Community Whole Child Model Health Coordinator Interview

 Community Whole Child Model Health Coordinator Interview


Imagine you will be interviewing for the role of School Health Coordinator for a small school district. They have provided you with the interview questions they might ask. Foundational to this interview is your knowledge about the Whole School Whole Community Whole Child model, also known as WSCC. Prepare your responses and connect with classmates about their responses.


To develop the following National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC) 2020 areas of responsibility and competency:

  • Area VIII: Ethics and Professionalism

To develop the following SOPHE 2019 Health Education Teacher Preparation Standards:

  • Standard 6: Professionalism



Use only the resources below to prepare your interview responses. There’s a lot of information about the Whole School Whole Community Whole Child model (also known as the WSCC model) out there so I’ve narrowed it down to the most reliable and the best fit for this activity.



Interview Questions

  1. What are the 5 tenets of the WSCC model?
    1. Resource: Pages 1-6 in The WSCC Model: A Guide to Implementation handbook
  2. What’s the connection between these tenets, Maslow’s hierarchy, and academic performance?
    1. Resource: Pages 1-6 in The WSCC Model: A Guide to Implementation handbook
  3. What are the 10 main components of the WSCC?
    1. Resource: Any listed on this assignment’s Resources list
  4. What research supports the WSCC model? Can you give us an example from a published research article?
    1. Resource: On the ASCD WSCC webpage, click on the link that takes you to research articles published in the Journal of School Health
  5. Select two WSCC components that resonate with you (you can’t pick Health Education or Physical Education…I want you to learn something new!). In your own words, describe these components and explain why they are important.
    1. Resource: Any listed on this assignment’s Resources list
  6. The two components you selected…what are some ideas for implementation?
    1. Resource: WSCC: Ideas for Implementation handbook.
  7. Why should school health be a collaborative approach?
    1. Resource: Pages 1-3 in the WSCC: A Collaborative Approach handbook
  8. What are the five suggested steps for implementing the WSCC model?
    1. Resource: The WSCC Model: A Guide to Implementation handbook
  9. What is the role of the School Health Coordinator in Step 1?
    1. Resource: The WSCC Model: A Guide to Implementation handbook


In preparation for your interview, write out your response to each interview question. The right length for interview answers is 30 seconds to 2 minutes and up to 3 minutes for scenario questions. Use the guidelines below to help you keep your responses to the right length.

  • Answers to simple factual questions should be the shortest. For instance, the answer to “Where did you get your Bachelor’s?” can be less than 30 seconds.
  • Answers to more complex or multi-layer questions like “What was your favorite project?” should be a minute and possibly up to two because you need to explain why it was your favorite.
  • A scenario or behavior question like “Give me an example of when you worked on a complicated project. Describe your approach to successfully completing that task” could take three minutes.

So how does this translate to text since you’ll write your responses? On average, one speaks 150 words per minute (WPM). So 30 seconds = 75 words, 2 minutes = 300 words, and 3 minutes = 450 words.

Discussion Posts

For your initial post

  1. List each question and share your answer.
  2. At the end of your answer provide the word count in brackets. Example: [157 words].
  3. Keep it tidy! Delete my directions and resource suggestions.
  4. Keep it conversational like you are speaking, but do cite sources! Use APA format like this:

Example 1: Blah blah blah (DASH, 2020). Blah blah blah (Steiner et al., 2019)


Example 2: According to DASH (2020), blah blah blah. Per Steiner et al. (2019), blah blah blah

For your response post

Connect with a classmate! Here are some ideas on how to do that:

  1. Tell your classmate what you learned from their post, citing specific examples


  1. Share a personal experience or another perspective that relates to what they wrote


  1. Ask a specific clarifying question.

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