
Evaluate sets of health data from diverse populations using population health management principles.(Diabetes and high blood pressure in Minnesota)


Effective population health management (PHM) requires strategies to reach the individual consumer or patient at all stages of life in the manner most appropriate for each individual. PHM must use a set of patterns of population health strategies that describe people and their preferences. These pattern classifications help healthcare organizations begin to understand how they should develop a robust PHM that serves the population needs.

Each market and population is unique. Market position, service offerings, health status, predominant diseases, and geographic and community features are all unique factors that need to be addressed. As your healthcare system gains a greater understanding of their local population needs, the PHM program you are implementing needs to develop criteria that will be assigned to specific population cohorts to define the various proactive health interventions and care delivery.


Write an executive summary that analyzes the various patterns of population health management that your health system is developing for your diverse population.

Use five quality references to support your assessment and findings in this assessment.



Develop a population health plan to address a health concern in the current healthcare industry. (Must be related to diabetes and high blood pressure in Minnesota)


The key to an effective and sustainable population health management program is to know your chronic disease patients and coach them. The success of population health and chronic disease management efforts hinges on a few key elements: identifying those at risk, having access to the right data about them, creating actionable insights about patients, and coaching them daily toward healthier choices.


As your health system is drafting a strategic framework for the PHM program, you are tasked with creating a PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes in each content discussion slide. Explain the relationship between disease management and population health needed in the following areas:

  • Describe the prevalent chronic diseases for the population your health system is serving.
  • Describe the risks associated with the proliferation of these chronic diseases.
  • Assess how the population will access information and resources to prevent and manage chronic diseases.
  • Construct a chronic disease communication plan that helps patients with chronic diseases to pursue healthier choices and to use population health resources.

Use your findings from prior summative assessments in modules 01, 02, 03, 04, and 05 to create the PowerPoint. Use five quality references to support your assessment and findings.

the proponents of healthcare marketing

Now that you have learned about the proponents of healthcare marketing, it’s time to discuss how you plan to market yourself in the field. Use this last week as an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned in class to further promote and market your skills. Address the following:

  • Conduct a personal SWOT analysis inventorying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. How do you plan to transition your weaknesses into strengths? Threats into opportunities?

In two diferent paragraph give your personal opinion to  Samantha Jordan and Marla E. Stuck


Follow and Answer all the  steps and question with citation and reference NO PLAGIARISM.


I attach Materials Required

  1. Deepwater Student Handbook
  2. Reports of complete simulation rounds


-Review the reports of your performance in the first 4 regular rounds of the simulation.

Prepare a report describing the Deep-water simulation, including:

1- A discussion of the ethical challenges confronted. (The injuries and the weather)

  • A.       Confronted and incorporated the ethical issues presented in the simulation.
  • B.       Revised strategy as necessary to incorporate the ethical issues.
  • C.       Change or adapt the simulation strategy in light of the impact of the ethical challenges.


Create a PowerPoint presentation in which you analyze the global intercultural factors influencing business and technology dispersion throughout the world. You will give this presentation to your local city council as part of an out-brief from your community workgroup. Consider the following questions:

  • What are these intercultural factors that exist and how do they impact business and technology dispersion?
  • How do these factors determine the way we communicate, interpret and resolve conflict, and solve problems?
  • How has technology really strengthened the ability for organizations to be global partners?
  • How has technology been a barrier to globalization of business?
  • Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as “speaker notes” for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists. Support your presentation with at least five (5) scholarly resources.  In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.  Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate.

Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide).
Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide.


Over 72 million Americans are currently covered by Medicaid (along with coverage by the SCHIP programs), which makes Medicaid the single-largest source of health insurance coverage in the United States. Depending on income, children, pregnant women, parents, senior citizens, and individuals with certain disabilities are able to access the health care system for needed services. In this Case Assignment, benefits, eligibility, financing, and reimbursement levels will be examined – including how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act impacted the program. How do the economics of Medicare reimbursement levels vs. private insurance reimbursement levels affect health care systems and providers?

Case Assignment

Using the information in the required readings, as well as some additional research in peer-reviewed sources, complete your Case assignment by answering the following:

  1. Examine the benefits and eligibility of the Medicaid program. Who can be covered, and what are the specific income restrictions when qualifying via financial status? How did the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act change the income determination methodology?
  2. Describe how the Medicaid program is financed. How much do the individual states (including your home state) contribute?
  3. Determine how the average Medicaid reimbursement level specifically compares to the average reimbursement for private insurance. How can these reimbursement levels affect the bottom line at your facility?

Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.
  2. Provide a response of 3-5 pages, not including title page and references
  3. There are multiple required items to be addressed herein; please use subheadings to show where you are responding to each required item and to ensure that none are omitted.
  4. Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:


Will the internet and other devices increase in the future by putting the “secrecy” of the jury deliberation under threat?


In what situations would position-oriented staffing be preferable to talent-oriented staffing?


Phillips, J., & Gully, S. (2015). Strategic staffing. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.   Chapter Business and Staffing Strategies

At least 200 words


Most consumers and many in the industry do not know how delivery drivers are employed or remunerated. It may be eye-opening. Labor relations, legislation, unions, and wage issues are taking the spotlight as these jobs are becoming a crucial part of the supply chain.

Module 2: Week 1 Discussion Background Readings

Leaked Memos Show Instacart is Running a Union-Busting Campaign (2020)

How Much Does Instacart Pay? Find the New Instacart Pay Structure Here (2020)

Instacart Shoppers Plan a Series of Actions in Protest of Company’s Wage Practices (2019)

Factbox: California’s Gig Worker Law Could Sting ‘Last Mile’ Delivery (2019)

9 Postmates Tips to Earn More on Your Next Shift (2019)

7 Ways to Make More as an Amazon Flex Driver (2019)

Six Tips for Attracting (and Keeping) Distribution Labor (2019)

Amazon Flex Drivers Are Using Bots to Cheat Their Way to Getting More Work (2020)


Use this week’s background readings to understand the human resource implications of last mile delivery workers. Add at least one other recent resource for the post:

  • Provide guidance on the legal ramifications of last mile delivery.
  • Based on research, provide information on the two most critical human resource issues facing last mile delivery.


Some art experts say that Renaissance art is to modern art what  parents are to children. In other words, many of modern art’s basic  ideas, such as perspective and the use of objects of focus, stem from  the Renaissance masters. In this assignment, you will have the  opportunity to compare a piece of art from the Renaissance to a piece of  modern art. Your goal is to attempt to answer this question: What makes  one piece of art modern and another not?
Note: You may find it helpful to view the What Is Modern Art Sample Paper [DOCX]. You may not use  the language that appears in the sample paper in your paper. That is  considered plagiarism. Likewise, you will find it useful to refer to  your Week 2 discussion post as you complete this assignment.

Using the What Is Modern Art Template [DOCX],write a 2-page paper in which you:

  1. Select one of the Renaissance masterpieces and its artist from the National Gallery’s Tour: Renaissance Masterpieces and include a rationale for your selection (1/4 page).
    • Be sure to copy and paste an image of your selected  Renaissance masterpiece into your paper. The image is not included in  the required page count.
  2. Detail three major characteristics of Renaissance art according to the article, “What Are the Characteristics of Renaissance Art?” (1/2 page).
  3. Select a piece of modern art that appeals to you from anywhere  in the textbook and include the rationale for your selection (1/4  page).
    • Be sure to copy and paste an image of your selected piece of  modern art into your paper. The image is not included in the required  page count.
  4. Detail three major characteristics of modern art based on the Museum of Modern Art’s What Is Modern Art? web page (1/2 page).
    • Click on Tools & Tips: What Is Modern Art? in the upper right corner of the page and view the PowerPoint presentation.
    • Be sure to illustrate the characteristics of modern art by referencing the piece of modern art you selected from the textbook.
    • You may find it helpful to refer to the Renaissance and Modern Art Characteristics Chart [DOCX] as you write your paper.