You are required to complete a research paper for this course, which is due in Unit VII. The research paper is a significant portion of your grade, so you should consider it a very important activity.
The final research paper must be a minimum of six to eight pages in length, including at least the following sections (you may want to include others if you deem them appropriate):
2.Challenges and Problems (associated with your topic)
3.Review of the Literature
4.Critical Analysis of Challenges/Problems
5.Recommended Solutions
6.Implementation of Solutions
The topic for the research paper must relate to this course. Some possible titles for your consideration include:
§Components of the U.S. Healthcare System
§Commonalities and Differences Between Health Services Organizations
§Effective Leadership Strategies Used by Healthcare Leaders
§Managing Conflict in a Healthcare Organization
§Concepts and Strategies with Negotiation
§Strategies for Increasing Employee Motivation
§Effective Organizational Structure in a Specific (your choice) Health Service Organization
§The Role of Strategic Alliances in Health Care
§The Importance of Having a Culture of a Learning Organization in Health Care
§Approaches for Quality Improvement in Health Care
§Strategies to Achieve a Successful Healthcare Organization
If you do not find a course project topic of particular interest on this list, you are permitted to propose your own topic for approval.