this information. the study also gave the mean which could work just as well so I think it would come down to which you would prefer to calculate.